Celebrating My Birthday in the Blockchain!

in #blog6 years ago

I was wondering whether I should be posting about my birth date on steemit.
I do not like sharing private & identifiable information anywhere online.
But then again, I do not share addresses, images, real names, last names .. so why would it mind?
Given the fact also, that the steem price has almost hit the bottom (?), I imagine that not many people (other than the usual suspects ;)) are active here..


So I suppose not many people will be here to read my random ranting today 🤣

Even if this is usually a day for me to plan my new actions and projects, this specific day I simply do not wish to

I had planned to write something else, have even written the summary .. but instead, I think I will write some of the very important thoughts and actions one can do to train their mind into being more confident and into seeing the positive side and thus > bring more positive results..

Know Your Whats and your Whys

If you do not know why you are doing what you are doing, then how will you find the best way to do it in order to have the best outcome and to achieve what you intended to?
This sentence sounds really funny, doesn't it? But I did not want to change it, I kind of like the rhythm of it :))

If you know what you wish to achieve, you will find a way to do so

When the destination is known, then it is easy to understand if you are moving to the right direction and it is possible to find your way towards it. You can even change the path, you can even lose sight of the destination, but it will be there for you, any time you arrive.

Use your strengths

It is difficult to start from point 0 and make it to the top. You have to know your talents, know your assets and build up on them. It is easier to cultivate an existing talent or ability than strive to create or to find a (sometimes non existing) talent.. I once tried to learn how to play the guitar, but unfortunately, miserably failed to do so. Don't get me wrong, I still love listening to guitar .. but I have quit wanting to learn how to play it. Later, when I will be old, wise and with plenty of time though, I do plan of trying again :)

Don't be afraid to try

Fall up 7 times, Stand Up 8
Do not be afraid to try, while being afraid that you will fail. Even if you fail, this will give you an edge and extra insight for your next moves.
Strategy is being able to identify what works and what not. Be bold and believe. Then you are half way to your destination!

You can do Magic

We can do anything we set our mind to.
We can achieve what we wish, as long as we can identify it and plan our way to the goal.
Magic is Real. Magic is Doable. But we need to find the starting Point.

“To move the world we must move ourselves.”

― Socrates

All this ranting is to prove that I am getting older but also wiser and I wish to share my infinite knowledge and experiences with you!

You know, every decade of our live, we reach a milestone that could be of a significant value .. Even if it is just a psychological and not real thing, we do feel a bit different at our 20s, 30s, 40s ... ; would you agree?

But even if we do know all the above, sometimes we just need to cry and cry and cry ... before we can reveal our smile...

So, it's my birthday today ..


If you are reading, make sure to send me only positive vibes

Because it is a bit of a hard day today ...

I am growing older and thus ...


So, Me and my 3-legged Kiki would like to thank you all for visiting and for commenting on this very special day!

p.s. Let's see how active this community is.. What really happens when the prices hit the bottom? Are you disappointed? Are you waiting? Are you hodling? Are you buying? Are you doing same things as before, or does your behavior change?


Χρόνια πολλά. Να σε χαίρετε το γατάκι σου !

Happy birthday, you absolutely wonderful one <3

(Edit: The minnowbooster vote came from me, I used the SBD I got from choosing people for the whitelist.)

Happy Birthday!

I see our three-legged kitty is growing. Beautiful. Celebrate that. She is lovely.

Have the most wonderful day. You are right to bar shadows from your door.

Happy birthday!!

Let's see how active this community is.. What really happens when the prices hit the bottom? Are you disappointed? Are you waiting? Are you hodling? Are you buying? Are you doing same things as before, or does your behavior change?

Ps. You know my perspective on that matter 😉😊🤘🏻

I do, and I fully agree with you : )
Thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it!
Πολλές Ευχές!

Happy Birthday dear Katerina, hope you'll have a wonderful day with your family, friends and your adorable 3-legged furry friend! ❤❤❤

My dear @scienceangel, I have missed you :)
Thank You so much, I wish you the best! 💙

Happy birthday, Kat. You've been phenomenal. More successes and progress in the coming year. Win!

Happy Birthday!

Here's a cake

and some Cornus mas liqueur, like my grandmother used to make it, to serve it almost ice cold, on our birthdays!

Με σκλαβώνεις!!!
Ευχαριστώ πολύ!

Happy birthday Katerina 😊
I wish you all the best! Enjoy YOUR day 😊
Sending just the best vibes 😊

Hodling until the end and have fun here. I don’t steem for the money, I do it for fun. There is more in life then money!

Greetings and steem on! 😊

I absolutely agree!
Thank you for dropping by, all the best wishes to you too :)

You're welcome Katerina :-)
Thank you for the wishes :-)

Happy birthday!

Μη χάνεσαι :)

Highest of positive vibrations & much reiki love to you @katerinaramm <333 :)

Thank you so much :) 💙

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