Steemit Crypto Academy Weekly Update #11 [ April 26th, 2021 ]

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

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The Steemit Crypto Academy is now into the third week of Season 2.

The number of homework posts being submitted each week is becoming quite overwhelming.

It is great to see the number of genuine homework posts growing so strongly.

It is not so great however to see the number of plagiarists and content farmers continuing to grow as well.

To help curb these malpractices we have introduced two new voting rules regarding minimum Reputation level, and powering down.

We welcome everyone, with honest intentions, to participate and learn with the Crypto Academy.

The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses - Week 11

These are the courses for Week #11…

@abcallen [ China ]

This week Professor @Abcallen’s lesson is an introduction to the operation of blockchain wallets and exchanges.

The homework task involves writing a post demonstrating the buying and selling of STEEM or TRX on an exchange.

@alphafx [ Nigeria ] - assisted by @levycore [ Indonesia ]

This week Professor @Alphafx is looking at trading and holding cryptocurrencies.

The homework task involves writing about what type of wallet you use, and also demonstrating how to do spot trading for any pair of your choice.

@imagen [ Venezuela ] - assisted by @pelon53 [ Venezuela ]

This week Professor @Imagen is exploring Blockchain Projects.

The homework task involves creating your own fictional blockchain project including a whitepaper and roadmap.

@sapwood [ India ] - assisted by @fendit [ Argentina ]

This week Professor @Sapwood is all about JustLend.

The homework task covers a practical exploration with set tasks of using JustLend and jTokens.

@yousafharoonkhan [ Pakistan ] - assisted by @stream4u (India)

This week Professor @Yousafharoonkhan is investigating decentralized and centralized exchanges, how to use Uniswap and the best cryptocurrency exchanges.

The homework task involves answering questions about the differences between decentralized and centralized systems, and practical tasks on using Metamask and Uniswap.

@yohan2on [ Uganda ] - assisted by @kouba01 [ Tunisia ]

This week Professor @Yohan2on is looking at designing a cryptocurrency investment portfolio.

The homework task involves building your own investment portfolio of at least 6 cryptocurrencies.

Homework Guidelines

We are keen to ensure that all contributions to the Steemit Crypto Academy are of as high a standard as possible.

While the Crypto Professors may set specific requirements for some of their homework tasks we would suggest all students follow these basic guidelines…

  • Title the post with the format - Crypto Academy Week 11 - Homework Post for [name of Crypto Professor] …
  • Homework posts should be at least 300 words
  • All work should be your own - plagiarism will not be tolerated
  • Any graphs, screenshots, quotes etc used from other sources should be fully referenced
  • Any images used should be from copyright-free sources and fully referenced
  • Homework posts should include the tag #cryptoacademy and any tag specifically required by the Crypto Professor in the first five tags. It will also be good to include a tag for your country.
  • Tag the relevant Crypto Professor to help them find your homework post.

Please make sure you send your homework posts into the Crypto-Academy community…

Homework posts should be submitted no later than 11.59pm UTC, on Saturday, May 1st 2021. Note this is one day earlier than usual.

Please check each Professor’s post carefully for any special instructions they have given for their homework task. Once you have completed your homework post make sure you leave a link on the Professor’s post to ensure they see it.

Following all these guidelines carefully will help you gain higher vote rewards for your homework posts.

New Voting Rules for Season 2

To encourage people to do more research and put more effort into producing higher quality homework posts @steemcurator02 will now only be voting on posts that achieve a grade of 5 out of 10 or above from the Professor.

Additionally to discourage ‘content farming’ from multi-accounts set up purely to harvest votes from the Crypto Academy @steemcurator02 will only consider giving votes on homework posts submitted by people with reputations of 50 or above.

If you are new to Steem we suggest you join the Newcomers Community and do the Achievement Tasks there to get to know the platform and build up your reputation before joining the Crypto Academy…

To further discourage content farmers who commonly power down and cash out on a continual basis we will not, at our discretion, be voting on any posts from authors who are powering down.

The Steemit Crypto Academy community

The Crypto Academy community is ONLY for posts to do with the courses being run by the Crypto Professors…

Alongside the course posts from the Crypto Professors, the only other posts in the Steemit Crypto Academy community should be homework posts for the tasks set by the professors.

