How Steemit Benefits Artists and Creatives

in #steemit7 years ago


Steemit can make a revolutionary change for artists and creatives. We have seen opportunities that crowd funding and Patreon provide for creatives and others. Steemit is now another option.

Those of us already involved with Steemit, already know that you can make earnings on this platform and some do quite well.

The topic of who does earn (well) and those who do not, is one that is often and hotly debated. @paulag has just recently researched and written about just this topic of, how posts perform on Steemit, with straight up and down statistics that present an accurate picture of the state of Steemit more than any long winded post or discussion thread ever could theorise or gossip about.

Another post and video (curtesy of @sethlinson) I highly recommend to new Steemians explains simply and in an entertaining way how the voting and rewards system works.

There are many new people to the platform who have the false expectation that they sign on, make a few posts and the money starts rolling in. Even those who have posted for a while may suffer the same delusion.

Yet, the story is really no different on other platforms where you can monetise your content, whether it be YouTube or Patreon. It takes time to build an audience. It is your audience, that after all, tips you and puts bread in your jar. Why things are more "unfair" here than on other networks I fail to see. On other networks you also have to support your fledgling profile by promoting through your own mailing list or on other social media channels. Yet, many Steemit newbies seem to expect the platform to do all of the work for them. Therefore they "reason", Steemit is a scam because other people use their early advantage or the system is not perfect and biases payments or the trending page to others.

If you put the work in, you will see the results. How long, how much? I can't say, it is no different to the real world.

But what is different, is not only can creatives earn from their post rewards, but by also interacting with others on Steemit. For myself, I am alway busy, commenting, voting and sometimes sharing other people's posts. Because of this, I see a steady, if small stream of earnings. This is the beauty of Steemit, you ALSO earn by interacting with others while helping them out. It's a win win and doesn't get much better than that.

Those that grumble about the small payouts for posts or interacting, seem not to be thinking long term. Not only are you investing in building an audience, but holding cryptocurrency is also an investment. With the amount of crypto talk that abounds on Steemit, it is a brilliant opportunity for creatives to school themselves up on this exciting future and how to invest in a system of support for their creative endeavours.

It is also possible to run a Patreon or crowdfunding like campaign on Steemit. All account wallets are publically viewable. You could therefore announce your project and the required funding. People can donate or invest in your project by directly transferring Steem/SBD to your wallet.

Just as with crowdfunding or Patreon, on Steemit you have a reputation system to maintain and encourge you to deliver on what you're promising.

I came to Steemit a year ago, August 2016, just a month after it was launched. At the time, the rewards system didn't make much sense to me, and I hadn't come to understand how crypto could be traded or used for real world payments. I had a few stop start attempts but it wasn't until a few months ago, the puzzel pieces of crypto fell into place. Bingo! I got it.

Simply by promoting my artowrk, I could be earning! What??? A wild and revolutionary concept. On other social networks YOU have to pay them to promote your artwork. On Steemit, the network pays you to promote your artwork.

That is the revolution of Steemit, and the game changer it is. In the same way that banks are struggling to stay relevant with the boom of crypto worldwide, standard media channels and social media networks will also in the near future struggle to remain relevant. After the penny literally drops from using Steemit, you quickly realise your time could be better spent, or rather paid, by putting your efforts in here, rather than elsewhere.

OK, Steemit might not be perfect, it might have some issues, but I promise you this, it may be the first, but it certainly won't be the last social media network that will pay its users for being on the platform.

Steemit is allowing us to experience and build the future.

Full Steem ahead!

Image credits:
Leading image - my own photo of Micha Colory Krebs' black light mini-golf project in Berlin.
Steemit Payouts - @paulag with her permission.

My artwork can be found on my website.

And if it takes your fancy, subscribe to my newsletter.

Leo Plaw Artwork


Hey really nice overview of some of the more abstract inner workings of steem for artists. I think that your point about it taking time to build a profile really rings true, it takes time to find all the like minded people.

I think there are a lot of structural changes that can make steem a better environment to cultivate artists. I see a lot of these things solving themselves with time as new interfaces become available, #Zappl is very exciting for the instagram crowd. I believe that the way the network is structured really effects the types of communities that grow around a platform, so i'm trying to find ways to become a community catalyst so we can come together and understand how to best develop our own future (omg user owned networks are so great).

Working towards building community on steem, I have a thread going right now looking for help finding peoples favorite artists on steem. There is a modest SBD reward for my favorites, If you get a chance i'd love if you could post some of the artists you appreciate the most here on steem:
Thanks again for your thoughts, i'm following looking forward to seeing more of your posts in the future.

Thank you @solar!

Yes, user owned networks are great. BUT, you have to also understand who has the biggest stake and therefore the biggest influence on that network. This fact is programmed into Steemit. After being here for year I have watched various attempts to change things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it just creates new problems, sometimes it creates nasty fights.

