The Steemian Spotlight, Volume 1: Discovering Ruby with @inertia

in #ruby7 years ago

All About the Steemian Spotlight

The Steemian Spotlight

Greetings, everyone! It has been a while since I've done a series of posts, so today I'd like to announce a new series of posts entitled The Steemian Spotlight. Each episode of The Spotlight will focus on a specific Steemian who has either made an impact on my time here, has worked on a helpful initiative for the platform, or some combination of both.

I've alluded to many of these Steemians in previous posts, but I wanted to take the time to focus on their motivations and fill you in on some background information that you might not think about when interacting on Steemit. It will also be interesting to observe their thoughts on the platform as a whole, as well as what their lives are like outside of Steemit.

The Steemian Spotlight will have at least seven volumes, but I may add more as I discover more Steemians to interview. Volumes 1-5 will be posted each day following this post, and I'll return to the series after Christmas.

So without further ado, I'd like to begin with a Steemian who I have to thank for my curation trailing bots: @inertia.

Spotlight on @inertia

Inertia's Avatar

I first came across @inertia's work when searching for an alternative to Streemian for curation trails. I've detailed the motivation behind this quest in a previous blog, so I won't elaborate too much here. Inertia was quick to respond to my questions about getting the bots running when I contacted him on Discord, so I've been following his work ever since. In fact, I eventually made a modification to one of his bots in order to curate more effectively.

Inertia has created several helpful tools for Steemit coded primarily in Ruby. You can check out his projects on Github and Github Gist. Inertia also maintains a Ruby forum on ChainBB if you'd like to interact with him and learn more about Ruby.

Inertia's activity on Steemit dates back to July of 2016. He traces his introduction to Steemit back to a now defunct YouTube show:

@inertia: I was watching The Daily Decrypt when Amanda B. Johnson was going into Bitshares Prediction Markets. So I looked into that and got all excited about Bitshares. But then I saw that Dan Larimer was abandoning Bitshares and starting something called STEEM. I thought it was stupid so I stopped paying attention. A few months later, @thedashguy mentioned STEEM on the Dash slack so I took a peek and realized that what I ignored was actually pretty cool.

It seems that even @inertia was hesitant at first to join Steemit, but having followed other cryptocurrency news, he jumped on board and has been Steeming along ever since.

When I asked about what his favorite subjects were to blog about, he responded:

I think probably humor and economics, especially when I can do both at the same time. I was into photography for a while there. Maybe I'll get back into that.

Inertia's recent blogs have concerned his Ruby projects, most notably some updates to his voting bots. However, if you scroll back a bit, you'll find some other interesting content he's posted about various subjects such as taxation and theft, Christianity, the future of Steemit, and self-voting.

Since I have used his bots for various curation aspects, I asked @inertia what types of posts he most enjoys curating, to which he responded:

I like curating post written by liberty minded authors. People already on the platform like @ftlian and @marcstevens. They're on the front lines of the voluntary society.

Steemit has been an outlet for many who are like-minded with such users, so if you'd like to learn more about the voluntary society, you don't have to look very far.

Life, Offline.


I'm always curious about what life is like for Steemians when they are offline. @inertia's life sounds like one that he has much to be grateful for:

I work from home so I can be close to my family. I love working along side my wife to make our household a great place for our kids to grow up.

Hopefully Inertia's efforts on Steemit can help to accomplish that goal.

Inertia also says that he prefers to use Macs over PCs and Linux, and enjoys the television show Primer (click here to read his review)

Thoughts on Steemit

Steemit logo

As mentioned earlier, @inertia is very active on his Ruby forum on ChainBB. He also told me that he's fairly active on the SteemSpeak Discord server.

Since @inertia has contributed many great things to the platform, I was curious if he had any thoughts about changes he'd like to see on Steemit. He responded,

I think the platform is doing great. The thing I'm looking forward to are Smart Media Tokens, but even pre-SMT Communities are exciting. We have the opportunity to play with some of these community building ideas over on

But in terms of that platform as a whole, I'd like to see more witness parameters. I know it would be a programming nightmare, but imagine if the witnesses could decide what reward curve to implement based on their guidance. Giving more parameters to witnesses would make STEEM Power more valuable because in order to change these fundamental underpinnings, you have to have the stake.

When asked about promoting any witnesses he's fond of, @inertia provided this as his answer:

Here's his witness thread if you're interested.

@inertia's Contributions Shine in the Spotlight


Inertia had some great thoughts, so I appreciate him taking time to answer my questions and give us a bit of insight into his life as a bot creator, Steemian, husband, and father. His efforts look fantastic under the Steemian Spotlight, so I would like to provide a list of just a few of his contributions to the platform. Feel free to follow the links if any of these projects interest you.

Projects by @inertia:

I asked Inertia to describe Steemit in one word or phrase as if he were talking to someone unfamiliar with the platform. He responded "cromulent," a word which admittedly I had to look up. I'll just let you enjoy the same enlightenment I did. Click here to appreciate @inertia's cleverness.

