Minnow Life and Why I love It

in #minnows7 years ago

We have all heard the term minnow and I guess it truly means something different to everyone. Today I am going to tell you what it means to me and why I choose to stay one for now.

To me minnow means that you have just enough steem power to have a slider but not enough to make it worth self-voting. Yes, there are some that self-vote from day one but they really struggle to move even to the size of a minnow

A slider gives you more chances to up vote another users but you have less of that option to up vote others for every self vote you reward yourself with.

To each their own, this is my journey

I have a large family that also needs things but I can see the bigger picture of what others need more

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Now if you've made it this far, I can start the real basis of this post. I am not powering down and I am not leaving, nor do I care if you only up vote your own account. Each account is the users account but the idea of steemit from my perspective is to interact and give.

What do I mean by I am staying a minnow? It is pretty simple as I power up little by little I will be looking for steem users who are acting out my vision of steemit and delegating to them as I can. I am not looking for charity cases to delegate to. I am looking for users who are using the platform as I do and are engaging but also building their steem power at the same time.

490 Steem power is the limit for a slider, what is the big deal about a slider you ask as there are many sites which allow you to have a slider? The big deal is you are not having to trust someone else with the keys to your account to use a feature you have not earned.

Why would I give my steem power away to other users? I am and I am not. I am loaning it and I can recall it at any time. The idea is to help someone who is above 300 SP and really trying to work steemit in a manner I see truly helpful until they get to 490 themselves.

I do not personally self vote and I am not a vote trader so my vote amount doesn't really mean much personally to me as long as I have a slider and I am making content others enjoy and interacting with users.

I can tell you, you will gain more followers as your vote get's bigger. People want your up votes even if they hate your content and you post to many times a day they will up vote for the hope that you up vote them. It isn't really going to happen so you might as well vote on what you like to begin with.

There are many auto pilot groups on here you can join for circle jerk votes or you can sell your delegation and earn a profit but that is a singular concept I just can't wrap my head around. That is the old world of fiat and as a whole we need to move away from that in this environment where we can help so many with so little.

What do you guys think of the bigger picture?

Do you support vote for vote or selling delegation?

If you're reading my post, it is your opinion that matters, so what are your thoughts?



"To me minnow means that you have just enough steem power to have a slider but not enough to make it worth self-voting. "

Just vote yourself 10xtimes per day silly!

Does that mean I have to start producing TA Charts?

Actually, you've just solved the problem... the way for Minnows to skyrocket straight to whale is simply to spam out TA charts! :D

Stop grabbing my zipper!

Stop stopping me! I just want to see if there's a weird dick in there or not. I will leave you alone after!

I dont know much about Steemit but I get I am a minnow (the kind that is beneath your kinda minnow). I am also guilty of self voting. That decision is driven by a very lame excuse but somehow a necessary move for my evaporating artistic ego.

Steemit can be an awesome platform but as you said, it's a vote to be voted for platform. Sometimes that is the hardest thing seeing whats in our trending page. Most people you'd expect to support minnows won't... This can be because selling votes is more profitable or the fact that the minnows vote is crap. Apologies if I am out of line but.... :)

Not at all, you either fall into the select chosen few who get support of you do not. Same thing happens once you start getting small support, you open your mouth on a taboo topic or offend the wrong person and you get shunned.
Self voting isn't really an issue until it becomes you give yourself three or four 100% up votes per week while giving those below you trying to grow sub 5% votes unless they are your "friends" in which you give 25% to 50% votes too.
I find trending comical and often tell new people it is the bought and paid section and they should just avoid it.
You my friend have to be more consistent in amounts of your postings, that is where you seem to have fallen behind.

I agree with a lot here especially the comical part. Most of steemit's best content is in the poor rating sections. Says a lot about what we vote for.

I chose to fall behind after a few disappointments. It happens... Will see how to change that :)

I look forward to that raw emotion coming back full force.

Thank you for explaning about term minnow. I had no knowledge about it.

That is just my take on what a minnow is. Some consider you a minnow until well after a full $1 vote is earned.

Ive been sitting here for the last 2 hrs on a post . some of it has to do with sliders . lol
I agree strongly and will in time help in picking up the mantel
I do not agree with vote for vote or selling
now back to my post

I wrote this 3 hours ago before losing power.

I am sort of doing a comment test as I have had 2 post this week giving away stuff and both went well over 200 comments. So this is a tester to see if the draw is the content or the free stuff. You know me I like to do tests, get to really know people. There sure were a ton of sub 30 Rep accounts coming out of no where this past week. So time for a reset and just a post of words to see how much conversation get's going.

Oh you will definitely get less comments. If there's no food, surely the small fishes will not gather. Who wants to talk about remaining a minnow when everyone wants to be a whale? Lol.
You have good plans, i hope you can make them come true. Peace.

