[2x SBI Giveaway] What was the teacher you loved most? Why? ๐Ÿคช Actifit Report Card: marzo 28 2019

in #actifit โ€ข 5 years ago (edited)
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Thank you so much for the contest and the SBI!

I love SBI!!

Comment rewards

2x SBI Units
(SBI Token design by @thekittygirl)

The winners of this @steembasicincome giveaway (following @contestkings rules) are @steemstreems and @marvyinnovation


Many thanks to the 19 players!
@definethedollar @moncia90 @dosh @pedrocanella @wesphilbin @leonardzappi @joelai @sgbonus @cloudblade @tussar11 @actifit @drago18121996 @stever82 @pataty69 @steevebot @fitinfun @bluengel @ marvyinnovation @vibesforlife

Congraaaaaaats to winners ! :) โ™ฅโ™ฌโ™ฌ

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Thanks for participating, @bluengel... come again: you are always welcome!

thanks ! :) โ™ฅ

May the Steem โ™จ Force B with Us ! ๐Ÿ’™ โ™ฌโ™ฌ

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Thank you @amico for the shout out!

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@amico, thanks for the @steembasicincome giveaway.

My heartfelt congratulations to @steemstreems for winning this SBI Giveaway.

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My question today is:
What was the teacher you loved most? Why? ๐Ÿคช
Tell me about your experience in a comment or link me an article from your blog. Thank you!

Wonderful contest my friend...

I was going to college many years ago, to be an Environmental Science Teacher. Though I didn't complete my degree, I met a gentleman from Japan. Jerry Masuda; he was my math teacher... originally born in Japan, came to the United States. What drew me to him was his condition; he had been a guitarist in an up and coming band. One night while sitting atop one of the pyrotechnics tuning his guitar... it went off on accident. He was in intensive care for many, many months. Had to learn how to talk, walk, eat again. His entire body was a skin graft (the explosion blew him in the air, into the upper scaffold of the arena), so needless to say, he "looked" quite un-human. But I have always been a person to "never judge a book by its cover"...

He was the first teacher that taught math, that allowed me to "get it"... and I hated math. This was in Kansas City, Mo; while walking through the hallway of the college one day, talking with Mr. Masuda, one of the well-known television anchormen was conducting a piece on the conditions there (I believe his name was Phil Witt)... anyway. As we are walking, I see Phil and all of a sudden, Mr. Masuda hollers out, "Phil!"... in response, I hear, "Jerry!" and I thought to myself, "who doesn't he know!".

Mr. Masuda explained that, besides his love for music, his second love was math... he invited me over to his house, fixed traditional and American Japanese food... we talked about things he had experienced growing up, from feeling the negative effects of discrimination, to how he volunteered to sit and talk with AIDS patients at the local hospital. He had to wear special gloves and protective clothing to be around these patients but to him... this was "giving back"

Sadly... I started meeting old friends I used to work with. Started skipping classes, and partying rather than going to class (ah the silly mistakes of growing up). I lost contact with Mr. Masuda, but to this day think about the positive influence he left on me. This is a very good contest; the importance of teachers, professors, is a very important thing to keep in mind. If we don't have "instructors" who truly care... surely our future will be a dismal and un-educated reality. Thank you @amico for the opportunity to share this moment in time...

ย 5 years agoย (edited)

Thank you very much for the chapter of your life you just shared with us: awesome!

My favorite teacher of all time was Herr Ross...little German guy with a mustache (not that kind) who taught me several years of German. I liked him because he was strict, no bullshi*, but fair and would poke fun at you a bit...we took a trip to Germany with him and that was super fun...getting drunk with your teacher โ˜บ๏ธ

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Yeah, he has been a great teacher. Thanks for participating, mate!

Have a good night!

I loved my Hindi Teacher the most. Hindi is a native Indian language and the teacher who taught me this language in 8th grade was the one I loved the most and I am still thankful that the angel teacher came into my life.

Reason : I used to be very good in academics but not good enough. I would come up on 4th or 5th place in every grade. One day out of nowhere, my Hindi teacher (her name was Usha Singla ), said to me "Why don't you try harder? You can come first. You are so talented, just try a little harder, I know you have to be the first one."

It was as if the Lord came down to say it to me and I worked harder each day. Everyone around was surprised when I suddenly scored first position in next term rather than fourth or fifth. After eighth grade, I was the first in all other grades after that. I topped in High school too. I still wonder how a teacher's belief changed me completely and for the better.

Thanks for sharing with us your wonderful experience, @vibesforlife!

