The Blocktrades Contest | Celebrating My Birthday in the Blockchain

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

I was wondering if I should participate in the blocktrades contest and be one of the persons to be supported for a whole month by @blocktrades!


Question 1: Do I consider myself as a Role Model?

Absolutely, NO! I do not wish people to follow my example, I try to make people understand what steem is all about. Not to stay just for staying, but to find their why, their where, and make their path towards it

Our only real competition is our self! gif

Question 2: Do I meet the requirements?

Absolutely, YES! More than 3 posts per week (and an approximate time to write a post is 5-6 hours), way more than 60 comments, active member of @steemstem, @greek-trail, @actifit, @davinci.witness and a really hard earned reputation of 63 without any bots.

Question 3: Do I believe I stand any chance?

Absolutely NOT!! There are people that truly deserve it, some have already applied (@rosatravels, @zen-art @filotasriza3 you totally worth it) and some have not applied yet but I do hope they will : )
Please consider entering the contest my dear @ruth-girl, @indigoocean, @iliasdiamantis, @dimitrisp, @lordneroo, @trumpman, @cryptomaniacsgr, @nikosnitza, @arthur.grafo, @annadeda, @georgeboya, @mindtrap, @scienceangel, @samminator, @scienceblocks @dexterdev and maybe more that I cannot think at the moment. All of them honest, artistic, scientific, real people, almost daily posting and supporting the blockchain.

Question 4: Will the scholarship or steem price affect my behaviour here??

Of course Not. I will keep uvoting, keep supporting, keep trying to add value and to educate users about steem and some of its dApps.

I would like to be able to buy more steem, but my financial does not allow me to at the moment. However I am not powering down, I am powering up every steem I earn.


Maybe I am just too romantic??

What do you think?

My tip? Do not wait for the opportunity to knock on your door. Go find it and drag it your way gif source

I almost forgot: Contest Essentials

[1] Previous Post for my contest participation: Celebrating my birthday
Even though I would love to be able to participate with
[2]Tutorial for Actifit
or even
[3] My collection of useful steemit posts


Good luck Katerina, and thank you for inviting me to take part in this contest. I'll do it tomorrow, probably :)

I wish you good luck, Katerina! Thanks for pointing the contest out to me!
And stop being so humble, of course you're a role-model! You are among the relatively few users who work to make this place better. You put effort, time and personality to this blog! Your tutorials are amazing (comprehensible texts, beautiful formatting and great, customized pictures or gifs)! You're always there to help noobs and lots of people know they can trust you around here!

Again, GOOD LUCK! 🤗💖


This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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Unfortunately, I am not eligible. Because I posted rarely only. But it was not because of the low price of STEEM/SBD. I am busy because of my PhD stuff. :)

I know but I could not bear the thought of not mentioning you :P
Plus you get to explain the reason behind the absence :)

Thanks for mentioning me. <3 And best of luck for you.

Good luck honey, you most certainly deserve this too! 💚

Good luck Katerina,🍀. I see a lot of people posting so it would be a tough competition. Myself even though I meet the requirements I did not post sth of value during that week. I don't want to make a post about a photo with a title😂

Thank you for dropping by George :)
Maybe if you would be supported you could share some more information about your inspiration & your work?
I really love the fact that artists like you choose the blockchain to publish their work, so in any case you are one of the steem stars in my opinion!
If you want, you can join greek-trail and the rest of us Greeks on discord

You are welcome Katerina:)
This is a very good idea, i still have more artwork series that i have not yet post to steemit and of course i would love to share more about the way i am working. I think i ve joined the channel but i have some my problems with discord. I would create a new account and join again:)

Thanks a lot Kate. I think I might give it a try.

PS: I love that cat gif 😂😂

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