AER crowd character: Pineapple Angel

in #aer7 years ago

I have long nicknamed @whatamidoing "pineapple" due to the avatar, and when I put out the call to see who wanted to make cameos as crowd character we were bantering back and forth about how I was going to do theirs a pineapple hairdo and they responded back something along the lines of "pineapple angel", which meant as far as I was concerned a fruity Avian.

There's no pineapple coloured birds that I'm aware of so I went with something parrotish and a crested eagle crest (actual feathers on the crest rather than the fine silky feathers that's more common for Avians).

Had to have him sunning his wings as I found out the hard way that Avians probably can't sit on the ground (but crouching seems to be all right from previous playing when I was rigging).

I love doing these XD

Let me know if I need to make amendments :)

This post also appears on my blog.

Other crowd characters

Stuff to do (in this order)

  • AER crowd character for @dolladu (in danger of being a mountain goat XD)
  • AER crowd character for @lordnigel (make a decision :D)
  • AER crowd character for @bmj (springboks are fun!)
  • Aurelius action shot for @jedau (what's in my brain may not be quite what you're expecting O_O)
  • AER crowd characer 2 for @aussieninja (self insert, maybe I should do this and Ninjaroo racing each other XD)
  • AER crowd character for @vincentnijman (I typo'd your name as cinvent so many times it wasn't even funny. I need to know what you want XD)
  • upgoats for Cae (if I don't find you here I'll have to chuck them to you on Discord)
  • mascot for @bmj
  • @tubcat illustration :D
  • @symphonyofechoes header (aieeee)
  • upgoats for @pangoli
  • mascot for @just2random
  • upgoats for @thecreativerebel

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt the #teamaustralia channel on PAL, Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


I think you got this spot on for a pineapple-head--turned-birdman.

Pineapple!!! yippee!!!

Making your art personal is a great idea!

Most of the things I do is personal :D


Hahahaha nice! I feel honored to have inspired a Devine pineapple angel. I will try to live up to this guy! Thank you

I think he's a pretty easygoing and cruisy kinda guy :D


classic piece of work. :) What is the red bit behind his back?

Thanks :D The red bit is his tail folded up and sticking straight out behind him (and probably still held up off the ground as they don't seem to like their feathers touching much of anything if they can help it (other people stroking them generally excepted depending on the person XD), it's a bit of an awkward angle :)



Love ur work riv!

Thanks! ^_^


I like the mohawk you have for @whatamidoing haha! Very punk rock yet still screams business casual. That is, if you're in the business of being awesome.

Nothing in your brain is ever quite what I'm expecting, but that's the fun of it! We'll shape the story from what you come up with, mate :D

LoL punk rock yet business casual! XD I suppose it could work, they're a bit less judgemental with things like hair in those days. And as @whatamidoing is indeed in that business I'm glad you think it works :D

Haha well we'll see what happens. I don't know how "actiony" you wanted, I was trying to get into the middle of some action but got dumped at the tail end instead. Hopefully won't take too long to get to it :)


Definitely excited for it!! I'm good with whatever action. Aurelius is flexible like that haha!

I love it as it is. And even your upgoat/resteem/follow characters are awesome. Followed/upgoated :)

Haha thank you thrice over :D


I love your style! and I'm not saying that because it's Valentine's day. This perfectly fits whatamidoing and I really dig your writing style too. It's so unique.

Talking about my crowd character - let me think - does it need to be one animal? what about a mix?

I often say that I was probably a fish in a former life as I love to be close to water and I'm always thirsty but fish are kind of common on here.

What about some kind of walking fish? As I love walking as much as I like water. You know what, I can't make up my mind. Let's chat about it soon on Discord

P.S. I still find 'cinvent' funny and I'm not even trying to type your name, I just copy paste it, when I need it.

LoL thanks :D

Anything that isn't a Base human is technically a mix (humans are animals XD) what did you have in mind? The Nereids (stereotypical merfolk) can't actually come out of the water for long periods (I think the ones that live closer to the surface can hold their breath and poke their heads up for a bit). The Selkies (which seems to cover everything from seals and sea lion Evolved all the way through to whales) might be a better fit, they can still walk around on land easily enough but dehydrate easily and love the water, and being in water frequently is better for their skin anyway.

Ping me whenever and I'll get back to you when I can :)

LoL yeh my nym is probably not very good for searchability or even basic remembering XD


Thanks for your reply!

A year ago, when I was still living on the canary islands, a friend and I were in a forest and we started talking about (the kind of) animals (that we would be). There was a moment when she mentioned the word forest fish, after I had probably told her how I both loved the sea/ water and forests. She added that would be a cool title for a book.

Perhaps you could make me into a 'Forest Fish'.

P.S. Could you give that creature my head with glasses:


I'll see what I can come up with :D

Maybe something not quite as terrifying as some of the river monsters I encountered when I Google image searched for "forest fish", unless you want to be this hulking terrifying creature with a friendly smile and glasses XD


Haha! cool! Most people who've met/ known me, would call me anything but terrifying or hulking ;>)

Oh wow!!! That's quite a to to list!! These characters a turning out really nicely!!

And that's just the fun stuff ;D Thanks ^_^


Amazing Art's 💓 picture

Thank you :)


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