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RE: Forest Fish

in #aer6 years ago

You made my day! I am so happy to finally be confronted with my reincarnation(s), my inner animal. The glasses are beautiful, and I love how you explain their necessity. I am also happy with the muscled look that you gave me. It gives me an insight in how I would look if I would actually work out, instead of just typing on keyboards. In real life, my legs are definitely stronger than my arms but damn, I do look good with muscled arms. I love the tail, I love the head, the feathery, fish like parts growing out of it, as well as the feet and hands. I guess I finally fell in love with myself and it feels so good...

It's also great to see the process video, if there's something that I almost like more than art, it's getting some insight on how it's actually created. It makes me wonder.... who modelled for me here, or did you manage to find a full body nude of me online? ;>)

Anyhow, I love what you did here and I can't wait to show my inner creature to the world and to jazz up my future posts with it.

Thanks you so much. You're the best!

Un abrazo fuerte,



Oh wow, I'm not really sure how to respond to this, except for a somewhat lame "I'm really glad you like it so much" ^_^ (but that fear that I won't live up to expectations is a normal and constant one XD)

Hehe reincarnation, hey maybe, my thing is set a fair way in the future after all ;D LoL glad it made you love yourself, why would you not?

You post full body nudes online? Well entirely possible if you pose nude for one of the photographers I follow on dA XP

No worries, thanks for being a crowd character :D


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