Sndbox Summer Camp Photography/Filmmaking - Task "Take some shots" - High Speed Photography

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

Fifth part of the "Take some shots" @sndbox Photography Quest. If you don't know what i am talking about, you should really read this:

Another task of the Photography Quest is to take some shots from different types of photography. This time i made the High Speed Photography task.


Nikon D300s50mm 1.8ISO 800 - F3.5 - exp. 1/1600

About the photo above

I was so exited to try and make some high-speed photography, i did not do this type for so long, maybe like 4-5 years. Initially i wanted to go at a studio and use a complex light setup, but all the studios i usually rent were fully booked.

That is how i taught of using my only light in the house :)) As i said, i have a 2 lights setup, but one of them is at a friend. So, i used the only one available and also remembered i had some fruits left from my photo yesterday. I went out and got a sparkly wine bottle and all my setup was ready for the photo.

"The photograph itself may be taken in a way as to appear to freeze the motion" - as stated by the Wikipedia page here

I shot so many variations of this, but finally a minimal and close-up style was the best, in my opinion. I will post 2 more shots at the end of the post, to make an idea.

The technical part

For this photo i used my KAISER light (i spoke about this in my last post, highly recommend it), a background i made at a local print shop (A2 dimmension) and my trusty D300s with the all-around 50mm 1.8.

I want to talk a little about the 50mm 1.8. As you saw from all my @sndbox Quest posts, it seemed i made a "Use only this lens Challenge", that shows what a beast the 50 can be. If you don't have it, buy it!

As i forgot to take some photos for the making of, i will just put a light-diagram of the setup i used:


For this type of photography you really have to use your "Continuous shooting mode" and set it on the max speed that your camera supports. This will let you shoot multiple shots in a quick succession and will let you capture things like in the photo above.

I edited the RAW files a little, more contrast, more light and vibrancy. After that i just applied a little vignette to make the glass pop, and that's it.

As i promised, here are two more photos from the shooting:


Nikon D300s50mm 1.8ISO 800 - F3.5 - exp. 1/1600


Nikon D300s50mm 1.8ISO 800 - F3.5 - exp. 1/1600

This is my ORIGINAL CONTENT. If you like it, resteem, comment and upvote. Thank you!


fantastic high speed pix
thanks for providing your settings
as well as insights on how you created these shots
so we can use it as reference ourselves :)
my fave in this post is the first one
wuv the way the liquid shoots up
as the berries descend into the glass

Thank yous so much for the comment :D Glad to hear the info is useful :)

Beautiful picture and nice description
Keep it up friend

Thank you so much!

Good job with the splash! I have yet to do that one, and it's been a while since I did high speed shots. This is such good incentive to stretch ourselves!

Hey! Yes, this Quest really made me do things i did not to for so long and it really helps me remember lots of techniques.

It’s a good thing to be able to handle different techniques. We can get too set in our ways trying to find a niche!

I would love to try this one day... No lights at the moment, no right lens and only ever used my continuous shooting for the birds flying past my front window! Lol...

I am sure you will have the occasion! Try and discover your camera and your gear :D

Thank for the tutorial, my friend! Very useful. This is another way to think a little bit outside the box. Nice!
By the way, the drink looks delicious and refreshing!

Thanks @agniese! So glad you like it!

Hi! Thank you for using the #adsactly tag - I couldn't find you in our server, is your discord name different?

Hey there. I am not in the discord, am i allowed to use the tag? If not i will stop :) i saw such good and quality content on your page and i taught your readers can find this interesting

wow ce tare! n-am mai vazut asa ceva...foarte foarte misto! :D

Ha! Ma bucur ca iti place :D

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