AIDAprima - final review

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

So the vacation came to an end yesterday I wanted to close my series sharing my impression of AIDA and especially AIDAprima - the newest and largest ship.

This is not going to be an extensive review in some kind. I have been on several cruise ships (German and US) and so I am not going into general cruise ship features. This is ja a personal summary of things that impressed me most.

  • The robot:
    Coming on board I found a robot right a the queue for the reception. That one was really fun. It had a dance program, you could play games with him and even ask him certain things. He moved very smoothly and my son directly connected with him. Several explanation you usually give like "machines can't talk" or "machines don't walk/have a face" become more and more difficult. I think that shows where we are heading to. Of course I had to ask the receptionist if the robot is going to replace her soon - she found that question funny (for now).

  • Deck 14/15
    On deck 14 and 15 it is all about kids. You find there mini golf, football/basketball/volleyball court, gaming center, kids club, climbing park and an amazing waterpark. This one included a waterslide which started on deck 16 going down to deck 14 in tubes which were partly "outside" the ship being fully transparent so you could watch the sea. That was really special and different to the other AIDA cruise ships. See for yourself - here are some pictures of the climbing park, water park and a dtube video of the waterslide (should have taken my go pro for a ride - forgot that at home...).

the climbing park with water park below


everything was taken care of - swim vest were available directly at the waterpark

Dtube video of the waterslide.

  • Restaurants:
    They have like 14 different restaurants (out of my head) which gives you a lot of variety of food. Not only that but you have also the possibility to go for the cruise typical buffet or go to an restaurant and get seated and served. Your choice.
    They got also two more exclusive restaurants (Rosini and Steak House by Tim Mälzer) where you get good food in an nice ambience for some extra charge. But that is like all other AIDA as well. What I haven't found on other AIDAs (maybe I missed it) is the "Scharfe Ecke" where you were able to pick up a "Currywurst" very easily until 2 a.m. - I liked that concept.

My conclusion:
It was really a nice trip and very enjoyable with kids. But without? The lovely deck 14 with the waterpark is great for kids but the pool for the adults is rather small. So probably it wouldn't be my first choice if I would travel without them. But on the other hand there is so much to see and do also for the adults that it can work for you as well - as long as you like to have kids around you.

Great ship - great service!


Luxury life. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

The photo I took when I was on the ferry from Norway to Denmark.

Those boats are so huge. Amazing to see these "buildings" on the sea

Man I saw that robot on a documentary about technology a few months ago!

That robot is very popular in Asia, I don't quite remember if it was in Japan or Korea, but I think it was Japan, there were even families that had that little robot sort of as a kid!!

And that receptionists probably is not aware of the threat haha, the next generation of robots will surely be capable of handling that type of duties without much friction. There goes another job to the machines...

The pictures are all beautiful, I am sure you had a great time there!

Yea I agree - robots will take over the "standard information duties" - job will be lost but I still have a positive view on the future so I am pretty convinced even more (but different) jobs will be created. Transition remains the problem ...

I quite often see one of the AIDA ships in the Rotterdam Harbour when I walk to work. It shows in between 2 very large buildings when I spot it and it's as if an entire background appartment block is being moved. It's a weird sight to behold.

It's great to hear it's so awesome for kids. SInce I have 2 of them, it issomething you'll take into account when searching for travel and or vacation.

Love the supplied lifevests for swimming at the pool too. That's pretty clever and a nice service.

Yes - very strange to watch those monstrous ships - my son first asked "Where is the ship?" when we arrived as for him it looked more than a large building than a ship.

I felt the same way - lifevests at the pool is really a nice service! Especially the last day you don't have your own stuff getting wet before you pack everything into the luggage.

Superb vessels are all available in exciting travel

Wow lieber @famunger, gibt es dort was es nicht gibt ? ;-) Ich war noch nie auf einem Schiff, mir kommt es vor als wen man das Gefühl verliert auf einen Kreuzer zu sein wenn man dort drauf ist oder? Verrückt und Klasse. War bestimmt eine tolle Tour, mitten auf der See und weit und breit ist nur Wasser zu sehen.

Vielen Dank für deinen netten Kommentar.

Das stimmt - man hat den Eindruck es gibt dort alles und tatsächlich verliert man das Gefühl auf einem Schiff zu sein. Insbesondere mit diesen Stabilisatoren schwank das Schiff kaum noch. Für viele vermutlich eine gute Sache - ich persönlich mag es wenn ein Schiff ein Schiff ist und auch durchaus mal schwankt. Aber auch jeden Fall eine tolle Art zu reisen finde ich - jeden Morgen in einem neuen Hafen aufwachen hat etwas.

Oh, ich wusste noch gar nichts von Stabilisiatoren. Bei einem großen Schiff merkt eh weniger als auf einer Walnussschüssel, denke ich mal. Wie ist es, wenn du in einem neuen Hafen ankommst, wieviel Zeit bleibt das Schiff dort liegen, bzw. den Gästen dort in dem Land dann sich umzusehen? Brauchst du ein Visum vorher für alle Länder, welche das Schiff dann anlegt?

Also in der Regel legt ein Schiff gegen 05 oder 06 Uhr morgens an und fährt gegen 22 / 23 wieder ab. Also praktisch ein voller Tag. Natürlich nicht eine Zeit in der man ein Land wirklich kennen lernt, sondern einfach einen Eindruck und die "Highlights" bekommt. Das muss man so wollen. Für mich der nicht so abenteuerlich unterwegs ist gab das zum Beispiel eine tolle Möglichkeit in Länder zu reisen in denen ich sonst nicht Urlaub machen würde (Jemen, Jordanien, etc.).

Ja, du brauchst entsprechende Reiseunterlagen. Da wird man aber recht unterstützt. Bei den meisten Reisen (Mittelmeer, Karibische Inseln) ist das eh kein Problem. Aber auch die Ecke Jordanien, Oman, Jemen war unproblematisch - ich weiss gar nicht ob das nicht sogar vom Schiff organisiert wurde.

Great adventure for your son I imagine!

When I clicked to go to the waterslide video the link didn't work properly but if you take a quick look at it you'll be able to fix it easily. I removed some characters from the end and was able to see the video. Not wat I expected! I expected a video of you going through the slide actually hahah :-P

The robot is very cool as well, it must have made an impression on you both. I am curious how long it will take before we'll see these in the streets at retail stores as well. Probably at least 5 years since they are quite expensive still.

Anyways, it was fun to follow this adventure a bit through Steemit!

Thanks - Yea my son loved it.

I fixed the link - something got mixed up there. You are right - being there I wanted to do a video going through the waterslide - that would have been great but unfortunately I had no go pro - with my iPhone I am not sure if that would have worked out so well. How much can they get wet - I don't know ...

Better be safe than sorry right? Good choice :-)

Hello sir @famunger I had read your post and the first thing I want to say "the time we do spend with our family is best" and its good to see you are with your family on holiday. well all the photos you captured are great and this is a nice place.
I personally like the part where you had ask to receptionist about robot.

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Thank you for your comment - cannot agree more as family comes for me first.

Also thanks for sharing the bidbot opportunity - I am taking the time to use my SP on my own to help steemit grow. So thanks again but I am not interested.

thanks for your response sir.


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