Fuyu Fast Balls and a Pointy Thing - Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

Preparing a move across several borders takes time and preparation - Ever thought about it? Friends have asked me things like “what’s so tough now, you’ve already sold everything you own?” They don’t understand the liquidation clock is currently at 1 year, 10 months, 11 days and tic-toc. I try to help them relate but it’s difficult like trying to explain to someone what salt tastes like.

What I’m trying to say is: I haven’t had time to think about #fff this week - My bad! But it’s my favorite Friday of the week and I didn’t feel like missing it (yet). What are we at now @jlsplatts, 13 weeks? So, last night when we were at the market, I made my way over to the produce section in search of a piece of fruit I’ve never had. A nice piece I can get into, maybe learn a little something about it and share my findings with you. I’ve never had a Kiwano Melon, that’s the pointy thing. The Persimmons aren’t unfamiliar, I just couldn’t help myself when I saw the name of the farmer: Fuyu! At least I think that’s the farmer? My initial reaction was “Fuyu too!” They’re nice size balls, though, a good pair to air out in the kitchen. These fast balls are smooth to the touch, freshly picked and washed, nice and round and fit in the palm of your hand - Perfect! All you have to do is grab ahold of them and fire away! I know what you’re thinking, “what’s a pair of fast balls without a pointy thing?” I’m glad you asked! That’s where the Kiwano Melon sticks its head out.

It’s sharp, short, fat and pointy. It’s tough to get a firm grip on, that’s for sure. You’ll hardly be able get your hand around the whole thing. But what is it? How does it throw? What does it taste like and how do we get the skin off this thing? I need a kitchen - The one where all the cool people hang out:
@puravidaville, @jlsplatts, @glenalbrethsen, @lizzyib, @wonderwop, @sivehead, @protegeaa, @weirdheadaches, @cleopatra, @alaqrab, @jackofcrows, @drawmeaship, @braaiboy, @sparkesy43, @mattlovell, @creationofcare, @lil-splatts, @kuku-splatts, @therealpaul.
(I didn’t mean to miss you if I did! It’s that shorrr... where were we?)

They all hang out @foodfightfriday!


The Persimmons’ throw nicely, between 79 and 86 mph, that’s not bad! If I stand up on the kitchen counter and fire these things at you, you won’t stand a chance. They’re nice and juicy and fly like a baseball - Ka’pow!


These are the prices of both fruits in Los Angeles, California, is this normal to you?


Kiwano Melons are native to South Africa where they’re known as “horned melons.” In the past 100 years they’ve been introduced to New Zealand and Australia as well. It got its name ‘Kiwano’ because the consistency of the fruit is said to resemble Kiwi. From what I’ve read, the texture is similar to kiwi and it tastes like a cross between cucumber and zucchini. I’ll let you know what I think in just a minute - First I have to figure out how to cut the thing open.

Kiwano melon

I don’t think there’s a wrong way to cut these things. I found articles that show people cutting them open both lengthwise and across the middle. We cut across the middle.


I grabbed a spoon and learned they can be hallowed out like you would a grapefruit. The articles I read online about the consistency being similar to a kiwi are accurate, I guess! To be a little more accurate, I would probably say it’s a real slimy, water-based, kiwi with enlarged sunflower seeds that doesn’t taste very good. Yeah, that’s more accurate.


I ate 1/3 of 1/2 which means the same thing as 1/6 which is equal to that’s plenty - I’ve had enough! At this point I’m thinking ‘it just doesn’t taste good enough to continue.’ This is about the time I jumped on my phone and looked up the nutritional facts (again)! ‘There’s gotta be a reason people eat these things??’


This article lists 18 health benefits complimentary of the Kiwano horned melon, including: Alleviating stress, strengthening bones, prevents cancer, promotes brain health, muscle strengthening, cures diabetes and the list goes on! All 18 of them are listed on that link. After reading the nutritional values (again) and reading all 18 of those health benefits, I decided to have another go at it. I was able to eat half of it - That’s more than enough!


Well, it’s a good thing they offer all of that good #health because they don’t taste very good. I’m not a big fan of cucumber by itself either so you’ll need to judge this one for yourself. Have a Horned Melon aka Kiwano next time you have the opportunity and let me know what you think. All I can say is.. ‘At least they’re good for you!’

