Forest Fish

in #aer6 years ago

Another fun one for @VincentNijman , of him as a "forest fish". Pfft who am I kidding they're all fun XD

So the keywords were "forest fish" and he also wanted his bespectacled face on it. I'm not great at real people but gave it a shot, and also incorporated axolotl tail and feathery bits bcause that was the first thing that came to mind when we were talking about a fish that likes to go for long walks through the forest. What we have here is a river giant Selkie, probably 2.5m tall give or take, who loves going for long walks in the jungley areas beside his river. His eyes are better suited to underwater so he wears glasses when above.

I actually did a full process video (from posing 3d base to signature) but for whatever reason OBS couldn't see Blender moving so it just recorded and streamed an instance of the Blender window with the mouse moving erratically. So what's here is the Krita side of things compressed into about 4.5min.

And have a direct link in case the embed is failing

This post also appears on my blog.

Other crowd characters

Stuff to do

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt both the #teamaustralia channels (yes there's two now, the PAL one and a South Pacific one for Aus/NZ), Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


Incredibly likeness! It's me

You like the oceans and walking around in the forests too? :)


Yes I like both freediving in the ocean and jungle hiking

The Shape of Water has got nothing on this! It looks like The Asset's nerdy cousin. The Atlantic Urkel!

Kidding aside, the water-filled glasses seem functional. Does that extend to his gills as well? Also, are the clothes for aesthetic purposes only, or do they serve as armor of some kind? I like it when we get all technical with these.

Now I really have to see The Shape of Water! I hope that guy is a cool nerd though. I might wear glasses and be on Steemit, but I don't consider myself a nerd. I didn't know my glasses were filled with water, even though I often got watery eyes. Now I know why. And to answer the clothes question, I just wore them for this picture. I thought they looked cool.

Haha I haven't seen...much of anything lately so I had to look everything up XD

Nereids are the ones with gills, Selkies still breathe air (and like cetaceans can hold their breath for ages). The gilly bits are in his case more like cat whiskers, as he lives in a river it can occasionally get murky down in the depths so the whiskers help him navigate and identify what's around.

They may wear garments for "tradition" underwater, above water it's partly because everyone else still does and mostly to protect their skin as they're a bit more prone to dehydration and skin drying out. He really should be wearing longs but I figured there should be sufficient humidity where he is that short sleeves will be fine til he goes back in the water :)

I always thought getting technical with stuff like this was perfectly normal til I got told by a few people that I overthink things XD


The direct link didn't work either but forest fish made me smile. Bad ass in such a short time! Respect! I love creative people who do random stuff just for fun. That's real art! Much love

Ahh sorry the link didn't work, trouble with ipfs I guess, I'm currently the only one hosting it so it may be slow or unreachable (if you tried one of the few times the node is down).

Wasn't that quick, I spent a fair bit of time stuffing around with something XD

Thanks :D This isn't quite random either, there is an overarching purpose ;D


I want to hug him too!!!!
Hahaha I love these! Who is next?

He's just huggable isn't he XD

Next is a self-insert, at some stage something for the guy that still hasn't gotten back to me yet (may have to give them a poke!) and then we're back to upgoats and a couple of mascots.


You make really good artwork!
Oh my, look at that! I'll be next soon! :D

Thanks :)

Hopefully won't be too long!


Oh, by all means, take your time. ;D
How's Australia today?

For the entire country? All right I guess? The weather around my area wasn't too bad :)


Same here. We're slowly getting into the rainy season though.

Rain is good :D Unless you get enough to cause floods, then that's probably not so good.


Really like that lime green color on him. Makes me want to create something with that color pallet.

Working out foresty/rivery colours was fun, haven't done that for...ages! XD Thanks :) Hopefully I'll catch it if you do :D


You made my day! I am so happy to finally be confronted with my reincarnation(s), my inner animal. The glasses are beautiful, and I love how you explain their necessity. I am also happy with the muscled look that you gave me. It gives me an insight in how I would look if I would actually work out, instead of just typing on keyboards. In real life, my legs are definitely stronger than my arms but damn, I do look good with muscled arms. I love the tail, I love the head, the feathery, fish like parts growing out of it, as well as the feet and hands. I guess I finally fell in love with myself and it feels so good...

It's also great to see the process video, if there's something that I almost like more than art, it's getting some insight on how it's actually created. It makes me wonder.... who modelled for me here, or did you manage to find a full body nude of me online? ;>)

Anyhow, I love what you did here and I can't wait to show my inner creature to the world and to jazz up my future posts with it.

Thanks you so much. You're the best!

Un abrazo fuerte,


Oh wow, I'm not really sure how to respond to this, except for a somewhat lame "I'm really glad you like it so much" ^_^ (but that fear that I won't live up to expectations is a normal and constant one XD)

Hehe reincarnation, hey maybe, my thing is set a fair way in the future after all ;D LoL glad it made you love yourself, why would you not?

You post full body nudes online? Well entirely possible if you pose nude for one of the photographers I follow on dA XP

No worries, thanks for being a crowd character :D


This guy is awesomely awesome!
You've got a huge to do list there young lady... but I'm confident you'll wrestle through it with all the skills of a ninjaroo!

Thanks :D I really hope the person I did it for thinks so too x_x

The todo list is roughly half the size of what it was initially, getting there slowly XD


I really hope the person I did it for thinks so too x_x

he does :>)

Nice Ry. I like this one. Even though fish with legs and feet and not in the water are somewhat confusing to me.

Thanks ^_^ LoL, confused me for a bit too, that's why I decided he could be an axolotl XD (even though axolotls are amphibians not fish...technicalities!)


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