Final Thoughts


If you've followed my blog for very long, you'll know that I often end my blog posts with a section called Final Thoughts, in which I summarize my post and give my last words on the subject. I plan to ask my interviewees for their final thoughts (anything else they'd like to add), and @inertia's seemed fitting to end this post with. When asked for any other thoughts, he simply responded,

Do Your Job; Don't Be Stupid.

Words to live by, indeed.





Hi @ethandsmith, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Well, I'd say if I stick around for this series I'll at least come away with a good idea who the uncrowned royalty accounts are on Steemit. @inertia has made some interesting contributions to Steemit. (I thought he also did Banjo, but maybe not.) Bots are intriguing, too. They do a lot of routine work and save people loads of time. I'm fascinated by the skill and forethought it takes to build one.

I had to look up the word "cromulent," too ... and I'm not sure about the irony in the definition. There's this one: fine, acceptable. But then there's also this one: appearing legitimate but actually spurious. Sometimes I'm not sure myself which one applies. I'm looking forward to your other candidates for this interview series. I'm always up for learning something new. Vocabulary included.

This excellent post was included in our new curation effort The Magnificent Seven -- a collaborative work by @enchantedspirit and @catweasel. You have received a 100% upvote from each of us to show our appreciation for your post. To see your creation showcased here ... and the fine company you keep ... please visit this link.

The Magnificent Seven

We appreciate your support both for our work on this project and for the other creators of exceptional content who make it all possible. (Follow @catweasel to catch our future Magnificent Seven posts. He's really not as annoying as you might think. <--- He always makes me say that.)

I really appreciate your support and inclusion of this post in your curation initiative!

I'm honestly not sure what to tell you about which definition of cromulent he was going for, so I suppose it will remain ambiguous. haha

I know @inertia does have some voting bots based on Ruby on his Github page, so it's likely he began the banjo initiative. I'll have to check again to be sure.

Love this interview. I also love how you made this post flow. It was a great interview to read and loved all your commentary and editing. Great initiative you have here.

Thanks so much. I'm excited to share all of my interviewees' thoughts, including yours!

Sneak preview for anyone reading this:

Tuesday- @HopeHuggs
Wednesday- @topkpop
Thursday- @ShadowsPub
Friday- @carlgnash

Plenty of great thoughts yet to come!

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I appreciate your comment. I hope everyone learns something about some of the great things going on across Steemit.

Wow really great format for this post, you did a wonderful job weaving the interview responses in with your text in a very easy to follow and cohesive layout. I loved getting to know @inertia! Thanks for shining the spotlight that way, I liked the view!

Much love - Carl

You're very welcome!

I hope you'll say the same thing about your interview on Friday! Glad you got to get a glimpse into @inertia's Steemit presence. He's a great guy who has developed some excellent tools for Steemians!

Thanks for your comment!

Lol - sounds like he gave you some good answers. I like his final thoughts. Had to look up the word as well. Nice to know some new slang I can throw in my everyday conversations. ;) Looking forward to your next posts. :)

Thanks so much for dropping in on this one! I think you'll enjoy the other posts as well. I just responded to @topkpop's comment on this post with a schedule for the rest of the week if you're interested!

Looks like a great schedule. I'll be checking it out.

This is a fantastic idea for a series! You should definitely do more of them after the current run.

It all depends on how many interviews I'm able to get done! Right now I've got three more posts for this week, plus at least two more, and hopefully more in the future. Thanks for stopping by to read this! I really appreciate it!

Definitely! You're a pretty positive force on steemit yourself.

I like this idea & thx for highlighting @inertia for us. Look forward to future "spotlights"
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by @chelsea88 (not a bot)

I appreciate you stopping by!

I've got four more great Steemians lined up for this week, so I hope you'll come back for each and every one!

I appreciate the upvote and resteem!

That's a absolutely and great concept..Carry on my friend ..

I appreciate your thoughts, and I encourage you to really read the post and check out the great things @inertia has done for the platform. Certainly an interview series is a great concept, however, I believe the concepts I'm going to talk about that these interviewees have been working on are far greater than this one post series can attest to.

In the future, when you comment on a post, consider talking about specific facets of the post that you enjoyed. For example, I'd love to know your thoughts on the usefulness of voting bots, or if you've ever done any programming.

There are good and bad ways to comment, so I also encourage you to check out this guide about comments. It will definitely help as you move forward on the platform!

Once again, thank you for visiting my post, but try to work on your engagement skills. It will make Steemit a better place for us all.

Most welcome my friend.

It's something that should be started a long ago. Well late is better then never ;)

I didnt know anything about intertidal to be honest so found htis very interesting this is such a great great dea for a series and I look forward to seeinghte other posts

Thanks for stopping by! I've got lots of great content coming up this week, so I'll be sure to share the interviews over at @steemusa when I post them!

looking forward to seeing them all great work on thrse

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