Just do it already [Titbit]

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I am a world class procrastinator, needless to say, they don't give you any medals or financial incentives to keep being one in the name of your country.

On another note why do countries pay athletes to do shit? If you want to run then run, be a free little butterfly. You don't need to be a millionaire also rather get a job like starting a running occult and they can give you all their shit.

People who pay to go watch sports are to blame, pretty sure the fan(atics) are at the root of all this evil.

I procrastinate for many reasons, as do we all. From fear to just not wanting to do something because let's face it some things are just sucky. Most sucky for me it seems are things I said I would do without giving it a second thought.

You know what? At the moment I really wanted to do that thing but as time passes, 10 sec or so, I start to see the bigger picture. Like how much time it might take to how difficult it could actually be.

Do I fear doing what I should?

How pathetically stupid of me, fearing the things that in most cases provide for me. I don't procrastinate on wasting 4 hours in discord, or scrolling for an hour just to find something to vote on and even more difficult find something to comment on nope I don't procrastinate on doing those useless things.

They enable me to effectively avoid all the things I should be doing. Running down the time, then going oh deary me I should nap or I will be tired at work.

"If you know me a little, being tired at work is not really a problem for me. I don't do shit at work and being tired makes me a bit more grumpy which is right up my alley."

Typing this post is doing a great job of helping me avoid doing actual work or even just learning something useful. Not that writing posts are entirely pointless but unless they serve a purpose such as practising writing or sharing something that you find nifty or just act as a way to wind down then chances are you are just fucking around.

Why not just do what you need to be doing?

No one listens, including me. I say all of this in my head, I am fully aware of what I should and should not be doing. More aware of my actions than most of the inbreds on this planet which is frustrating since if I have half a brain why do I allow what I want over what I need?

"But Mommy I want that toy."

Maybe because I like doing what I want, we all do, it makes us feel in control gives us immediate feedback via feel-good endorphins in our brains. A Selfish, needy little prick aren't I?

Maybe I need a schedule, @jrswab did a nice post on scheduling his day, the only thing I would change is to actually have a to-do list inside the big section of going to work, it is not a given that I work while at work. True story.

A lot for me to consider, a lot of effort needs to be put in for me to start doing what I need instead of what I want.

Until then I will just do a few hail mary's and whip myself.

Effective time wasted: 30min. Don't lie, dude, you were in discord, browsed a few posts from PYPT had a useless discussion with whether your cat is being lazy when you could see the fucker was doing nothing.

Effective time wasted: 3 hours.


And i effectively wasted 3 minutes reading this! Plus a few minutes commenting. Also i think all great minds procrastinate.

According to Adam Grant, author of Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World, most original thinkers procrastinate. And in tbe end they produce a better end product. Even if its a mundane task, you think about it more than once and when you finally get to finishing it, you add a little magic.

Thank you for providing the perfect quote I will henceforth use as an excuse for not doing work. lol.

As for wasting 3minutes, I have nothing to apologise for that was your own fault. ;)
If all us procrastinators united we can solve most of the world's problems based on all great minds procrastinate. I imagine it would just take a very long time. mmm makes you think that is kind of how slow change has been happening. Procrastinators Conspiracy.

if only the psychos would learn to procrastinate! The world would be a better place!

Just so you realize (spelled with a z dammit) - I’m sitting in a restaurant reading this post laughing like a demented idiot - thanks a poes f’ing lot!

Now I look like someone in need of a straight jacket!

XXXXOOO you cynical bastard

Nothing to laugh at this is poes serious. ;) Shame I do hope you googled the word just to be sure what you are using. Great usage though, really can't use it wrong.

Now order another glass of wine for my sake and so they know it is because you are just tipsy and not insane.

Good thought!

Glass #2 ordered and completed. Now I just look like a poes alcoholic.

I don't know, I think we all procrastinate, though some more than others. Can I join your team?
(Not begging for up votes or follows, not trying to spam my content, just trying to share my view and thoughts on the matter)

On another note, brilliant animation right there, I could waste quite a few minutes staring at that. (Yes, I am a weirdo. How could you tell?)

Lucky I was not going to upvote an 11day old post. ;) thank you for sharing though I will give it a read.

Made me feel a bit guilty since I have not seen many of your new things but seems you have been a bit off the radar, I think it is nice if a person can post everyday in your case freewrites but what also causes us to pause is that although some might not think it, we have a standard which we hold ourselves to hence a lot of procrastination right there. :)

I can say I'm a world class procrastinator. Its so bad I wonder sometimes where my life is heading with a pile of things for me to do and me not willing to. I really do relate

Yip, not willing is a big thing. haha just being stubborn.

I came here because I wondered if you used the gif to test the steempeak grid view:) But no!
Anyway... I must have procrastinated 95% of my life if not more. The issue is that I have always gotten away with it so why change it? I admire hard working disciplined people a lot, but I like doing what I want to do more :D

Yip, nope. I would assume it either renders the first frame or it plays it. Nice to see it plays it, not nice to see that when trying to drop the screenshot into my comment it wiped out the internet, ok just my comment and the page I was on but close enough :) .

I like that you point out getting away with it, that is true, we may at times also be making something seem more important and take up a lot of space when really there is no need for it. Sometimes though it can get a person into trouble, but given the great work one can produce under pressure maybe those few times are worth the risk.

For me the main thing is I can start to feel overwhelmed and it all comes tumbling down so a little bit of structure and having to do things (just a push) can't be all bad and I can still binge watch my steem feed.

Personally, I do like the grid view - it irks me a little when it realigns things but in general it is nice and compact if unordered. I get that this was aimed at photographers but you have grown past that now and steempeak can be the best multipurpose interface on the blockchain.

proof I tested the gridview (after you commented :) - scaled down using steemitimages ;) from steempeak

I think if you needed structure to get things done, you would have adapted and implemented it. I have always been angry at my procrastination... thinking "One day I will shoot myself in the foot living like this", but that day never came. Not even when I only had 3 weeks left to finish my Masters (that included multiple exams and a thesis :D). Your habit will only change when things go wrong. So make sure you fuck up soon by giving yourself an impossible task where you lose a lot when you fail. And fail...
Or get a brain transplant...
Or adhd...

Haha instant gratification monkey. This is perfect thank you. @hyperbole I am sure you will appreciate this also.

I think this might be my most watched video on youtube :D

Yeah, thanks for pointing it out for me.

jeez dude just noticed I know you for like 3 months already.

Ah, the good old days, where all we did was talk about procrastination and do it... by not doing it.

That age of innocence, before that fateful day when we discovered all that is peanut butter.

"I didn't really write words" LOLOLOLOL

Yeah, this was quite well done. Hmm. Am I the only one wondering how long before the TEDtalk he came up with that one?
And yeah, I live in the dark playground. Also - it has to be said, I occasionally do the irrational thing even when the rational is easier and more fun (I'm weird like that). I've found myself typing up random essays and reading dictionaries instead of far simpler things I have to do. So I suppose I live in the orange (better than living in the red, I suppose).
Still, I occasionally do get something done: or the revised version, which I'm still working on:

A subject that touches all our lives... bravo! joy.png

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