Writing Archive: Reflecting on Past Creativity

in #creativecoin5 years ago


One of the most frustrating things about blogging on Steem is that there's no way to archive your posts. It's really hard to find old writing that you might want to re-read or share with someone, especially if you've forgotten the title of the piece. I've been meaning to do this for a while - go through my writing and create an archive in my Steempeak drafts of my poetry, short stories and more poetic writing pieces. I'm well aware no-one here has the time to read them, nor the inclination (though it'd be kinda cool if you did!), but I'm posting it so I have a record of all my writing in one post, with links, that I can then bookmark for my own use.

I'm sure I've missed some, but at least I have the draft saved so I can add to it as I go. It was an interesting cold Saturday arvo by the fire reading a few of these. I'm quite struck with how much my writing has improved since I've been on Steem - damn I love this place, for all it's failings!


With the exception of 'The Dragon Watchers' which is about Halley's Comet and nostalgia, most of these poems are inspired by the natural landscape. 'The Residency of Birds' was written by me, but my husband and I workshopped it. He's not bad for a physicist - seems a good grammar school education helps you with poetry skills! I am particularly proud of 'I Thought The Gull A Drone', about the way technology influences your perception. I also really liked 'All This Life is Hope', for the balance I feel I achieved between death and decay, and life and growth, an idea that seems to seep into a lot of my work. I'm fascinated by the beauty of decay. 'Fearing Men on Lonely Beaches' was an interesting one too. Whilst it was clearly poetry, a lot of people really reached out to me as if I had fully experienced this, when in truth, I hadn't - I'd just been inspired by a mere minute where I felt a little bit of trepidation about a guy walking behind me at the beach, which turned into a more interesting reflection on what it's like to be a woman and to fear men.

I Thought The Gull A Drone
The Dragon Watchers
The Residency of Birds
Morning Meditation
All This Life is Hope
Fearing Men on Lonely Beaches

Short Stories

Most of my short stories are Australian Gothic - again, I can't help the Australian seep into my work. I think that's a good thing. My favourite story is 'Horses' - I won a competition for that one. If it's not Australian Gothic, it's dystopian or horror - but I think the three genres merge somewhat! I also think 'Horses' is more polished - I used to spend a long time polishing them before posting, but don't bother as much now as they're not really read so much. I did get a whale upvote for this one. It drew on real news reports too - of starving wild horses eating each other in the Snowy Mountains, of a landslide at Thredbo ski resort years ago, a pub I visited in Tasmania, and old ghost stories. If there's any story I'd like you to read it'd be this one. Oh, I did like 'Blood Credits' too. I think I was inspired a little bit by 'Never Let Me Go', a book by Kazuo Ishiguro, but also steempunk and dystopian stories of my youth.

Blood Credits
The Hat
The Desert Stars
Cabin In the Woods
[Disorder](Image Source
I always moan that there's not enough creative writing posts on ... https://steempeak.com/writing/@riverflows/cannabis-creative-contest-week-6-disorder)

Poetic Writing

When I'm feeling emotionally moved, I often write more lyrical pieces that can be impressionistic or take on a strange structure that doesn't necessarily follow a more journalistic style. Sometimes it borders on short stories or fiction. My first steem post ever was a creative piece about a memory of my father and surfing. It earnt me 0.2 steem. I think I might edit it and repost it, a resurrected piece of writing for the sake of engagement! My favourite is 'Breathing is Like The World Changing Seasons' and 'The Things That Bubble Up from the Unconscious Mind: Making Sense of Wounds'.

On Listening and Allowing and Silence
Christmas in Australia
Smoke Dreamings: A Meditation on Incense
Firewood Dreaming
Breathing is Like the World Changing Seasons
The Things That Bubble Up From the Unconcious Mind: Making Sense of Wounds
On Death, Decay, The Ocean & Other Ordinary Things
Bye Baby - Freewrite
Memory Flows - The Things That Shaped Me
Lungs and Heart Inner Outer Breathing Being
On My Father, Memory and Surfing

How do you organise your past writings?


Stupendous to have stumbled into the Almost Complete Collection of Riverflows Steem Works.. I will star or save or favorite this post...

You've inspired me to do a collection of my own, how to categorize my world though 🤔

Seriously not Serious
Critical Cynical
Sincerely Esteemed

That's a good start and gives me a focus, I'm certainly not seeing myself earning any substantial rewards now that my benefactor has reevaluated their auto vote with the HF.. Not that I was here for the money but now that it's not even in the realm of possibility I must also reevaluate my efforts..

Posted using Partiko Android

I absolutely love your titles and I would start with the antagonistic ones first as they really make me laugh the most. I am yet to archive my gardening posts, and my cooking ones and I any old shit ones.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very early into my start on Steemit I ran into this problem. I went through all my posts, saved them and their photos (and the link) in a word doc and filed them on my computer. Then I started creating in a word doc and saving that, adding the link when I posted.

Each topic has a folder by year, and if a lot of posts, by quarters (Jan - March, etc.).


Except for the last 2 months, they are are filed mostly where I can find them. I have a file of daily posts by date and every so often I go through and file them where they belong also.


They may be useful to other people, but this also serves as my memory....

I had a bunch of resteems of articles I didn't want to lose, and I filed them under a resteem file by topic and year, if a lot of them.

You are one of the most methodical and organised people that I know . I envy you this. I know that if I was that organised it would save me time in the long run but there is something about my brain that stops me doing it haha. I really should change those habits. Hence this post. I can save a copy of it in steam peak and add to it as I go.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is merely self defence against the Lyme disease. It has trashed my memory, and this has to serve....

I am so stealing this 😁 Me and organization need to get reacquainted.

Wow, this is epic! I haven't been on Steem very long, but I have the same problem. I tend to try to do one Stream of Consciousness series per week. Sometimes it's nice to go back and reread, especially since there's not any proof reading with stream of consciousness. But there's not a helpful way to jump back through old posts. I LOVE the idea of doing an archive post.

It looks like you definitely have a lot of material to be proud of. You have inspired me to explore different avenues of creative writing.. it's kind of what I was hoping to do on @Steemit, but wasn't brave enough.

I will look through your stuff when I have more time to sit down and appreciate it. Thanks for inviting me by! :)

I would LOVE feedback on creative stuff and happy to read yours. Last one was yesterday, in response to a challenge. No one seems to read longer pieces without some effort!

Posted using Partiko Android

I better get myself organized before I write to many posts/stories/poems myself.

I definitely want to go back and read some of your works. I have never heard of Australian Gothic but it sounds interesting.

I must save this page so I will have a link to them so I can read one or two here and there as I go through my Steem adventures.

actually if you sign in to steemworld it allows you to search your posts by keyword.

Thats if you remember what the title was, which I forgot for a lot of these!!

Posted using Partiko Android

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