And about the cover image, @puravidaville strongly recommended against, I don’t understand why. I think it has something to do with the color of the #fff. Maybe she would have preferred #steem green or maybe she thought I could have put it in a different location. But my other color choice was black and, well, you see the color of the TV tray, black lettering won’t work. So I chose the pinkish color and left the TV tray alone. If you don’t like the color of the tag, no worries, neither does she, I saved a copy of the original.


I don’t know what the big deal is, do you see it? I must be missing something - What am I missing? Am I the only one who sees a big happy face?


Thanks for another great week everybody, I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing and thanks again for having me @foodfightfriday, I’ll see you back here next week.


Click here for Wednesday.

Click here for Monday.


This is awesome! Although I had an inclination that the horned melon wasn’t gonna work out. We should have added it to our smoothies then it wouldn’t have been wasted… by the way @dandays, you aren’t slick… we all know what that is a picture of Mr. Pickup Line. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Thank you. I’m so glad you like it. Whenever I use that #comedy tag I’m a mess! It’s a picture of two Persimmons and a Horned Melon.

“Ever had mouth to mouth before you drowned?!”

It’s not as funny when you have to explain it. #loser

I thought everyone knew it was a post-drowning thing. You understand that now, though, right?

“I’ll lay down my jacket so you could walk over a puddle.” -LL Cool J.

Drowning indicates that one has drowned and therefore expired due to drowning. Mouth to mouth is given to someone who has experienced a drowning event but has not in fact drowned. So to be a bit more technical you could say “want to try mouth to mouth without the drowning part?” Now, that I would laugh at. #correction

Mama Splatts says throw that bad boy kiwano melon in a smoothie!!

It’s tough to go wrong with a smoothie. That Kiwano will be just fine in a smoothie. Or, with anything most likely, not too much to write about otherwise.

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts!


“The I.R.S is back..

OoOps sorry wrong post :)
NIce juicy balls

My man! Check you out, mr. busy busy second cd release party soon to come kinda busy and takes time to say hello. In case you haven’t heard it lately, you’re dope.

Oh no worries, it’s been there since I put that frikkin things together! What I’ve been doing lately is inserting the original version in my head with ‘freaks’ trying to erase this cover. That reminds me...

Hey the last mixed CD i put together, many years back, I titled it Best Of Jungle. Eh dude, to this day I wish I wouldn’t have done that. I never was able to top it! True story. That’s about the time I just started using turntables for sampling and scratching. Lol.

Thanks for stopping by @edpirvat! Whenever something South Africa comes on we think about you guys. Just last night they were talking about a
Penguin migration that occurs in S.A. and the penguins are dying off because of the rising sea level.

Your price comparison will come tomorrow. I gotta try these tasty fruits. That kiwano is so frikkin cool looking I just want to eat it so maybe I could be cool for once.... um wait..ya so...
way to church it up with the smiley face. I know about you....he he he

Wait a minute.... I was going to do that!! I guess we will see who can get the prices first.....
Hang on.. hold the phone!!! I’m having a competition with....myself!!! Dang I need help.

No you don’t. Everybody needs a friend like you.

Dang homie!! Scored yourself a curie vote on a FFF post. Nice work homie!!

Thanks a lot for noticing my brother! Hey man, if you don’t mind, might I make a tiny suggestion. Run with it, edit it, go in one ear and out the other, it’s all good.

I’d like to start a bank over there @foodfightfriday because I really enjoy that post. I think if we could stockpile some SBD and offer weekly prizes but in small amounts: 1st - 1.O SBD and runner up gets 0.5 SBD just until we build the bank up. Eventually, over time, offer a third place and up the first place prize to 1.5 and continue to increase should our audience stay interested.

Another idea is each winner helps you judge the following week. Or something along those lines because if we continue to offer prizes, I think it’ll continue to grow and you’ll need help. So ya, that could be a little down the line but still, getting used to it early isn’t a bad idea.

I bet we have other food fighters that would jump onboard. Whatever you think @jlsplatts, you’re doing great, these are just my two cents!

However you decide to run with it is fine with me. On that note - I’ll start us off by splitting this post reward with @foodfightfriday and then cool people like @puravidaville, @sivehead will probably follow suit should they be able to. So feel free to factor in whatever prize money you want beginning next week, if this post were to pay out right now you’re probably looking at 7 or 8’ish SBD I’ll send over.