Please do not post general crypto related posts now in the Steemit Crypto Academy Community. Any non-Academy posts may be muted.

We hope as many of you as possible will join in with the Steemit Crypto Academy courses and do the homework tasks set by the Crypto Professors. You are free to follow as many of the courses as you want.

In this second season of the Academy we will be putting a greater emphasis on improving the quality of the homework posts.

We will also be putting even more resources into curbing plagiarism, content farming and other abuse.

We are keen for the Steemit Crypto Academy to provide a high quality learning opportunity for those willing to put in the effort to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world of cryptocurrencies.

Thank you

The Steemit Team


Hello, excuse me if I leave my post here from week 3 in steemit crypto academy, it is that my post last week was not rewarded, if I am wrong to leave my post here, let me know so I won't do it again.

hello i am new in steemit and i wish to learn more about crypto currency

I recommend that you follow @steemitblog to be aware of the steemit Crypto Academy contests.I also recommend taking a look at the hashtag #steemitcryptoacademy every Sunday they will be giving homework that we must do.

If you do not know anything about crypto there you will gradually learn some fundamental aspects of this fascinating cryptographic world.

But first of all, make your presentation in Newcomers Community and complete the verification steps there, you can choose to obtain a 500 SP delegation that will help you take a step forward on the platform.

By the way, place a photo on your profile, you can do it where it says settings on your blog.

Thanks so much I appreciate

Excelente pero que revisen en orden por favor, el profesor @levycore corrije al azar, corrijiendo a los que estaban después de mi y hasta ahora no me ha calificado está tarea. a demás de otra que tengo sin ser curada

No siempre te votaran las tarea realizada ya que hay muchas publicaciones en Steemit Crypto Academy que buscan ser recompensado por su trabajo algunos correr con la suerte de ser votados, como hay usuarios que no corren con la misma suerte así su calificación este por encima de 8 puntos y entiendo que a lo mejor te siente frustrada ya que estas tarea llevan tiempo e investigación para realizarla y duele ver que nuestra publicaciones quedan en cero pero así es este ecosistema, solo tenemos que ser constante y seguir perseverando hasta que alguien se fije en nuestro talento.

Es así? Pensé que recompensaban el esfuerzo de todos los participantes que aprobaban la tarea. Eso si que es desalentador!! Bueno, hay que ver el lado positivo. Estamos aprendiendo. Al menos yo esto viendo con más claridad este universo de las criptomonedas.

The posts are very nice and instructive. I liked it very much, but unfortunately I cannot attend. Because the reputation limitation, which was 45 last week, was 50 this week. I am trying to raise my reputation score rapidly. I think I am successful. but 50 reputation points is too much for me. I think I will do good homework for professors on this platform where I can show myself and make good posts. I would appreciate it if you rearrange the 50 reputation points rule. Of course I love steemit despite everything. Thank you in advance for your interest.
@steemcurator02, @sapwood, @yohan2on, @abcallen, @alphafx, @kouba01, @fendit, @imagen, @pelon53, @yousafharoonkhan, @levycore

I see your reputation is 50, I think you are ready to perform some tasks at the academy.

I understand but there is a homework of mine that has not been corrected by @levycore and is about to expire. I advise you to correct orderly without skipping homework.

 3 years ago 

Good day, nice post. My work for Professor @stream4u expires tomorrow and it still hasn't been curated. Below is link

Excelente oportunidad esta semana seguir aprendiendo, una sugerencia es que creo que se podría mejorar el método de sistema de calificación en base quizás a 10 todos por igual, por ejemplo la gramática para algunos es en base a (1) para otros es (2) o 1,5. También he visto algunas personas con una calificación de mas de 5 y no son visitados por los curadores siendo de reputación más de 50 .

Otra sugerencia es que seria bueno que la Crypto Academia de Steemit tenga discord para comunicarnos con los profesores, aclarar dudas y soltar el enlace en el canal, hay veces debemos esperar mucho tiempo para que el profesor responda el comentario, necesitamos comunicación así podemos aprovechar el tiempo .

Hi there @steemitblog and @steemcurator02, here is my another Homework tasks who is in 5th day today but don't get rewarded yet which is already checked and rated with 9/10 rating by the Professor. Again please have a look at to my homework tasks before it payouts. Thanks and God Bless 😇

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