⏺Who do you hang-out with?

in #welovesteemit7 years ago (edited)


"You are the version of the top five people you surround yourself with."

Have you ever heard that phrase? Well, if you have heard it, but you are questioning it, let me just tell you..

It's the TRUTH.

This is a bit of a difficult concept for me to explain. It's something that simply needs to be experienced.

Sharing quality content is always a great help to the people around you :)

There is a reason why any successful businessman would tell you to get a mentor. It's because when you are being mentored, you are picking-up certain characteristics of that person. You are becoming a part of them.

See, the same thing happens when an innocent teenager is hanging-out with smokers, or drug-addicts. That person is becoming just like them over time. You will notice that if they are still hanging-out with each other after 3-6 months, that teenager will 8 out of 10 times be smoking too. Not because they are bad or anything, but because they knew nothing else.

Have you ever seen a baby born in Africa, with Xhosa-speaking parents, grow up to be speaking Chinese. No. It will speak Xhosa, because the people around him/her do so. They know nothing else.

If you want to be happy, start talking to happier people.
If you want to dress better, start building relationships with people that dress really well.
If you want to become really successful in business, then get a mentor who has done so.

Have you ever wondered how some of those 'supercar Youtube channel' owners are able to own such exotic cars? Because a lot of the time, they are not very rich. Most of them could not afford a nice car when they started their channels. But you see, because of the fact that their channels were about supercars, they started associating themselves with other channel owners who did similarly. They started collaborating. And eventually, a few years down the line, they are all owning the latest cars. It's not because they are any better than you, but rather because they were pressured by their friends to make things happen.

I hope these examples have proven the point that is pondering in my head. It is sometimes quite tough to converse my thoughts into words, LOL!



If you are having draw-backs or bad times in certain parts of your life, the most unproductive thing you can do is feel sorry for yourself. Things are not going to fix themselves. You need to self-assess your situation.

Why am I telling you this? Because I have recently come to the conclusion that these bad situations are most of the time influenced by the decisions you make as a person.. And those decisions are most of the time influenced by the people who surround you.


Pick your friends carefully. They can either make you or break you.

Guys, I would love to hear your feedback on my content. Let me know what is on your mind. We can discuss it in the comments section and potential in future posts :) Let me know if you think I can improve on anything in my content (I am open-minded).

I would like to make it clear that no money in the world can deliver me the satisfaction of other people taking value from my content. If you think it can benefit others, please support me by resteeming and sharing this information! :)

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You have some great advice here. Thanks for sharing. I am wondering if your advice applies to people I hang out with online? If so, I consider myself very blessed to associate with you and many other wonderful people on Steemit.

I used the words "hang out" because I wanted people to be able to relate to it easily :) The proper term I would use would rather be "association".

See, the way this concept works is when you surround yourself around different crowds, you talk and think about the things those crowds are doing on a regular basis through habit. So it can be seen as quite a technical topic to discuss, but at the same time, it could be very simple.

Think about it on the broader spectrum.. Let's make an online example and say that you have two different online contacts that you are talking to.

One of them is a rocket scientist, busy designing the next best thing for NASA.

The other is someone who smokes weed all day and doesn't really care about the how their life turns out.

(Both completely random examples :P)

Do you think the stoner will entice you to start thinking about how to change the world through astronomy? :)

Keeping things simple by thinking about examples like that will explain things the best :P

I hope that example shows that it doesn't matter about the form in which the connection is made, but rather the fact that the connection is being made in the first place. It's all about influence.

Another example could be if you feel in any way different after coming to this post.. If it has an impact in anyway, then the point is proven :)

So to answer you question, YES, it does apply to people you hang-out with online too :)

(I just realized that this reply is SUPER LONG.. Hope I don't bore you..)
Thanks for stopping by! Glad we connected :)

Great response. And I totally agree! Thank you!

Only my pleasure :)

Not sure if you have, but if you haven't, I think you might like my latest post, go check it out :) I cover how to become successful on any social media (Especially Steemit)

Can. NOT. Stop. Reading! Srsly, dude . . . it's like you are going though my personal "playbook". I LOVE this post! It is so unbelievably true. From my personal experience, things in life did NOT move forward until I began to hang-out with and emulate those I respected (in whatever field/goal I was seeking to reach). I have accomplished many goals this way and continue to practice this concept. It's very powerful.

WOW you're really going through everything hey :D This makes me very happy.

The thing is that it is just so powerful. It's also a trick that never seems to fail! For anyone who is feeling lost in life, needing some kind of advice.. The first thing I will tell them is to go and spend time watching videos of people they want to be like. And then to actually go and make friends with those kinds of people. As soon as you are around someone who is focused, just by talking to them, you are able to pick up on their vibes. That automatically starts to uplift you without you even knowing.. It's incredible.

It's almost like a bulletproof testimonial :P

Nice seeing you again! See you soon.

I'm only going through everything because you keep sharing good stuff! Hahahaha - that's how it works ;)

That makes all the effort worth it :)

You make excellent points here @enazwahsdarb
Mindset is everything. It took me a long while to realize that the negative people in my life were pulling me down. So I had to separate from them and find new people. It's changed my life...for the better.

Don't know how I missed this.. Thanks for stopping by :) I appreciate your kind words! Talk soon.