Count me in! I'd be more than happy to try and help out. It's a bit pointless me donating half my #fff post earnings though.


Unfortunately my wallet is kinda small. A one off donation of the size l could afford, in my mind, isn't good enough!

I'd like to contribute more!

The best thing I could think of is to go with a possibly smaller but more long term idea. So I've just bought Mr @foodfightfriday some SBI shares... 10 to be exact. It's not much but I hope it helps.

There’s 2! This frikkin guy did it again! He put the Up in Europe and one-upped me. Again! Smooth moves, sive, smooth moves...
:squinty eyes:

and one-upped me. Again!

Sorry man! Didn't mean to piss on your fireworks or anything. I've just got a thing for passive income. thought it would help out more than a one off half of my current whoping 33 cent author reward.

What?!?!? Brilliant young lad brilliant.
This should help get the post size bigger when making Contender posts and winner posts. I’m goin ya be adding some myself. I wonder if you can look and see how many shares your account has

There is a tool to look up your shares count and vote weight...


But I haven't had time to figure out how to use it yet. It seems quite easy, maybe on a computer. I looked at it on my phone though and couldn't work out how to 'enter' the info to look up.

You did what??? You shouldn’t have. Thanks big time for the awesome donataion. This helps out everyone involved with FOOD FIGHT FRIDAY.

Yup! Those are the squinty eyes. @sivehead what’s it called in Europe?

Happy to help Sir. It's the least I could do in return for all the awesome effort you put in. 😎👍

That’s is awesome I like the unitive of building a pot with the rewards from your FFF post. I’ll hit you up and we will get something figured out for sure. That is an awesome idea.

I’m in ! I love @foodfightfriday and want to see it succeed. We have a good group of participants already but @dandays is right, if the incentive is there every week more people will come- I think. Half of my FFF posts payout will go to the bank. Let’s rock n rock @jlsplatts ! Oh and the winner being a judge the following week is a great idea. I think I know where you got that from @dandays :)

@weirdheadaches and I have discussed that exact thing. Brilliant minds think alike.... ummm what was goin on?!? What is FFF??
Fresh Fart Friday???

I had to read extract a couple times.. I went back through the conversation looking for something to do with extracting... Ah! ‘Exact,’ ya that makes way more sense. ‘Good lookin out autocrrect.’

Do you see that?! My autocorrect misspelled ‘autocorrect!’ Hey that’s funny.

“There’s 1!”

Oh that weekly winner/judge thing isn’t my idea, I got that one from @lenasveganliving. Thanks Lena! Fruits and veggies Monday’s rocks!

Now if that other guy would take his foot off the pedal for a second.

Ok, I've pulled over out of the fast lane, Let me take a look at the view for a minute.

Looking forward to the comparison. A fruit that grows mainly in South Africa made a long travel to get to our kitchen. I’m curious what the price hike of travel cost looks like.

About the smiley face, ya I was texting with a buddy of mine because I wasn’t sure if I would rub people the wrong way with the image. Know what I mean? I know airing out a nice set of palm sized balls is... hey!! It was you, you’re the one I was texting! Good call text. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by @foodfightfriday!

Lmao! Thats great @dandays haha love it! Ive never heard of these and fuyu too haha. Wonder if theres a recipe to help the flavor out on spike. Just maybe this will be in my future, if i can find em. Cool cool 👍

Laugh out loud! Ya this one ended up being a lot of fun dude.

They’re not horrible, by any means! I probably came off a little harsh, they’re definitely not terrible. They’re just not good, in my opinion but please do try one, one of these days, and let me know what you think.

Hey, @jlsplatts shot me this image. The price doubles by the time the Melon reaches Washington State.


They’re $3.99 in Los Angeles.

Thanks for stopping by @weirdheaches, let’s do this again on a few days!

hahaha! howdy dandays! yeah that Kiwano fruit looks really cool from the outside so it would be better for a decoration than for eating I think. I don't know what persimmons are like though, they look like tomatoes to me.
Anyway, very funny post, I really enjoyed it!

Hello @janton! I gotta be real with you, I see your name atop all the curataion league lists so to see you stop by my page is pretty flattering! Thank you!!

