Looking at the Glass Half-Full; a Day in the Life of lynncoyle1 and briancourteau

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone,

Today has been a difficult day for @briancourteau and I; physically for him, mentally for me. It's been a 3 seizure day, and that's with taking his seizure medication and for those of you who have asked in the past, CBD cannabis oil. For those who are unaware, CBD is the part of the plant that does not get you high, and it has been scientifically proven to reduce seizures in people, and a host of other ailments too.

Anyway, that is not the point of my post today. After Brian's seizure, two of which required CPR to help him return to me, I began to feel a bit sorry for myself. It is sometimes very easy to fall into a pity party trap, bombarding myself with the "why me?", and wallowing in my own sympathies. I've tried very hard NOT to do that, because honestly, it's a fall into a dark tunnel of despair and really offers no help whatsoever.

So, I joined the pity party for a few minutes that sat back and had a long look at what I DO have to be thankful for. And there's many. I began to write them down because then it's concrete and I figured it would help me even more.

Here is my What I'm Thankful For list :

This is Brian last night on steemit...you can see that Buddy has settled into the new place just fine :)

  • Brian: My love, my life. Today he chose to come back to me, once again. I know the day will come when that doesn't happen, and instead of focusing on that day, I choose to focus on this day when he did.

  • Mexico: How lucky am I? We chose to grab onto life and leave our home in Canada and move here to Playa del Carmen. Brian and I talked of retiring to Mexico "one day", but when he got sick, we decided that the time to do it was "now", so we sold everything, and I mean everything, and came here with a backpack each, one suitcase, and our cat, Buddy. We had the big house, way too many tv's, and all kinds of stuff, but when push came to shove, we realized that none of it was very important. We do have one small storage locker at home with my grandmother's buffet, some photos, and a few other irreplaceable items. It's funny, we spent our life accumulating stuff, only to get rid of it all.

  • This apartment: I looked around and thought what a wonderful place to live! It's bright, sunny, spacious, with an awesome balcony and a rooftop soaker pool and bbq, and has a view of the ocean! I see so many impoverished, less fortunate people here who literally are living in a make-shift shed with a dirt floor. I choose to value and be thankful for having this beautiful roof over our heads.

  • My health: Yes Brian is sick, but I'm lucky that I am healthy and able to take care of him. Of course I have my days when my body doesn't feel 100%, but I'm 52 years old and I'm assuming it just comes with the territory. Overall I'm in good shape, eat well, and take care of myself, so I'm choosing to focus on my ability to care for my love and figuratively and literally, pick him up when he needs me to.

  • Retirement: Again, when Brian got sick, we made the choice to stop working. We've had a few 'odd jobs' over the last few years, but basically, we have not had a 9-5 job for several years now. How lucky are we? I'm choosing to focus on the fact that I'm only 52 years old and I don't have to get up and go to work everyday, that I get to stay home and make sure that Brian stays alive. That's huge! I know there are many people who get sick and have to keep working, or their spouse does and then has to leave the 'sick one' at home or with home care of some kind. I wouldn't trust this job of mine to anyone else in the world, and I feel so lucky that I am able to do it. We used up a lot of our savings over the years, but again, I'm glad we had those savings in the first place. We also have RRSP's (equivalent to 401K's in the U.S.), but we can't access them until I'm 55 years old. So for the next few years, we (or me) won't live in luxury, but I've learned that luxury means a whole lot more than material goods. I have the luxury of loving someone with all my heart, and he, me. That is something that money can never buy.

  • steemit: And of course all of you. And no, I'm not brown-nosing here :) Brian and I were just saying last night how surprising it has been to us all the genuine connections we have made on steemit, and of course, after @davemccoy's fundraiser, just how kind, thoughtful, loving and generous you all are. When I left my pity party today, I choose to come here and tell you all about my thoughts and feelings because I know you genuinely care about them, about me, and about Brian. I'm choosing to focus on how fortunate I am to be able to come out on my beautiful balcony, with a fresh watermelon margarita and "work", and watch this beautiful Mexican dream happen first hand. I also watched the two baby birds in a nest outside my kitchen window take their virgin flight today, with mom nearby watching, and I pruned and saw new growth on my potted plants as well. Life is happening right before my very eyes, and I'm choosing to be a part of it. How lucky is that?

