Crypto Academy Season 2 Lesson 10 - Week 2 Homework Task Article for Professor @levycore| Topic: An Introduction to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Hello Everyone and Have a Blessed day to all Crypto Students and Professors!!!

The Week 2 of Steemit Crypto Academy has been doing great and I really enjoyed the topics being discussed by the professors. Now, in support of the academy here is my homework tasks article for the lesson discussed by Prof. @levycore which is all about the Introduction to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with the tasks given as follows;

Homework task:

Describe one popular project that uses NFT



One of the trend Crypto products nowadays is Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's) which has been a big hit in almost all projects in the Crypto World. It is a new phenomenal cryptocurrency that goes mainstream and been adopted by several blockchains Now, what we are going to do here is to discuss briefly what is Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's) and will discuss a popular project that uses NFT.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's)?

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's) are tokens that uses a Proof of Ownership protocol which means a peice of digital things which you can't usually hold in your hand like a piece of digital art, a digital coupon, videos and more. This digital things can be traded in almost all popular Cryto Exchanges in the world. To give an example of a Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's), I will discuss one of the latest project currently launhed in the market and this is Alien Worlds with its's native utility token Trilium (TLM).



Alien Worlds is a simualtion or digital game where players are tasks to compete to mine Trilium (TLM) Tokens. The players will colaboating from each other through competition and this achieved by incentivizing them with the Trilium (TLM) Tokens. This is required in the Alien Worlds eco-system to control Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (“Planet DAOs”). The game will allow each players to acquire NFT's tools (digital game items) to mine Trilium (TLM) Tokens, engage in the game's battles, and complete in-game quests.

Trilium (TLM) Use Cases

Trilium (TLM) Tokens is a ERC-20, BEP-20, and WAX type of tokens. Each utility tokens of a project has its uses cases, now here are the major use cases of Trilium (TLM) Tokens.

1. Planet Governance - The benefits of having Trilium (TLM) Tokens holders who stake it will participate in the governance of planets and other potential rewards.
2. Staking - Stake TLM in the selected Planet and mine TLM and NFT's.
3. Gameplay Incentives - As an active player of the game, players wmay earn TLM as a reward in the ecp-system and in the development of the game.
4. Purchase NFTs - Players may purchase minted NFT's in the game to mine more TLM Tokens, engage in the game's battle and others in-game quests.

How to Get Started on Alien Worlds

Now, let us discuss more on Alien World and discover how to mine Trilium (TLM) Tokens. To get started, we must have first an account on WAX Cloud Wallet this is done by registering on this site, Click here to Register.



You can manually register using your email address, username and password or just use any of the Social Media and services available in the platform to login. After you login either of the following, you will now automatically have a WAX Cloud Wallet to be use to login on Alien Worlds. Next step is to login to Alien Worlds using this link, Click here



After you have login using your prefered process, you will now be automatically have an account on Alien World. Since I have already an account, I can't show more the details but for new players, you will be chooing what player are you either a male or female and choose an avatar. The avatar will also be a minted NFT together with other digital tools needed in the game. You will also have a free tool to used to mine Trilium (TLM) Tokens which is a Shovel.


This shovel is an NFT's to use in mining TLM Tokens but this will only give you less mining power. If you want to get more mining power, you can purchase other minted NFT tools like Glavor Discs, Localised Attractor and more. You can also purchase other minted NFT's items in the game under Land, Tools, Weapons, Avatars, Minions and Artifacts. But here in my account I only have 1 free shovel to mine that is why, I have only mined less TLM.

How to mine Trilium (TLM)

Now, let us discuss how to mine Trilium (TLM) Tokens with my 1 free shovel mining tool.


The 1 free Shovel mining tool will only give you arroung 0.01-0.02 TLM Tokens but it will take every 3 minutes interval to mine. This will only change if you add other equipment to mine TLM by purchaing it in the market. To mine TLM just follow this simple steps;

  • Select a Planet to where you want to mine TLM. There are 3 planets to choose whicha are Eyeke, Kavian and Magor.


  • Select a tool or equipment to mine TLM Tokens. Since I only have 1 free Shovel, I will use it as my tool.


  • After you have successfully selected a planet and a tool/equipment to mine TLM Tokens, it is now ready to mine TLM by just clicking on the Mine Button. They you will now automatically mine TLM Tokens and wait until it is ready for you to claim it.



Now that your mining process is just started, just wait for it to be available to claim maybe arround a minute or more depending on the tools and planet you have choosen. In my example, after only a few minutes it is now time to claim my mined TLM Tokens.



After you click claim, you have successfully claim the TLM toknes you have mined and can bow be seen on you Alien Worlds Wallet and on WAX Cloud Wallet.



The Trilium (TLM) tokens has been successfully saved on my WAX Cloud Wallet and can now be traded on some ofthe famous exchanges like on Alcor Exchange and on the following;


Everything is done and it is that simple to mine TLM Tokens on Alien Worlds for just having a 1 free shovel in registering on Alien Worlds using WAX Cloud Wallet. Hopefully this simple tutorial will hepl everyone who wants to try .


As Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT's) nowadays is a trend there is also risks unto to it that is why before in dwelling with it, be sure to know what exactly the project all about and read all important informations and news about it. Always be a researcher with all the projects you want to dwell with and remember to understand it will. Hopefully all that has been written inthis article will guide us more with NFT's and to a project I have shared which is the Alien Worlds and its utility tokens TLM.

This would be my homework task article to Prof. @levycore this 2nd Week of the Steemit Crypto Academy in its Season 2 and hopefully, everything is fine and be accepted. I've appreciate all the efforts and information I've got from the lesson and I'm looking forward to the next lesson next week.

Thank you also to all the Steem Team who initiated this new project and to all the Professors for doing such a great job so far here in the academy.

Note: All Screenshots are taken from my Alien Worlds and WAX Cloud Wallet Account.

That would be all, thank you and God Bless!!!


Your Steemit Crypto Academy Student;



Hi @loloy2020, thank for submitting your homework


Well explained

Rating : 9

Thanks Prof.

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