Tarot Tuesday Twosome #14



My Tarot Tuesday Twosome takes two cards & explains what they suggest about the present & immediate future. Two cards can show point / counter-point situations. They can show a situation & further details to consider. They can indicate the present situation ... & the near future or the next step in the progression.

They give literally twice as much information as the familiar One-Card Reading, & I have found them to be surprisingly prescient in my practice with them. So, I decided to bring them here to my Steemit blog -- to show you what I mean & invite you to consider their weekly message / prediction ... & step into a more conscious life.


Page of Rods = starting a new level of self-discovery, learning more about who you are, what you can do, what you stand for , how you can increase your status & standing or have more impact on the world around you, showing leadership in a minor role -- because you have to develop this more, becoming "a community influencer" ---> starting a project or venture that will help reveal this or help you grow & make progress along these lines

Knight of Cups = focusing on your feelings, listening to your intuition, following your hunches & creative instincts, doing what you enjoy, producing "art" that has your special style / personality / message / perspectives as part of its beauty & message, harvesting more enjoyment & pleasure, developing yourself as an artist / taking responsibility for creating your life


A comment on current conditions
What are these cards saying?

You're on the brink of a new growth experience -- and all systems are "Go!" You have the self-esteem, the background, the motivation, the desire, the chutzpah, etc., everything you need to launch this effort. This is your next step -- lined up and waiting.

The Inner Self directly involved here is one of your Inner Leaders -- the least developed and most immature of them (but that doesn't mean he's not capable or without power) ... s/he just doesn't have the history and experience yet to be "promoted" into a higher position.

(This is where all journeys of new development -- of anything using your personal character resources -- begin. You've done this before -- a lot. And here it comes again.)

Your companion on this journey is one of your Inner Artists (or one of your Inner Hedonists -- depending on how you define this part of you. He could also be one of your Inner Mystics, TBH ... or one of your Inner Lovers.) This part of you is into feelings, emotions, sensations, enjoyment, pleasure, sex (!!), creativity, art, relationships, and spiritual development. Some of your new growth will draw from these possibilities that will ultimately hand you both more mastery and a greater understanding of life's "unseen dimensions."

This second personality has some "experience" to draw on ... so you're not starting from scratch with his talents. He is liable to be the one to direct the course of this learning and build "meaning" into it.

Again, as I said yesterday, Knight energy is focused and self-propelling. Knights have a mission ... something they want to accomplish, something they want to change, do or create.

Part of the subtext here also is Knights usually have "an agenda" -- a cause they want to promote, present, defend, or push, so it's likely this is also part of what you're assembling.


A forecast of the future
As a one-two sequence,
cause & effect / situation & result,
present situation & next situation

As a one / two sequence ... you need to get started on something that is authentically you -- something that will advance your skills, make use of your personality, be "meaningful," push the envelope on your comfort zone enough to be interesting and instructive ... and help you develop into someone better, more impressive, more capable, more advanced, etc., than you are ATM.

Waiting to help ... or waiting to pack up and come along with you ... are existing dimensions of creative / emotional / spiritual knowledge with a knapsack full of useful skills and abilities that can make this venture fun, enjoyable and significant. You'll be creating something symbolic and supportive of "you" from what happens -- something that states who you are.


A point to ponder
Simple words of wisdom
to make the journey more interesting

All this agony and mucking around may have actually turned up something (or some Inner Selves) worth having. The challenge here is to get started ... to actually begin ... and see what your Creative Self has in mind. (The Tarot says they're ready!)

Do the thing, and you shall have the power.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~


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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

For Replies Tarot Tuesday Weekly Wednesday Wrap-up with edging.jpg

Hello again from the Steemit Tarot community!

Dropping by to let you know your post has been featured in our weekly curation post! Here's the link -

June 26, 2019 - Tarot Tuesday Weekly Wednesday Wrap-up

Have a great week!

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