Here's my work space for today, and of course my new babies :)

We all deserve our own personal pity party sometimes, but the key is to not stay there too long. And I also have to say that you all have a right to complain to me as well. @simplymike with your hernia, @davemccoy and your sciatica pain, @abh12345 and your stomach/bathroom issues;), @gillianpearce and your "steemit down days"...and anyone else, you have a right to complain and have your own pity party too...for a short time only. Please don't feel like, "Oh, I can't complain to Lynn because her problems are way bigger than mine"; your problems and aches and pains deserve a voice too. But if it drags on too long, I'll tell you what Brian says to me, "I'll trade you places anytime, any day" :) Yeah, step in my shoes for a minute; I sure can't complain to him, so thank you for letting me do it with all of you ;)

Brian just texted me "hey"; it's our code word when he needs assistance of any kind; I keep my cell phone with me always. He just got dizzy and fell coming out of our bathroom (of course everything here is cement and tile), and split his eye open on a cement baseboard/ledge. I won't blah blah and find the silver lining in that one. Sometimes shit happens. Period. I am thankful he's ok, I guess it could always be worse. There! I guess I found a silver lining after all :)

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I am so sorry to hear that day has not gone well. That fact that you still find reasons to be thankful, is just amazing.

This has become my "normal" @magicalmoonlight, so if I don't find the good in all of it, I will just become a complete mess :) Thank you for your kind words!

I know that feeling to @lynncoyle1. You are seriously such an inspiration with your positivity.

Thank you again; it means a lot. And I'm sorry that you know that feeling too!

Oh Lynn... Ive missed you guys! You deserve to have any amount of time that it takes for you to wallow in self pity. But like you said, wallow away, then wipe them tears and be blessed by your time that you have left. Enjoy them beautiful views and a margarita or 4! Yalls story always and will always make me cry like a big baby because your love is soo true and damn it hurts to know that yalls story is one day, much too soon, coming to an end... I can only imagine what you feel! Much love, hugs. thoughts and prayers to both you and Brian. <3

I've missed you too!! Thank you for such a sweet comment here, I always appreciate it. In fact, the way you spill it always makes me feel like I'm getting a real hug from you ;)

Go ahead and rant
Let me tell yea . Life sucks , surrounded by moments of pure joy :)

I don't want to say anything but it needs to said. I think that cat is getting stoned . Just saying

It's a tough deal . I understand it , My wife went through it year after year. You have to have a place to vent and I am glad you have here to do it . Lots of good people who care and care a lot

The birds must have been a great sight

Thank you so much @wolfhart! I apologize if I've asked this before, but was you're wife ok?

haha the cat; yeah, it's called a food-coma. As you can see, he doesn't miss too many meals :)

The birds were awesome! I also watched mom feeding them several times, inches from my face...so cool!

She's a trooper . Spent years nursing me to . Hard times . venting is good and sometimes just have to let it out . I get it !

no, that cat is holding out . check its eyes . maybe a urine sample LOL

Ahh sometimes we wives sure know how to nurse...and vent :)

haha my cat. His eyes do look a little glassy and bloodshot. A urine sample! hilarious :)

The best . Nursing a loved one is hard . Venting, crying is all part of the deal . Were not dumb and it's hard to watch we just want to be less of a burden and a little helpful where we can

watching mom feed her little birds thyen watching them fly brings some peace and perspective . Cool to watch and so close :)

Thank you, it's always nice to get perspective for me from Brian's side of things.

It was so amazing...I felt like a kid on Christmas morning watching a present being opened before my very eyes! :)

This post has really inspired Ini and I to think about what we would do if we were near the end and for that I thank you. You are both obviously really brave, resilient souls. Thank you for posting your process here. Much love to you both and may you love and live it up!!

I love to hear the good that is coming from our story, so thank you for that!

And "Ini" was Brian's father's pet name for his wife Eileen! We both smiled when I read this aloud to him:)

Thank you for your kind words; we try to live it up daily! :)

The silver lining isn't always the easiest thing to see. It's great that you can find it on a day that most people can't imagine dealing with. Stay strong!

