Wednesday Walk

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago (edited)

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There is nothing like a little snow to pretty up the landscape, is there? Unless of course, it is a tropical island. Then... All bets are off. Let's step into the day for our #WednesdayWalk with @tattoodjay, and don't forget to check out his latest post here If you want to learn more about his weekly walks, check it out!

Grab Your Hat and Let's Go!


I wore my yellow jacket just so I could sneak in #WednesdayYellow #ColorChallenge by @Kalemandra... sneaky, I know!

There were snow-covered bushes waving hello to me as I strolled on by. I know if it is too heavy, it can damage those brittle branches as they lay dormant in the winter cold, but, then again, a nice bit of snow can give them some of the water needed to go through the winter. I look forward to seeing this pretty bush in the Spring... which seems so far away right now.

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Oh, winter! Why do you have to overstay your welcome? Can't we Spring Forward sometime soon?

"I make it easier for people to leave by making them hate me a little.”

― Cecelia Ahern, The Book of Tomorrow


Following the road down to the edge of the Civil War Battlefield, I look out into the vast field of nothingness and wonder if this is one of the places where Clara Barton volunteered her nursing services. Yet, she gave up her job at the US Patent Office in Washinton, DC and helped the wounded in and around the battlefields. At the time, there were only men in the military. She was often called the "Angel of the Battlefield."

Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881 at age 60 and ran it for the next 23 years. Girl Power!

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I didn't realize we had this much snow left. Most of these are in the shade, so they are hanging on to what they have. Oh, snow! Can't you be pretty somewhere else?

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Walk This Way!!

I thought only the disciples walked on water? Who knew?


I happened by the sledding hill again, to see if there was any action going on. Of course, there was. No matter what time of day or night it seems, if there is snow, there will be kids sliding down that hill. Oh, what fun! I think I will give it a go!!!

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How sweet! She offered me her snowboard. Yeah, no.

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¸.♥´¸.•♥¨) Let the sun shine in on your life
So the joy may touch your soul

(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥

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Thanks for taking a quick walk around a piece of the neighborhood today. Glad I stopped by the hill to jump on a sled and scream like a little girl, all the way down the hill! Because THAT was fun! I want to thank JJ @tattoodjay for creating and hosting this weekly challenge. It has been a wonderfully popular tag and we all love it!

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Don't ever forget what wonderful world we live in, people. Let's hold hands around the globe and make this earth really spin. Some days, it is not as easy to see, so we must try harder to give everyone the proper focus.

Later that night
I held an atlas in my lap
Ran my fingers across the whole world
And whispered,
"Where does it hurt?"
It answered,



Wow, you're really getting the weather. And the folks in the know say you will be getting more this weekend. Yowza, glad it's only raining here. Though I do miss the white stuff, it's SO gorgeous. Except when I have to drive around in it. That I DON'T miss.
I'm glad you jumped on the sled. Ah, that all brings back memories of playing in the snow in the Midwest when a shorter lad than now. And how we could play out all day, as in ALL day. I'm truly a cold and wet weather weenie now ( :

I love your Cecelia Ahern quote. So very true on so many fronts. "How can I miss you, if you won't go away..?" I did want to mention a movie I recently saw that you might like. About the women of nursing on the wartime front. Called Anzac Girls. The incredible story of the nurses from New Zealand and Australia in WW I. It was an amazing look (slightly fictionalized reality, evidently) of some very tough, determined, phenomenally brave women helping put people back together during another of our seemingly endless debacles of warfare. Was quite inspiring to watch, if not a bit bloody at times. Then again, that is the reality of it all. I do believe in showing all the punches that are thrown.

On to more hopeful thoughts. I hope this finds you warm and enjoying your snow. Good luck in the next round coming down from the arctic. Stay inside, and eat lots of snacks and watch movies. That's what I would do ( :

I definitely will have to look up that movie because it sounds like something that is right up my alley. It's so hard to find good movies nowadays, I find myself looking back into the past movie making extravaganzas. Most of what they're doing nowadays is trash or a quick buck at the box office. I like a little more meat okay with my potatoes. Thanks for the mention. I'll let you know how I like it and if I can find it.

We didn't get as much snow as what appears because it came in stages. It snowed 4 inches one day and then flurried through the night so there was some more in the morning but not enough to shed tears over. I still love sledding and tobogganing and all sorts of winter fun. Skiing has been done already this year, and we had a blast. I even managed to make some time for the ski lodge this time around. I'm not quite a cold winter weenie yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'll make it someday. I can see how easy that would be once you stop going out in it all the time, or move away from it, suddenly you become allergic at the thought of that white fluffy stuff coming down. I still get a little giddy when it's coming and get excited, but if I had snow like some people do oh, I'm pretty sure that I'd be bawling my eyes out every time the Sky got looking like snow.