This is how I will find my like minded community. Who's to say there are not many minnows just waiting and looking for a reason to really dump some money into this platform. Those who really have money are not worried about how to scam the system, they just want one that is not broken.

Yeah, that may be true but there are still those with money who want more and they see loopholes they can use. But i believe also that there are those who have good thoughts for the platform and are willing to invest their resources into making it a reality.

Yes, new money guys will look for loop holes as crypto has been all the wealth they have ever known. Wealth does not come in the form of dollars to the truly wealthy. That is why blockchain and the record it keeps is so important for us to be able to move forward together as something bigger than the toys we can buy and the games we can play with other peoples money.

shit are you saying that there are no free stuff here
thats a lot of comments , I think contest do draw a lot .
"Religion " The guy on the ground is really praying .

Haha, praying indeed.

Well I want a slider, for the very reason you mentioned, a feature I earned on a site I didn't pay to use. It's got a lot of value in significance. And when I have one, I'll probably still give out 100% votes, but by that point, I'll actually be boosting what I like to see on the site! And with my friends coming, I can encourage them to stay by showing them anybody can do it -- myself as the example. I'm also a huge fan of delegation, because it's literally like sending someone your energy for a massive Spirit Bomb -- your vote. It's a way better concept then selling it to the market, like I'm doing cuz idek who I'd give my power to, save my friend or something. I'm out here grinding.

I just looked, I would have thought you had a slider by now but you are only showing as 48 SP, if you retrieve your other SP I have no problem helping you get a slider for a while. Just hit me up in chat when you're powered back up with all your steem power.

Im always see,reading,upvote,resteem and respons a quality content,,,,
But sometimes im upvote what i need upvote,,,
I think,,, when i need upvote a quality content i do by my brain,,, and when i need upvote i'll do with my heart,,,
But the best upvote is doing by our brain and our heart,,,
Thanks my friend, for sharing,,,,

Knowing the difference is half of the battle. Keep up the good fight and follow your heart a little more than your brain. : )

Thanks for your advice my friend,,, its valuable advice for me,,, thank you so much,,, and of course i'll try it,,, Heart is the key for upvote,,, :)

I suppose it all boils down to which you think is more helpful. The delegation to give someone a slider, of keeping the SP and supporting them with your larger vote - in which case they can use the resulting SBDs to power up themselves, taking a slower path to the slider.

I can only vote so many users per day. This way I see it as turning my minimum vote into 6+ minimum votes spread across 6 different sets of users who probably read different blogs than I do which means they will be able to up vote more users than I could ever read. To me these little angel votes will cause more engagement and more up votes for all users involved.
This also causes me to not forget the little guy as I am reminded I am a little guy too. To me it is an opportunity to blanket more minnows in a shower of up votes and engagement. And it cost me nothing to spread out the up votes under this blanket of sharing.

Perfectly logical.

I see this issue two ways:

The realist in me is neutral. How does buying upvotes or seeking delegation differ from advertising or investing. Your trying to attract more attention or make your money pile grow with the least effort. It’s going after the low hanging fruit.

The idealist in me thinks I it’s a bad precedent. When you get greater rewards for less work, where’s the incentive? Some of the richest people out there don’t work. Period. Their money does all their work for them. That incentivizes others to do the same. Worse, it normalizes corruption by tempting everyone to join in.

Personally, I’d rather focus on meeting people and having fun on Steemit. I don’t see the point in producing posts that nobody really reads except for that payout number at the bottom.

I agree and that is why I help people a little, I see it as just enough rope to hang themselves or do good. The choice is theirs after they receive it. It isn't enough to enable them to pay themselves or their friends. It is just enough to allow they to spread their love for the platform farther.

I think you're going about it the right way eroded. I support your continued minnowhood.

Thank you. It is all done in theory.

The last paragraph really resonated with me. You got a good heart man. I did not even understand any of it (and still don't big part of it) until I was here like year and half. I swear I discovered the "Redeem rewards" button like few months ago when I had like 1000 SBD in there :D I was always scratching my head why I have no money or SP, but I cared more about inspiring people and creating good content. Now I see more of steemit, like a retard almost 2 years later haha, and I see the inherently corrupt part of it (greed brother, that's all it is. Give people money to compete for and they will be greedy and create schemes...) but also the great part of Steemit such as generous giving people and really bad ass content and community. Glad I found you. Keep on rocking!

I felt really inspired earlier reading your post as well about just pushing forward. It has been a long time since I painted, I stopped after a very hard loss. I had a friend that was working on something to get me motivated but it has not been done yet.
You gave me a glimmer of desire with that post. That in the last few hours has turned into a raging fire. For that I thank you, it was the story as much as the artwork. You're right, no matter what giving up is the only defeat one can face. I owe my son a finished painting and his two little brothers after that. Thank you again for being so human in your words.

Side note: Haha that must have been like Christmas when you found your money. Also have you thought about doing an interview with @humansofsteemit I bet Ashley would love to hear your story as would I.

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