The Old Dog Announces: I'm Leaving Steemit!

in #overload7 years ago

Tonight before midnight I'll be making my last post on Steemit! After that there will be no more posts or replies from me until Monday the 19th of June. I've been on Steemit for over a year and have found a lot of joy and success blogging here. So why stop for 3 full days?

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It's Time to Clear My Mind.... But Just For 3 Days!

Our family is traveling to Italy and we will not have internet access while there. In the past I would have purchased a SIM card to use there but this time we will use the time to clear our minds and renew other aspects of our lives!

Do You Ever Feel Information Overload?

Phone calls, text messages and e mails, I get literally 100's of these a day. Add to this my Steemit hobby which includes and it adds up to a lot of information to filter through my mind. I'm curious to see how this 3 day break affects me!

Facts About Information Overload!

A survey published in the Harvard Business Review came up with the following facts:

  • Ringing phones and e-mail alerts can have the effect of lowering IQs by 10 points. Yikes!
  • Workers in fields of knowledge average 20 hours a week sifting through e-mail. That's a lot!
  • Information overload costs the economy in the U.S. about $900 billion a year. Wow!
  • A staggering 60% of computer users check their e-mail while using the bathroom. Hmmm...guilty!
  • A typical knowledge worker accesses e-mail from between 50 and 100 times a day. Mamma Mia!
  • 85% of computer users admit that they would take their laptop on vacation! Naturally!
  • Employees say that 30% of the e-mails they receive are unnecessary! Duh!

It will be interesting to see how I react to shutting off for a few days!

What About You?

  • Have you ever suffered from information overload?
  • Do you ever turn technology off?
  • Do you think that it's a good idea to do so from time to time?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about taking a break from Steemit!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


damn man this is risky, hope you will be able to make it

Not without shaking!

You gonna just suffer those three days. It's way to short period to feel beneficiary effect. When I dumped TV I was suffer for whole month. Latter on was very relaxing.

Yes the dreaded withdrawal symptoms!

Happy to read your are going to be taking good care of yourself and take a breather, we'll still be here when you come back! ;)

Time away from Wi-Fi, Blue Tooth, monitor or TV screens is a very very healthy choice and allows your nervous system to slowly calm back down to a state closer to what it is to be human with out electromagnetic influences on your near pathways.

Are you going to have some times in nature to regain higher level of negative ions around your body, get your fill of real oxygen and exercise? All the best either way and looking forward to reading you again. I definitely understand, as you may be reading between the lines. Namaste :)

Thanks for your support with my self imposed break! I'm back and it was a good experience of spiritual renewal and strengthening!

Good for you, good for us all! Namaste :)


First, it shocked me (Is @kus-knee doing same what Dan did in March, Oh NO!). But a lot of relax once I started to read. This is a very good article and all of us suffer from information overload these days.

Q: Do You Ever Feel Information Overload?
This is post applies to me 100%, I am sick of information load these days (specially since Oct. 2016). I am buried under it right now. 100 of phone calls, text messages, whatsup messages and then emails. Yes I start to turn of my phone or keep the ringer off and don't answer the calls until I check the caller later on or listen to the voicemail, it helps a little but still have to answer the important calls and perform the demanded tasks most of the times.

Please post your experience of these 3 days of relaxing and clearing your mind.

It is so encouraging to read about how others have handled the situation in their lives!

Dear brother @kus-knee, I am very happy to have you back with us. We learn from others almost each and every moment (sometimes good sometimes bad, so I always pick and choose). I am learning a lot from you and all of it is the best!

I guess you kind of scared sly old dog, you...! any case, yes, we are constantly inundated with technological information....sometimes it scares me that we''re losing our's a good idea to take a break from time to time and remember who we really are...

You bring up some good points. Thanks!

I was on a vipassana retreat last year. Which is a mediation retreat for 10 days. No TV, you give them your cell phone, no reading and no talking.

While it was strange the first days, especially I was writting with a cute girl on tinder the days before and really wanted to continue with that, it got better and better and the only thing I was missing was not the news or checking my portfolio, it was listening to music.

I was actually thinking about the same thing, since I am new to crypto I ll checked how much I was bleeding today every 10 minutes. Would be better for my nerves just turning everything off, for a couple of days.

Wow what an experience especially when you had a new interest! I miss my times in the Candian wilderness!

Dont wana miss it. The girl unmatched me but was still worth it:-)

in the Candian wilderness!

Where will I find those wild candies?


have fun Old Dog
and hopefully you and the bird have a wonderful time!
3 days is very short - be safe!

Thanks! We're back!

that's great!
good morning!

Totally agree! I'm currently on vacation as well and obviously am not spending nearly as much time of Steemit outside of the eSteem app when on wifi occasionally. Love the unplugged feel and honestly haven't felt like I've missed anything.

It's interesting to read your experience!

Ive spent almost a decade in media. Eating and producing endless crap, and being swarmed and stuffed with verbal, written and digital info, almost 00-24, every single sunday. Fishing, mushroom hunting and hiking were crucial for me to stay sane lol. Also, getting rid of TV some 7 years ago helped a lot. Whatever you do, its crucial to have some time to recharge, to do what makes you feel good.

You give me a lot of food for thought!

i only wish i can format all 75mb of my brain, to get it rid of useless info :D have a good weekend, im going off the grid next friday too

Great idea!

I was shocked when I first saw the title, but after reading the whole post I realized that it is probably a good idea! I've never really considered information overload before, but I usually try to go out into the nature and clear my head for a few hours on days where I have to read a lot. I always leave all technology behind, except for the camera, and the phone in some cases (if I'm going for a long hike for example), but this is only used for emergencies. I really think this is vital to my well being after reading and processing new information all day.

You make some very good points! I like your strategy!

Thanks! The only problem with my strategy is that as an ecologists, I tend to find so many interesting things to look at while I'm out in nature, so I don't fully get away from it all. However, it is a very nice change of pace ;)

Enjoy your break...hope to see you back with a bang :)

I'll be back with a cool new contest!

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