Sndbox Summer Camp Photography/Filmmaking - Task "Take some shots" - Macro Photography

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

I am continuing the @sndbox Photography Quest. If you don't know what i am talking about, you should really read this:

Another task of the Photography Quest is to take some shots from different types of photography. The one that i am beginning with is Macro Photography.

Today was a really weird day, talking about the weather. We had a bad Freezing rain. Bad because all the nature started blooming and this will certainly affect their grow and also all the fruit tree crops and so on.

I just had to document this and i went out for some photos. As i knew macro was up for the @sndbox Quest, it was just perfect to use my Helios 44m-2.

I am a natural light fanatic, so all the photos were made using the light available from the sun, thru the clouds. This really gives a natural feel to the photos and is perfect for my personal style. Usually, in this situation, try and play with the light from different angles and try and find the perfect spot for your desired style.

As i said before, i used the Helios lens, which is just perfect for soft and gloomy Macro shots. Being a full manual focus lens, you really need to be careful and focus the right thing. This lens is not the sharpest, but this is exactly what makes it special.

Using this lens will take an M42 adaptor, you can find them on eBay at good prices and there are available for lots of different camera mounts. I am using an M42 to Nikon one. Be careful, there are adaptors that let you focus to infinity, having a lens on the adaptor, and adaptors that let you focus just around 2-3 meters. I am using the second one, with no lens, because i use this just for macro and close-up portraits.

In the end, macro photography is about detail and delicate photos. I edited them just a little from the RAW file, only a little contrast and vibrance. My lens has some chromatic aberations, but i love them, they give you the old feel of the lens.

Here are the photos, hope you will enjoy:




Nikon D300sHelios 44m-2ISO 200 - F2 - exp 1/320

This is my ORIGINAL CONTENT. If you like it, resteem, comment and upvote. Thank you!


Good series! Like it :) Succes!

excellent shot! congrats dear friend :)

Thank you @artzim :D So glad you like them

Great series of images! really like the second one, I guess that new lens really pays off :)

Hehe, the lens is so good, really recommend it! Thank you man!

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