Drawing Up Sides In The Information War: A Generational Perspective

in #informationwar6 years ago

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There is little disagreement that we are currently embroiled in an information war... one in which truth is pitted against an immense propaganda machine. I wanted to take a look at this war from within a generational context because ultimately the "winner" will be determined by the current Millennial generation, thus it's incumbent upon us all to ensure that the information they have is accurate... this in spite of the fact that the entire educational system (with the exception of home schoolers) has been usurped by the propagandists- it's going to be a long uphill battle.

Although propaganda began much earlier, the Baby Boomer generation was the first to be affected by the proliferation of mass media, the widespread ability for rapid dissemination of information. The advantage for propagandists is that it allowed them to employ a multitude of rapidly developing technologies- particularly television programming, not to mention the field of music with affordable Hi-Fi and stereophonic sound to "enhance the listening experience." The rapid dissemination of information devolved into the rapid dissemination of propaganda with this generation.

When I was in college (early 90's) I took a course in Journalism, in which the professor said that information would soon become the "currency" of the future... we would live in an "information rich vs. information poor" society. It would become information, rather than money, that would determine upward social mobility... the question naturally arises, what information- truth or propaganda? The current educational system is designed to eliminate critical thought, thus making students susceptible to propaganda. In addition, the music industry, beginning with the Beatles if not before, is structured toward emotivism... that is to evoke emotional rather than intellectual responses. The Beatles were a creation of Tavistock Institute, a British mind control organization...


With the advent of the Beatles we began to witness an accelerated shift in the culture... and this is the prize in the information war- we are in a struggle in which the society at large is the trophy. This propaganda driven cultural shift is evident in generations subsequent to the Baby Boomers, except it seems in many of the Millennials... the reason? The internet has provided an almost instantaneous dissemination of information. It has provided the "truth movement" a platform from which it can disseminate accurate information to counteract the propagandists.

To digress for a moment... clearly not every individual in each generation is the same and therefore susceptible to propaganda- there are and have always been independent thinkers. My intention is not to paint every person in any generation with the same broad brush. However, it's with the Millennials that I'm seeing a shift away from propaganda- en masse, as it were- beginning to manifest. The Millennials have an amazing capacity to call bullshit on the propagandists and are beginning to demand a free marketplace of ideas.

To summarize, for liberty and freedom to prevail a free marketplace of ideas must be in place. In such a social structure propaganda has no place. Propaganda is the stuff of authoritarian/totalitarian regimes. The advent of such phenomena as cryptocurrency are evidence of an inherent mistrust of the current system- hence the popularity with Millennials. The old regime is dying- hence the resistance to cryptos in the MSM. The tide of battle has shifted and the winds of change are blowing in the direction of truth... many, if not most, of the Millennials are demanding it.

When we see events like the March For Our Lives, it's the old system buying opportunist puppets (every generation has them) such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzales, but they are in the minority. Across the vast United States there is a silent majority, young people who are not represented by disrespectful, self-aggrandizing marionettes created by the MSM (who will be forgotten by their mentors just as quickly when "the moment" has passed and they lose their marketing appeal). These are the young people demanding the truth. It's also why social media platforms are trying so desperately trying to silence conservative voices... they know their globalist agenda will not stand up to critical examination. As Justice Louis Brandeis once said: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant." When the light of truth comes on, it's only the cockroaches that head for the woodwork.

People in the truth movement have a sacred obligation to fight this information war with the sword of truth, cloaked in the armor of integrity... a difficult task indeed against an enemy that will tell any lie to prevail.




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I have quit watching Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and all of the other big-name news conglomerates that are spreading lies for this debt and death paradigm that we live in. It will take a group like us to organically grow this community into something that people can trust and want to follow or be a part of. 👍🏼🍺🥓

That's why we have #informationwar... to provide an alternative to the MSM narrative and give others tools to fight. I haven't seen TV in 4 years.

I have less optimism for the Millenials than for Generation Z. The Millienials were still being raised in the transitional era from traditional to digital media and are, in my opinion, still predisposed to believe "authoritative" sources that were originally brick and mortar.

I see more push back against mainstream narratives the younger the students are these days. In recent years it has become clear to me Gen Z watches almost no advertising, they don't watch TV almost at all (going straight for the episodes, which aren't less propagandized really) and they use adblocks religiously.