I’m glad you liked the article, I actually had a lot of fun with it too. The Persimmons aren’t bad at all, yes, they look a lot like tomatoes, they’re actually quite tasty. They remind me of an extra sweet cantaloupe. Do check them out should you get the opportunity, let me know what you think.

Thanks for stopping by @janton!

well howdy again dandays! You are too kind, thank you. I am actually stepping back from the Engagement League for a little while to work on some other things but I won't be disappearing.

Yes, thanks for the description of the Persimmons and I will indeed try them out next time I see them. Bytheway, on your profile it says for location: UTC, what does that stand for?
Thanks so much for getting back with me!

My pleasure! You could probably back off comfortably and still maintain your first place position with engagement!

UTC is ’that one’ time zone cyrypos reference their updates. 👍🏿

howdy back again dandays! well as far as the engagement league I'm just playing around this week so I don't think it would be fair to people who are working full time jobs and then sacrificing to get on the league charts for me to take a reward since I'm not working at it so I'm removing myself from the rewards, besides people want someone else to win for a change. lol.

But thank you for your kind words and yes now I realize what UTC stands for for! lol. thank you.

Hi dandays,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

Visit curiesteem.com or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.

it sure is nice to get a visit from @curie! It’s always a pleasure hearing from you, thanks a lot for stopping by!

Someone (tried hard to remember his name but simply can't) told me you have a thing for checking ingredient lists😀 and now I see for myself. Well, since the fruit doesn't have an ingredient list, to check for the nutritional value...😀

I tried that fruit one, my mum said it tastes good only for me to try it and end up disappointed... I was like "what does good tastes means to you, really" lol. Well, it definitely is good for the benefits it brings, not the taste...😀

Maybe you will go back for it again? Its really good for you, you know...😉

Good morning @audreybits, it’s a pleasure to hear from you again! Yes, I know exactly who you’re talking about, it’s my funny friend @sivehead that was mentioning my ingredient searches with you. in case it kept you awake!

And he’s right, “guilty!” Especially with the #fff platform, the people running it are really cool and really open to anything that has to do with food. I, personally, enjoy research type projects where I can try to add a little comedy and attract some engagement.

It doesn’t always work out in my favor but either way, I’m learning more about the products we consume and every once in awhile, @curie stops by to show me some love! So I don’t plan on hitting the brakes anytime soon. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by @audreybits, I really appreciate it! Happy Sunday.

Good evening!😀 I remembered the "sieve" part of the name but not the "head" attached to it... Lol! He is a great friend, isn't he?

Hahahahhah! Well, it's a great project, it challenges one to discover and know more which is great😊

Oh sure! Keep up with it, it feels so good when they stop by, yeah? It doesn't have to always favor us but it definitely opens the door for more learning...

It's a pleasure! Happy Sunday to you too...

I've seen Kiwano melons very often at our grocery shop but they somehow scare me off. I like to try new things but lately I tend to buy local. I have also read reviews about them and the description didn't make me want them. Now I see why. I like your honesty :D And you are brave that you went through all of this :D BUT it was worth it for it's nutritional value, lol. I do the same. When I really dislike something, I google its benefits and then force myself eat it. This is how I recently introduced tomatoes into my diet. I still dislike them but eat them for the sake of their benefits :D Thank you for the review of the melons. I will probably never try them myself now :D

My pleasure @delishtreats, I’m happy you appreciate what I did here. They’re not ‘that’ bad, just not something I would recommend eating raw. Like most things, throw it in a smoothie and ‘Tada!!!’

Really, tomatoes, you don’t like tomatoes?? That’s fascinating! I love tomatoes. The best tomatoes I’ve ever had in my entire 40 years of existence were out of my buddy Ron’s garden. They were beautiful! Just pick them right off the vine and eat them like an apple. Man I miss those days! I wish I could have a couple more of those right now!

In that case, maybe you should give the Kiwano a try! I loves tomatoes, you, not so much! I don’t love Kiwano Melons... hmm, maybe you will!

Thanks for stopping by @delishtreats!

And this is why I didn't like them :D I always had the home grown tomatoes from our garden and they were so sweet and juicy.. this is what kept me off them.. I considered them to be vegetables meaning they should not be sweet (Yes, this is how my brain worked when I was a child :D )

That is a great logic.. I might give them a try then :D I'll let you know how I'll feel about them! :)

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