I have worked with so many group projects over the years, I kind of have a sixth sense if it is possible influence change.

I think your community building project is a great idea. I'll drop by your thread and suggest my picks. =)


Oh for sure, i'm actually skeptical of the initial inflation that steem went through and wonder if it worked to centralized power for the creators of the platform, rather thatn work to create a fair distribution. However, there have been strides to reduce the power of whales which I think has been good. It's definitely a whole new beast, but i'm excited by what can be possible with networks like these.

Steemit is only the first of many to come I foresee. We get to road test it and be pioneers. =)

This was very helpful and I think that I'm starting to get a feel for what this community is all about.

Hello again @deaconlee! =)
My advice, for what it is worth, is ignore the static, and get busy with your own content and interacting with that of others. The static I refer to is the usual social (media) infighting, taking sides. But if you find that entertaining, it could be better than TV.

Here are my pick of artists that I follow on Steemit as a starting point.

There are heaps of other topics of interest also and even in other languages.

For sure you won't be bored. =)

I try not to do drama and I pretty much hate TV, but I love to meet honest people with good motives and a caring heart. Even if our personalities clash and our beliefs and lifestyles are too diverse to have a close relationship, when purity of character and basic mutual respect are present there is almost always something that you can share. I can enjoy and respect the talent, abilities, knowledge or wisdom of people that I could never be personal friends with. I looked over the links and my favorite was Reinhard Schmid, I was also impressed with Dennis Konstantin. So much to look at and so many things to do and people to talk to and not nearly enough time!

he he... Steemit is your new life. (evil grin)

Make sure you follow a few of these people and give them some voting love and strike up a conversation with them. =)

100 % agree.... thats why new steemians like me learned a lot from post like this....

its nice to read something where you can get some insight.... and learnings...

I'm happy to hear you got something out of it.

By sharing the facts about Steemit, we are informed about the realities of Steemit, the good, the no so good, and can make informed decisions, use our time well, and make the most out of it.

Steem on @appledeguzman! =)

Great post and reminder! Thank you for sharing!

Yeah; it is really amazing the the artists and creators who were not being noticed, can now be easily noticed and be rewarded for their work upfront. That's the power of decentralized community. Similarly projects like BAT and SingularDTV would definitely benefit the artists /creators due to no involvement of intermediaries.
I have written a post on SingularDTV. Please take a look when you get a chance;

Cheers for the heads up on these projects. What is BAT, do you have a link or article for it?

BAT is BasicAttentionToken where you can advertise your products without any intermediaries (like Google adsense etc...). This would help you reach the masses and earn simultaneously.
I have this project in my top investment picks. Brendan Eich (founder of BAT) is an immensely talented fellow. The backbone of web today is Javascript (Client-side scripting) which is invented by him. Worth investing our hard earned money in people like him than any other individual who are exploiting ICO opportunities. He always have contributed to make the community better by using non-profit initiatives.
I think BAT is somewhat similar to SteemIt where in the focus is on the users than the intermediaries. This benefits the users who participate is such communities, may be blogging (steemit) or advertising (BAT). I look more towards it like a project than a coin/token.
Considering his credibility I am confident enough about this project. I am writing an article on it. I will share it as soon as it is ready. Cheers!!!

hay @leoplaw, nice post. I fully agree, it takes time. Steemit is a fantastic platform for the creative

Thanks for the mention btw

And thank you for all of your good work. I believe it proves the point, that if we put the work in here, we will get something out of it.

I completely agree with you on everything you wrote, and being new here I already understood, if you want something, it's long way but every effort pays, even a little bit. As you said other place ask money from you, oo how much money I already spend elsewhere ...

There is another investment value in Steemit that I did not mention in the article. As we post over time here, we are building a library of our own thoughts. This is material that we can revisit in the future, collate and reuse in new projects, such as books, videos, project proposals.

Value is based upon the extent of our ability to envision.

That is what I been thinking also yesterday :) I said to my friend, I'm so surprised that I write this much, and it's all coming from my soul. So keep posting, and most of all I like talking to you people, great energy exchange among people I interact. By the way, today I reestimed also one interesting post about Steemit, majbe you will find it interesting. Have a good day :)

Yes, I'm also starting find an interesting circle of people here and having very worthwhile discussions.
I'll have a look for the article you mentioned.
And a good day to you also. =)

Thank you for the resteem! =)

Fully agree with you post - its really important to communicate ,
make unique stoff and resteem other good posts...
the benefit comes with the audience, with your followers -
Thanks for sharing

Thank you @yoogyart! People first!

Others are just wasting their time and energy arguing over what is wrong, rather than making the most out of what is.

There is more value in Steemit than just directly making money.

Thank you for posting these insights and resources to learn more about how Steemit works! I will be checking all of these out and following!

You're most welcome @stillwatersart. =)

Good morning Leo :-) Sorry to post this here to get your attention.. can we have a quick chat in

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