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RE: How Steemit Benefits Artists and Creatives

in #steemit7 years ago

Yeah; it is really amazing the the artists and creators who were not being noticed, can now be easily noticed and be rewarded for their work upfront. That's the power of decentralized community. Similarly projects like BAT and SingularDTV would definitely benefit the artists /creators due to no involvement of intermediaries.
I have written a post on SingularDTV. Please take a look when you get a chance;


Cheers for the heads up on these projects. What is BAT, do you have a link or article for it?

BAT is BasicAttentionToken where you can advertise your products without any intermediaries (like Google adsense etc...). This would help you reach the masses and earn simultaneously.
I have this project in my top investment picks. Brendan Eich (founder of BAT) is an immensely talented fellow. The backbone of web today is Javascript (Client-side scripting) which is invented by him. Worth investing our hard earned money in people like him than any other individual who are exploiting ICO opportunities. He always have contributed to make the community better by using non-profit initiatives.
I think BAT is somewhat similar to SteemIt where in the focus is on the users than the intermediaries. This benefits the users who participate is such communities, may be blogging (steemit) or advertising (BAT). I look more towards it like a project than a coin/token.
Considering his credibility I am confident enough about this project. I am writing an article on it. I will share it as soon as it is ready. Cheers!!!

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