It is always very pleasant to meet people who can motivate you and improve your level of esteem.

On which feeling did him work to make you work harder?

It was a she :P
She used to tell me everyday that you can do better but you are not trying.
I somehow took her very seriously and it changes my life.

I had a wonderful Algebra teacher in College and took all three required classes with him. He was near to retirement and very passionate about the subject. He was so patient and would help you in any way needed so you could succeed. I worked through many difficult topics with his help.

I was an accountant in my career and actually used a lot of my algebra over the years. When I would could to a topic I needed to look up, I would be reminded of how he taught it and than be able to complete my task. This turned out to be very valuable since many people lack understanding of this type of math and cannot do it.

Hi @fitinfun,

How do you do? How is your son @bxlalphabet? Please convey my regards to him.

I read about your Algebra teacher. Actually, these sort of dedicated teachers are very hard to find. You are very lucky to get one of that rarest breed.

"..... up, I would be reminded of how he taught... "

This itself is a testimony to his standards. Hats off to him. Are you still in touch with him @fitinfun? Just asking......

Thank you very much for sharing info about a very talented teacher with us.

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He was my teacher in the early 1980's and near retirement at that time .I think he is gone now to a better place. I sure was lucky to know him.

My son has been doing much better, and hasa home now, but he was just robbed at gunpoint tonight! I'm so worried. He is alone with ptsd already and after two sentences he is gone from the computer now. Praying, praying, praying.

Hi Sharon,

"I sure was lucky to know him."

Yes, you are.....

".....but he was just robbed at gunpoint tonight! I'm so worried. He is alone with ptsd already..... "

Please, don't feel anxious. Who said he is alone?

The Almighty is there with him. He will take care of him and there is no second thought about it. Furthermore, I will keep both of you in my prayers.

I sincerely believe that your son has the capability to overcome all of these stumbling blocks and convert them into STEPPING STONES.

I pray to the Almighty to shower His choicest blessings and fill your lives with good health, peace of mind, everlasting happiness, wealth and prosperity.

Thanks & Regards,

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Thank you for your prayers, @marvyinnovation. God is there.

I have been basically a professional student and had many "favorite" teachers, but if I have to pick one it was Dr. Robbins.

I was a science major in college, but always had an interest in religion. I went to a Christian college. Signed up for a course on Revelations thinking it would be interesting. In walks a man who was 80 or so, spry and happy as if he was 40.

I have never met a person more passionate about teaching and seeking truth in my life. He was effervescent and fascinating, he taught all the different variations of interpretations about the book of Revelations, but never preached. He was single-handedly the most intelligent and enthusiastic teacher I ever had (saying a lot because I have spent my entire adult education life surrounded by very smart people - 1% ers).

I am sure he is long dead and gone as that was over 30 years ago, but I still think fondly of him and remember, not so much the class content but the critical thinking skills, life lessons, joy, and wisdom he shared.

Critical thinking skills is certainly the best gift anyone can receive.
Thank you for reminding your dear friend!

A huge hug

La scuola per me รจ stato un qualcosa dalla doppia valenza: alcune materie le amva, mentre altri non le sopportavo proprio, voglio essere onesto! L'insegnante che ho preferito e che solo in quinta superiore ho amato รจ sto il mio professore di Italiano e Latino. Da sempre sono stato un amante delle materie scientifiche, ma questo insegnante non mi ha solo formato dal punto di vista scolastico, ma anche umano. Un uomo che ha sempre saputo usare il bastone e la carota, sempre a fin di bene per i suoi studenti: un 4 in un compito in classe non era sinonimo di punizione, ma di un insegnamento profondamente motivato. Un pessimo voto era la giusta base per un voto piรบ alto, che senza la sua base sarebbe stato debole come un gigante dai piedi in argilla.
Ancora oggi conservo, appeso alla parete della mia camera, una cornice con un documento testuale che ci regalรฒ l'ultimo giorno di scuola.
Grazie @amico per farmi ripercorrere questi piacevoli eventi passati๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

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Grazie dell'interessante commento, Moncia: ottima spiegazione!

Ti auguro una felicissima notte!

My English teacher in Primary school, because she is elegance and graceful, a role model for all the girls!

Oh, very good!
What's her name?

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Mrs Hew! ๐Ÿ˜Š

So, thanks to Mrs. Hew, perfect example of elegance and gracefulness! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Yup, indeed!

This is easy: It is my master: Emiliano Souza. Because he practically saved my life.

Please tag me in your next blog chapters about him: thank you!

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