This is really true and a great way to look at it. Should keep this is mind, although I'm quite happy with the type of people I surround myself with. 😄😊 Great post, keep up the great content! You're making it far.

Thank you my friend :) I appreciate that my words are able to help others! I hope to see all the hardest working, most deserving people right at the top one of these days! Let's do this :)

Great post and again so true. We learn from misstakes and from people in our life.
I have never been able to be anything but true to myself.....something felt wrong I didnt do it.
Someone tryed to change me....I felt sick.
I have lost a lot of friends because of it in the past but I know now they were never my real friends😊 the real ones loves u for u.
Supports u and holds u when things gets hard
I think my problem....no my future thing to work on is tp be able to ask for help.
I can be there for anyone at anytime.....but for me to ask for help....thats a working progress
Thx for ur post. Always so inspiering

That's awesome. To be able to not only find your weaker points, but actually admit to them is the best step to improving! You are awesome!

I must say, I was really impressed with your posting. I see you have also made more than 2000+ posts and you also joined in June. That's definitely something I can appreciate the most. Sure it's nice when people's posts are making some money, but that's almost just getting lucky.. But nothing can subsidize pure hard work and hustle.

Nice seeing you again :) Talk soon again.

Aww. Thank u so much for ur kind words.
Means a lot😊 ur so sweet.
Ur awsome too with ur inspiration and tips that changes peoples lives and ways to look at things ans how to make things easyer and more simpel.......u made a different in mine.
I have always known what I needed to do and my weakness like u said😊 but to take that step and to read ur ideas on how to make it easyer.....that got my butt kicked....lol
We all struggle with things in our lives but just to be reminded on how easy it can be to change....step by step....every step is a step closer to ur goal😊
Thank u for that ♡
About my posts, yes I belive hard work and to really write from the heart is my way.
Im not here for the money I love meeting new people and see what they are all about, what their dreams are what drives them and what matters in life.
A post and the way a person writes can tell a lot about a person, if they really makes an effort in it or just writes like u write a note.
Does it make sence.....lol
Ur posts makes a difference and thats what I want too.
Thats my goal

Wow talk about being kind with words.. That was so nice of you to say! I am so glad my content is making an impact. That really is my goal, and was my goal this entire time.

Work so hard behind closed doors, that people will not be able to miss your impact when those doors are opened! I believe we should have the same attitude with our content and our work. You are your own biggest competition, so beat yourself :)

So true Im my biggest competition and I will beat my self so I can give it all to others and make a digference😊
U are more than welcome. From the ♡
Thank u for being u

Great article. Am new on steemit and I hope to have fun here. Also, support me by upvoting this comment as I am financially indisposed as I intend starting up a new business to support myself. Thanks and I love you all

In Italy we say "Chi va con lo zoppo, impara a zoppicare" that litterally means
Who hangs out with a crippled person, eventually becomes cripple.
Not sure if it makes sense to you!
Same thing happens in a positive way as you said. Nice read my friend :)

That's a pretty accurate analogy! Of course it makes sense :) It's just so true though!

Glad you enjoyed it :) You are more than welcome to give suggestions of what content you would like me to write about in the future :)

There is an analogy about friendship in Sanskrit that I found very to be very profound. Here's the translation in english -
Friendship between Milk and water

  1. Milk lends its good qualities to water, when water is added to it.
  2. Water jumps into fire, when it finds the milk boiling and in danger.
  3. Milk also jumps into fire, unable to bear the danger to its friend (water).
  4. Both enjoy peace, when milk and water live together.

To me, this is the true meaning of friendship.... What do you'll think?

Good post!

Fantastic analogy. It's really in detail, yet every point is so true and accurate!

Thanks for your input! Appreciate it when people pay attention :) Talk soon!

Glad you like it :). See you soon and looking forward to your next post!

Sure thing! I am very glad my content is enticing you guys! Next post coming up soon! Let me know if you want me to cover any specific topics :)

Will do as I think of something!

That's is so true can you please tell us about the hardest subject out there in business how to find you niche and how to know if you can do it


I am sure I can definitely look into making a post like that :) Great topic. I have a very simple answer for that too!

Stay in touch :) I think I will either cover it in my very next post, if not, then the one after that!

Talk soon :)

I think it's true, that people tend to assimilate the qualities of the people they hang around the most. I am not sure why that is, but maybe it's because it improves our chances of survival? Maybe the same way animals like to group together as a herd to make it difficult for predators.

Or if you didn't know, women who hang around together long enough will have synchronised menstruation cycles. This is also because if they bear children, the chances of survival are higher when many are born at the same time!

Hey @sweetsssj :) It makes me feel so grateful that you have taken the time to read my content too! I will remember the times when in the future I am at the top with you, and we both have millions of followers, as I am very confident you will (I hope I can do so too). I love this concept of giving to be able to receive.

I actually didn't know about that about a female. That really gets me thinking about the way-deeper picture. After all, everything will at the end of the day fall back to natural instinct and survival of the fittest/strongest. And there is nothing as strong as people united.

Great input. I am glad I am able to have such a strong, sensible conversation with you. I don't experience it much. Especially with a beautiful, popular face! (According to the general stereotype :P)

Talk soon :) and thanks again!

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