The learning curve in an uneven environment.

in #environment5 years ago

In the forest, nothing is flat...


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It's taking me a long time and I am a bit lost as to what my priorities are but I'm learning so much!

One of our main priorities is to build a home before next winter with the thought of sustainability. That means we need to build some sort of passive system in terms of heat and energy to save money and limit our own carbon footprint. It also means that we need to be sustainable in a monetary sense too. The lower our taxes stay the better and we need to start working on some kind of income stream.

Even though with this damned climate change, we're still colder that we would like to be up here in the Catskills region, it was decided that we should work on renting out one of our bell-tents...

Building the platform:


First, we had to find the right place with the least amount of work and the least amount of trees to cut down. I don't really wanna cut any of our trees down, unless we know they will be used for something specific!!!

We found something and we only cod down a tiny little tree, no bigger than my arm, and with a view of the mountains.

Second, coming up with a plan... when you're used to building in our even world where every step we take has been pre-calculated for us due to building codes and all that square mombo jumbo, building a flat platform in such an uneven ground is proving to be a learning experience!

Money isn't exactly pouring in at the moment

So we're recycling the wood that has become available to me and using what the land has to give us.


With a little thining there will be an awesome view of the mountains!

We have these sedimemt rocks that comes in somewhat flat shapes and after clearing the area I decided to try building some pillars to build the frame of this platform on. I'm not digging and I don't want any concrete... not yet at least.

Yeah, I moved quite a few rocks on this property so far. Between filling potholes, building drivways, staires and pillars it's been all about getting to know how these stones work together and my relationship with the land. I love it though, it takes for ever but it is rewarding as hell.

And anyways, the whole recycling thing is what Dreamland Express is about. I want to be able to show that we can build a more sustainable way of life without being a millionaire and become more in tune with our environment... we must know our habitat if we want to adapt to climate change.

I'll keep you all updated on the next move with this platform for sure!

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QUOTE OF THE MONTH: @chireerocks

Birds will not teach you how to fly, they will show you how your dreams will make you fly.

(If you want your quote featured here, lookout for the next contest!)


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Yes, building in a forest is not the easiest, hehe, I tried.

You surely know about earth ships, why don't you go for that?! I'm really digging into the way of building on of these eartships... along way from even starting, but I think I found our new living space...

Ah yes I would love an earthship... and we have lots of big boulders I woild like to use ibstead of the tires... everything else would be the same.

It's exciting to hae found your place! Congrats.

For now for our home, it's just going to be a small barn over the trailer, we like the real estate taxes to stay low.

Looks like you've got your work cut out. Are you beholden to building regulations where you are?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi, sorry for the late reply... yeah we have building regulations but there are quite a few loop holes we can still jump through!!!

@senorcoconut, This piece is Inspiration brother because if we can build our home where we want naturally then definitely it gives the meaning to one saying and that is Human Being Is Creator. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh I so want to build naturally and how I please... we will see how things turn out given our current political enviromnent. We humans (especially i the west) aren't free to build or even to live how we were intended to live, but I am trying to go around that!

Thank you

Welcome and in my opinion in this world almost everyone is not free to live how they want to. Everywhere we will going to see Restrictions and Domination. Hope that you will going to build it successfully and in that nature's blessings are with you. Stay blessed.

Haha well put... Restrictions and Dominion.

Trying to live as free as possible is difficult but at least we try to think we can 😁!


Wishing you success towards your effrots brother.

Yes! Another who is in action! Man thats so funny your username, my friend found a dog years back and named it Senour Coconut so I had to explore your blog after seeing your name 😂

Great work dude! Never change!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks to that dog your friend found!!! Good name too 😁.

We adhere to those principles as well @senorcoconut and often it does involve a lot more physical labour than going to a store and buying material. We've been gathering rocks as well, and as my body aches at the end of the day I keep reminding myself of how fit I'll be when the project is done. :)

I often get overwhelmed with all the ideas and goals we've set for ourselves (especially in the spring after a long winter) and sometimes need to step back and look at what we've achieved and wow! Looking at your photos you've found a beautiful forest to plant your roots in. Simply amazing!!

That made me laugh, thank you! It's true, at the end of the job we'll be fit!

For sure it takes more time, but there is something so satisfying about collecting natural material from the land. We are happy in this beautiful forest, even with the tics and a busy neighbor!

Great idea about looking back, we need to step back sometimes and look at what was accomplished.


Hey by the way, would answer a few questions for @Homesteaderscoop? It for the Vendor Feature I've been doing every thursday.

Sure @senorcoconut, do you want to message me on discord?

Yep will do. I can find you on the ecotrain right?

Wow - you've made a start. Have you been reading all of @eco-alex's Earthship series? After reading that and really THINKING through stuff, I want to build an Earthship. For a whole lot of reasons. Can't commend that series to you more highly - for sustainability, cost, carbon footprint, comfort and energy management, and just because living in flow with Mother earth opens up flow on all other levels.

Leading the curation trail for both @ecotrain & @eco-alex.
Together We’re Making This World A Better Place.
Click Here To Join the manually curated trail "@artemislives" to support quality eco-green content.


No I haven't... I ordered the book but haven't fpund time to download it yet! Soon I will though, thanks for the reminder.

Living all the time with that flow must be nice... I see it and feel it sometimes, well at least I can be aware it exists sometimes!


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