Thank you @thedarkhorse; that's a really nice thing to say :)

The photo of Brian and Buddy was loading in stages (like the good old days!), and i could see Buddy slowly appearing - that made me laugh!

Thank you for giving this message, I presume I'm not the only one who's complained this week and felt 'stupid' when comparing it to the lives of others.

It's important to get over the small set-backs quickly for sure - it could nearly always be worse.

I will be attempted to do that today with a cycle to the shops, go me!

Take care x

haha old school pic loading; can you just hear the whining and buzzing of the modem at the same time? :)

I'm glad you got the message Ash; you can complain to me any day, any time :)

Glad you got out too. I'm assuming and hoping you are back in fine form now!

Thank you again. x

Awww, yes there a lot of things to be thankful for. Am happy you have the love of your life for years or decades now. I've yet to find "the one".

Your cat looks like it's having the time of its life sleeping. Haha.

Brian and I were each married for a long time before...unhappily that is. We have only been together for 8 years and they've really flown by. I hope you one day find "the one"; funny, we both found each other when we were totally NOT looking for a relationship. I guess that's when it happens.

Our cat really does sleep well haha

Oh I see... I dunno... I'm not looking but sometimes I can't help but think abt it. 😅

Cats are always ❤.

I hear you; of course I did think about it too :)

There is always a silver lining to every dark cloud, that much is true, but it takes courage, strength to find it.

You are an exemplar of everything strong. Others all about give up, and wallow in self-pity. But not you Lynn. I admire you. Honestly.

Thank you @mirrors, I appreciate that very much! Yes, I guess it does take strength, and unless I'm overtired, I can usually find it deep within me. Some days I just have to dig a little deeper than others :)

I reckon the same

Sweet Lynn,

Sorry about Brian's seizures and falling and hurting himself. So happy you got to write out on a beautiful balcony, lovely drink in hand with a stunning view, knowing you brought your love back twuce. And those bird youngsters taking their virgin flight. Amazinggg! Just like you and Brian.

Thank you for your strength, courage, humor, honesty, steadfastness, loyalty and love. You inspire me. Sending you lots of hugzzzz along with God/dess and Angel Blessings...

Again!! I can feel the love and hugs in your words @angelacs :) Thank you so very much for that.

I watched the momma bird come and feed her babies a few times before the flight too. It really was awesome :) As I was chatting away with the little things and mom through the window, Brian said to me, "See, that's another reason I love you. So many would simply ignore them" :)

You're Welcome, Lynn!

I watched the momma bird come and feed her babies a few times before the flight too.

Awwww... feeding up before their big accomplishment!

As I was chatting away with the little things and mom through the window, Brian said to me, "See, that's another reason I love you. So many would simply ignore them" :)

SOOO true! Many people just ignore the magic all around watching and interacting with nature, esp Mummy soul mate companions we have feeding their little babes and youngsters.

Two of my cats just had new babes that are old enough for them to bring in to the house and introduce to the cat food and water stations we have at different points. It was only JUST last night that I caught sight of one of them. Three more to see... but they're always so shy at this stage... and the Moms soooo watchful and beautifully protective.

I keep a main feeding center near to me so I can see and talk to everyone. SUCH a huge part of my happiness and connectedness with nature every day.

Are Mummy and teenage birds still there on the balcony now, Lynn? They haven't flown off yet, have they?

@angelacs, I'm so sorry I missed this! I don't know how that happened!

New kittens :) There is nothing sweeter than new life!! The mummy and teenagers are gone and there's a new egg in the nest now too! I was just working on a post because I tooks some pictures today of a gecko sniffin' around the egg, and then the mom was back in a flash. She somehow sensed it all I think. Then, my cat was going crazy at the window at the same time. haha It was quite a show ;)

I know the day will come when that doesn't happen, and instead of focusing on that day, I choose to focus on this day when he did.

You really how to get me emotional but I hope that when it happens you know that a lot of people will be there for you.

I know how hard it is sometimes to pick yourself up when all you want to do is have a pity party. God knows how many I threw by myself.

You are one of the strongest woman I know and Brian is very lucky to have you as part of his life, your story continues to inspire and move me to tears.

Aww thank you so much @maverickinvictus! I'm humbled that you see me in that light :)

haha your own pity party extravaganza!!

Thank you again :)

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