Sndbox Summer Camp Photography Quest - Final Compilation

This was just awesome!

I made it to the finish with the Sndbox Summer Camp Quest. This was a crazy week for me, but a nice kind of crazy. As you all saw, i entered the Quest from @sndbox 7 days ago and this was such a nice journey.

The tasks were so good, it really made me go through lots of styles of photography that i did not experiment for so long and this made me want to do more. It also made me go out my comfort zone with the video i had to make on the street.

I am so glad that i had the chance to apply for the summer camp. I learned so much in this week and i realized once again that photography is what i love and it is the thing that makes me do anything to achieve my goals.

Now i will make a compilation of all the tasks i had to execute to be eligible for this competition. Hope you will enjoy. Also, thank you all for the support you have showed me during this Quest. I am so grateful!

Task One - Make a post about your journey

Here you can find my journey in photography, how i started, how i got thru all the bumps on the road to the present time. click here for the post


As i did not have much money, i only bought a point-n-shoot, a bad one. Took some photos, but i immediately felt that i needed more. Catalin, i guess, felt my need and gave me my first FILM CAMERA, a ZENIT 11, russian made. It was a dream come true, the camera was a tank, a beautiful monster. I started taking photos with it and it felt so good. We started going out more and more, with the whole community, and this was such a nice era in my photography grow.

Task Two - Make a Video

In the second task we had to make a video, recording myself on the street, in a crowded place. Well, this was just crazy for me. I am a very nervous person, but i managed to do it. It was such a great experience!


I find that this is a great opportunity for me and my future projects on steemit. I want to grow some great photography initiatives and i really think that @sndbox is a great community and it has so much to offer.

Task Three -Take Some Shots

In the next task we had to take some shots from different types of photography. This was simply awesome, it really made me go crazy with ideas and really had me organize my week in such a way that i could get this to the finish. The styles i chose were:

  • Macro Photography
  • Portrait Photography
  • Street photography
  • Flat lay Photography
  • High Speed Photography

Here are the main photos form every one of them and the links to the posts:


click here for the post

Today was a really weird day, talking about the weather. We had a bad Freezing rain. Bad because all the nature started blooming and this will certainly affect their grow and also all the fruit tree crops and so on. I just had to document this and i went out for some photos. As i knew macro was up for the @sndbox Quest, it was just perfect to use my Helios 44m-2.


click here for the post

Initially i wanted to go out to take some street shots and also to get a cup of coffee with my girlfriend. We walked the streets of Bucharest and we stopped to buy a latte from a local coffee shop. Outside the shop there were these "Christmas Lights" and i taught it will be a great opportunity to make the Portrait for the @sndbox Quest also.


click here for the post

As i said in my last post, yesterday i went out on the street of Bucharest to take some street shots for the @sndbox Quest. It was freezing, about -5 Celsius and the wind was kinda bad also, making my hand stuck to the camera. But this is not about me, the photo above is about homeless people that freeze in this conditions. I guess this is an international issue, but in Romania there are so few organizations that try to do something about it.

flat lay.png

click here for the post

This is not my first time that i play with the flat lay photography style. As i said in previous posts, i started food photography. So this was just up my alley. I taught so much about this photo i needed to make for @sndbox Quest, and i wanted to make something fresh, colorful and with great vibrancy.


high speed.png

click here for the post

I was so exited to try and make some high-speed photography, i did not do this type for so long, maybe like 4-5 years. Initially i wanted to go at a studio and use a complex light setup, but all the studios i usually rent were fully booked. That is how i taught of using my only light in the house :))

Task Four - Make a compilation post

So, here we are. This is the compilation post and above you have all my Tasks i had to make. Hope you enjoyed this ride as much as i did.

It was truly an honor to participate in this and also i was so exited to see so many good photographer enter this Quest. Good luck to all of them and let's hope we will see each other in the Summer Camp!

Have a great day guys and gals!


Very interesting challenge and great work! 8))

@victorcovrig Wow, this contest is very complete. the task seems to form a storyline of a photographer. I like the way the guidelines are listed. It is clear and precise.
I heard about Sndbox but dont not what it does. Can you explain to me please ?
Good luck to you

Hey there! First of all thank you for the kind words :D @sndbox is an incubator. You can find more info on their page.

thanks for the response and information on @sndbox. I heard the use off their tag is limtied to their members only or they will flag you ?
Anyway, I just followed you so that I get your psot feed as I wanted to pick up photography

Ti-am dat follow

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Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

I think you did a great job! :) For all the different genres... quite a self challenge!

Thank you so much! :D

Congratulations on making it to the end! I have so enjoyed reading about your journey, and i have so enjoyed your photography! Good Luck!

Thanks! Congrats to you too! Such a great challenge for all of us!

Great photography :-) Hopefully we meet at the campfire at SndBox .
Cheers, Ruben.

Hey there! Thank you and congrats to you too. See you at the campfire :))

@rubencress what is that campfire you mentioned ?

Your photography portfolio is incredible, especially the last photo! Talents!
Congratulations on winning the challenge too!

Wow, thank you for the kind words! Have a great day!

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