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RE: Wednesday Walk

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

Wow, you're really getting the weather. And the folks in the know say you will be getting more this weekend. Yowza, glad it's only raining here. Though I do miss the white stuff, it's SO gorgeous. Except when I have to drive around in it. That I DON'T miss.
I'm glad you jumped on the sled. Ah, that all brings back memories of playing in the snow in the Midwest when a shorter lad than now. And how we could play out all day, as in ALL day. I'm truly a cold and wet weather weenie now ( :

I love your Cecelia Ahern quote. So very true on so many fronts. "How can I miss you, if you won't go away..?" I did want to mention a movie I recently saw that you might like. About the women of nursing on the wartime front. Called Anzac Girls. The incredible story of the nurses from New Zealand and Australia in WW I. It was an amazing look (slightly fictionalized reality, evidently) of some very tough, determined, phenomenally brave women helping put people back together during another of our seemingly endless debacles of warfare. Was quite inspiring to watch, if not a bit bloody at times. Then again, that is the reality of it all. I do believe in showing all the punches that are thrown.

On to more hopeful thoughts. I hope this finds you warm and enjoying your snow. Good luck in the next round coming down from the arctic. Stay inside, and eat lots of snacks and watch movies. That's what I would do ( :


I definitely will have to look up that movie because it sounds like something that is right up my alley. It's so hard to find good movies nowadays, I find myself looking back into the past movie making extravaganzas. Most of what they're doing nowadays is trash or a quick buck at the box office. I like a little more meat okay with my potatoes. Thanks for the mention. I'll let you know how I like it and if I can find it.

We didn't get as much snow as what appears because it came in stages. It snowed 4 inches one day and then flurried through the night so there was some more in the morning but not enough to shed tears over. I still love sledding and tobogganing and all sorts of winter fun. Skiing has been done already this year, and we had a blast. I even managed to make some time for the ski lodge this time around. I'm not quite a cold winter weenie yet, but I'm pretty sure that I'll make it someday. I can see how easy that would be once you stop going out in it all the time, or move away from it, suddenly you become allergic at the thought of that white fluffy stuff coming down. I still get a little giddy when it's coming and get excited, but if I had snow like some people do oh, I'm pretty sure that I'd be bawling my eyes out every time the Sky got looking like snow.

Well I suppose I should be moving along, but I did want to tell you that yes oh, I think you should get out there and jump on a sled and see if you don't scream like a little girl all the way down. Oh, and don't forget to take pictures. It has been said to me that pictures or it didn't happen. Hindsight I guess that makes a lot of sense but I never think of it at the time because I'm always in the moment. Have a great day!


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