They create more media than Ms, virtually every student I have right now is actually creating content, and in doing so they compare and contrast input more. Although the educational establishment has completely sabotaged logic and critical thinking, there is still such a thing as common sense and when raised in a miasma of lying media, it develops in spades. As such, MSM almost always loses out in such comparisons.

I have learned to never say "believe me" in class anymore. It just doesn't work. Instead I say, "Don't believe me, look it up for yourself." Much more effective. At times students say, but so-and-so said not to read that/watch that/believe that, to which I have come to respond, "Is obedience to authority equally beneficial to making up your own mind by comparing and contrasting sources?"

Compared to the prior generation M's are more attuned to what's going on... I think that wilt each subsequent gen we will see more and more critical thinkers. I think much is due to homeschooling... overall I'm optimistic

And that is exactly what this Millennial is doing :) I got a lotttt of time to fight.

You guys are the ones giving me hope for the future!


I sent you over the split for the podcast by the way. Thanks!

You didn't have to do that... but thank you!

I split it for all the podcasts!

This Tavistock business is very interesting. A nerve center for a think tank-driven global disinformation campaign. It makes sense, and adds a missing dimension to the puzzle. Thanks! Looking forward to more.

If you use the search option at the top and type in Tavistock Inst. you'll find the rest of a 9 part series I did on them

I'm a researcher... This is what I do.

The battle for truth will be fought over the Internet, Tv and traditional newspapers are a lost cause. The good thing is Millenials are more into social-media than the older generations, but Facebook or Youtube are no place for the truth. What we need is new platforms, like Steemit, to grow more powerful, to present people with another narrative.

That's why we have #informationwar... and we need voices like yours!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Call to Informationwar!
Our Purpose

The enemy within has resulted in using cash to buy the mind of the poor. They create a problem and the same offers a solution, the circulation of the truth has been ceased by the media and replace them with propaganda. My account on facebook has once been suspended and posted because I preach the truth about lying political office holder.
I will fight this information war in truth

My fakebook account was suspended for something I would never even consider saying... Ironically the day after I downloaded the data they've been mining (most of which was also false).

I read articles of yours like this and I'm so grateful to you. You and I are on the same page in the information War. You are expanding my mind to consider perspectives I did not realize. But it makes sense what you say I get it. Reading about your perspective on the Beatles and propaganda makes me look at things differently and yes you are spot on. Thank you so much for your part in the information War @richq11

I'm a musician and have been playing guitar since I was 10 (1955) so when the Beatles came out I was suspicious- with all of the good music out there, why them??? Really, their music sucked! I wanna hold your hand... give me a break!!! There were some really good musicians in England at the same time- Eric Clapton & Powerhouse, John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers, The Yardbirds with Jeff Beck. Even the Stones were good musicians. Pink Floyd came out in 65... Like I said why the Beatles- they couldn't even make it in England- they had to go to Germany to get gigs. When I read about Tavistock being behind them- it all began to make sense!

We are both musicians I am a piano man and have been for years . Again thanks.

The part that scares me is how much the social paradigm created by the farmers of men influences even the brightest of the millennials. I see it even in my own son, despite his homeschooling. In some ways he considers my view of the world archaic, believing he is much more enlightened than myself. Sometimes when he gets on one of his rolls that has a very socialist tint to it I have to change the subject because there will be no meeting of the minds and at the end of the day he is my son. The road to hell is paved with good intentions they say, and they have hooked so many like my son with ideas of the greater good that it has robbed them of any idea of the individuals good. As if the former can ever exist at the expense of the latter. But they will not listen. They are so much smarter than those of us with "outdated" modes of thinking.

I long ago accepted that I can't save him from himself, and hope that one day when he learns the truth he will not be to scarred to be what he has the potential of being.

Every generation believes themselves to be more enlightened than their parents... c'mon- you believed it! When we hit 35 or 40 we come to realize: "Hey, mom and Pop weren't so dumb after all!" Disraeli once wrote: "If a man isn't a liberal at 20, he has no heart; and if he's not a conservative at 50 he has no brain." Your son will likely come around- my guess is that around 75% do. My oldest son (who I wanted to strangle more times than I could count) called me to tell me that he was happy I was hard on him, it made him the man he is today.

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