Quick Stats - Hot News Community - Active Posts - 10 October 2022

in Hot News Community2 years ago

Hot News Community

Community Statistics


Report Period: Monday, 03 October 2022 18:38 Monday, 10 October 2022 18:36

About this community
Steem Growth, Finance & Technology, lifestyle and Life (news in your city)
HOT NEWS COMMUNITY is a community on the steem blockchain that accommodates the latest news that is still hotly discussed around the world. We invite all steemians from various countries to share the latest information about steem and other cryptos in this community.

Number of authors 93 in the community

Stats in the Last Week
Number of Posts: 94
Number of Authors: 51
Total Pending Payout: 941.45


Top 5 Posts by Pending Payout

@amryksr Hot News Community 9 42 0 Link55.10
ubongudofot Hot News Community 19 225 3 Link55.07
hot.news Hot News Community 16 79 60 Link46.91
ubongudofot Hot News Community 19 87 19 Link44.13
amryksr Hot News Community 12 51 1 Link36.50
R = Reply Count, V = Up-Vote Count, RS = Resteem Count

Top 5 Posts by Up-Vote

@ubongudofot Hot News Community19 225 3 Link55.07
zainalbakri Hot News Community9 134 0 Link13.57
@karianaporras Hot News Community14 91 1 Link25.18
ubongudofot Hot News Community19 87 19 Link44.13
radjasalman Hot News Community7 79 2 Link31.35
R = Reply Count, V = Up-Vote Count, RS = Resteem Count

Top 5 Posts by Replies

ubongudofot Hot News Community19 87 19 Link44.13
ubongudofot Hot News Community19 225 3 Link55.07
@hot.news Hot News Community16 79 60 Link46.91
karianaporras Hot News Community14 91 1 Link25.18
pandora2010 Hot News Community13 36 0 Link4.57
R = Reply Count, V = Up-Vote Count, RS = Resteem Count

Top 10 Accounts by Total Pending Payout

@fantvwiki 6228 20 34.52 165.63
alee75 6276 36 33.41 163.17
amryksr 4133 36 55.10 116.89
ubongudofot 2312 38 55.07 99.20
hot.news 4105 22 46.91 53.70
radjasalman 179 7 31.35 31.35
@waterjoe 129 5 30.35 30.35
fajrulakmal99 114 12 25.55 25.55
@kay-owobia 121 10 25.41 25.41
karianaporras 191 14 25.18 25.18

Top 10 Accounts by Max Pending Payout

amryksr 4133 36 55.10 116.89
ubongudofot 2312 38 55.07 99.20
hot.news 4105 22 46.91 53.70
fantvwiki 6228 20 34.52 165.63
@alee75 6276 36 33.41 163.17
radjasalman 179 7 31.35 31.35
waterjoe 129 5 30.35 30.35
fajrulakmal99 114 12 25.55 25.55
kay-owobia 121 10 25.41 25.41
karianaporras 191 14 25.18 25.18

Top 10 Accounts by Up-Votes

ubongudofot 2312 38 55.07 99.20
alee75 6276 36 33.41 163.17
fantvwiki 6228 20 34.52 165.63
@sailawana 2210 25 3.99 4.99
asiahaiss 5149 20 5.78 12.12
zainalbakri 1134 9 13.57 13.57
amryksr 4133 36 55.10 116.89
hot.news 4105 22 46.91 53.70
karianaporras 191 14 25.18 25.18
radjasalman 179 7 31.35 31.35

Top 20 Tags – All Time (in community) vs Active Posts
PositionTagAll TimeActive Posts
1 #steemexclusive 1,504 77
2 #indonesia 924 56
3 #burnsteem25 909 49
4 #club100 708 37
5 #news 577 37
6 thediarygame 551 35
7 lifestyle 660 31
8 club5050 466 27
9 betterlife 288 16
10 club75 319 12
11 bangladesh 69 10
12 steemit 139 10
13 hotnews-s5w1 9 9
14 mylocalnews 72 8
15 steemexlusive 99 7
16 actsofkindness 30 7
17 nigeria 135 7
18 creativewriting 165 7
19 solarsteem25pc 31 5
20 steemliteracy 24 5
Total 452


Top 20 Tags – All time (in community) ordered by Count Descending
1 steemexclusive 1,504
2 indonesia 924
3 burnsteem25 909
4 club100 708
5 lifestyle 660
6 news 577
7 thediarygame 551
8 club5050 466
9 club75 319
10 betterlife 288
11 venezuela 170
12 creativewriting 165
13 contest 151
14 steemit 139
15 nigeria 135
16 hotnews-s3w1 110
17 hotnews-s3w3 104
18 pets 102
19 steemexlusive 99
20 report 93

 2 years ago 
Verified User
Beneficiary Rewards
Support burnsteem25
Voting CSI10.7

Thank you for sharing our community review here

 2 years ago 

Thank you. I wanted to donate to your community but I could not find the account to donate it. Can you assist?

 2 years ago 

Our curation and official account is @hot.news

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reviewing our community. We really appreciate it. This is very useful for assessing community performance as well as analysis material for future hot news community development programs. Once again, thank you...

 2 years ago 

I am glad if I can help. Let me know if there is data I can add and I will investigate if it is possible

 2 years ago (edited)

Very wonderful, thank you very much. You're a good friend. Feel free to contact us if you need help

Discord : heriadi#1116

 2 years ago 


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63595.77
ETH 3415.98
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49