Well I suppose I should be moving along, but I did want to tell you that yes oh, I think you should get out there and jump on a sled and see if you don't scream like a little girl all the way down. Oh, and don't forget to take pictures. It has been said to me that pictures or it didn't happen. Hindsight I guess that makes a lot of sense but I never think of it at the time because I'm always in the moment. Have a great day!


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Wow! So beautiful all around you :). Pure white snow all around. It's really a lot of fun to roll down a hill. Winter fun is always a lot of fun. I enjoyed your walk @dswigle

🎁 Hi @madlenfox! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Wednesday Walk Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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We have so little snow, so this was a real treat! Two days of snow and sledding down the hills! I don't know about you, but, it sure does a soul good to do this once in a while! :))


Excellent photos, I love all that white stuff! Of course, now my ears are cold... It all looks wonderful, Denise, and way more photogenic than rain! voted & resteemed :-)

Thanks so much, Keith! I think anything with H2O has my vote! Thanks for the upvote and resteem! It is truly appreciated!


Looks like such a brisk day for a walk but so beautiful as well, and I do agree spring does seem so far away

Thanks again for joining Wednesday Walk, :)

I wonder if I scroll down this far will I be safe and you may not notice the !tip

Ohh well that did work it doesn't show all the returns before the tip line lOL

Well Birthday Boy! That was definitely verboten!

Happy Birthday to You!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!!
Happy Birthday, dear JJ!!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!!!!


Ohh come on now thats getting dirty LOL, but thanks you :) thank you :) thank you :)

PS I tip every post for Wednesday Walk :)

Ahem! You look at my profile. I tip every post of mine. Seriously! Honestly! :)) Not saying you aren't special! :))

Birthday Boy!

LOl I know you do thats why your called Aunt Tippy ;)

Pfft! That was just Corky @Sir Cork that did that. He was almost worse than you! ;))

OK now I feel insulted, I don;t think there is anyone even near almost worse than me ;)


🎁 Hi @tattoodjay! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: Wednesday Walk Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Pictures or it didnt happen on the hill LOL!

The colors on that selfie are just perfect, they really pop! Looking great , Snow Bunny!!

Ha! Sounds like the snow is wearing out its welcome in Camelot, well welcome to my world!

Pictures or it didn't happen? I'll have to go with it didn't happen because I don't have any pictures. That's a selfie that won't happen! I, too like the yellow jacket. It's nice and warm and cozy and has an Animal Planet logo so all the children love it. All the children want it. It's a little too bright for me but I can assure you I will never get lost in a snow drift. Thank you for the vote and for the continued support.

The snow? Well let's just say that as long as it doesn't hang around until spring I'll be okay with it.


🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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snow and winter have their charm !!! you have quite a lot of snow !!!! how wonderful that children have this pleasure !!!! My girlfriend flew to Moscow friends that week. they rode there from a hill on huge pillows and squeaked like children :))))) I see despite the snow you are not very cold because there is no warm hat on your head. Yellow jacket is really suitable for Wednesday :))))) The woman you talked about is really very courageous. in our century there are very few such people, alas ....

The snow has been quite a treat for me! As long as it doesn't last too long! It is funny to ride down the hill and scream like little girls! Yes! The hat is warm, or actually, it is like a headband. If I wear a full hat, my head gets too hot! :)))

How fun for your friends!

We are very much lacking heroes in this century. Yes. I agree with you. I hope you have a most fabulous day! I think we may have more snow again today! Yay!


🎁 Hi @tali72! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

@dswigle wrote lately about: The Gentle Touch Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Always pleasant to see those snowy streets and fields...make me fall in love... Never been to such place

Posted using Partiko Android

I am trying to decide if that is lucky or unfortunate! :))


🎁 Hi @steemflow! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

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Ha, ha! Loved this post and all the photographs. The snow looks great from afar! 😜

Posted using Partiko iOS

I can feel you by saying that the winter feels like it's over staying but for me it's so lovely to see them snow photos and i do miss playing it in when i use to visit the snowy mountains back in Australia i was just like you a little kid at heart playing and snow boarding down them slops....loved it and miss it.

I do and then, suddenly, I am over it and ready for the sun and fun! :)))

Yep i get the drift a couple of days of that is enough for me...keep warm my friend :)

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