The Solution Is Always On the Opposite Side Of Problem - KEEP THIS IN YOUR MIND...

in #lo6 years ago (edited)

I always see the same thing over and over. Good intelligent people struggling to get ahead. They think that because they are good and hard working, the world has to open the doors to all opportunities and because it doesn't work that way, they get frustrated and depressed.

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Focusing myopically on the problem solely has never solved anything. The best way I can describe it, would be to say that you are so close to the thing that is making you miserable, that your eyes are playing tricks on you. The problem, the thing that frustrates you so much, makes sure you don't look up for any type of perspective.

I've told many people I've trained over the years that we must all learn to turn around, put things upside down and learn to analyse things as if we are acting against our instinct, at least for a second. Because more often than not, the solution is found only when we are crazy enough to look outside the box, outside everything we call normal.

How many times have you been consumed by a worrying thought, only to find the answer when you stop thinking about it? I can say that it has happened for me thousands of times, more times that I could ever remember. But I think there is something very valuable to learn from those occurrences. Why would it work like this? Why is our mind more likely to find a solution when we have stopped looking for one?

Maybe subconsciously we are using this very mechanism, we are thinking outside the box, we are less focused on the problem itself, so we allow for the solution to manifest. It could seem like luck, like we are stumbling on the solutions, but are we? I seriously don't think that is the case at all.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein

I think this is why its important to learn to step back and rethink how we are engaging our life's problems. Are we worried because we are worried? Are we failing to see we are making things worse? Simple but complicated questions every single person struggles with in one way or another.

Over the centuries many philosophers have talked about this very thing using their own framework of understanding. In my view, solution solving is part of the human experience and no doubt a guiding force for our lives. What I mean by that is that we need to face them, we need to learn from them and in that sense, they are not problems only, but also learning opportunities.

When it comes to Entrepreneurship this lesson is very important. Because on this there is absolutely no exception. Everyone who has ever started a business, or built a project from the ground up, needs to learn to deal with problems with a mind ready to be open to finding solutions outside their comfort zone.

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Another word that comes to mind when I'm explaining this to someone I'm mentoring is flexibility. If anyone who wants to grow is not willing to be flexible, to step outside of what they think normal, they might not be able to ever be successful Entrepreneurs and problem solvers.

“Your ability to solve problems and make good decisions is the true measure of your skill as a leader.” – Brian Tracy

Now something that can't be missing from this topic is this: Can all problems be solved? - I happen to stand on the side of those who think that mostly yes. The only thing that doesn't have a solution is death itself and even this might not be always the case.

There is a good quote I always like to remember when I'm sharing some of these ideas with friends:

“Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them; Instead they require maturity to outgrow them.” – Steve Maraboli

This really resonates with me, because I certainly feel that it has been the case in my life.

Have you not looked back at a younger version of you and wonder how some of the problems you had were so simple, almost to the point that you don't know why you ever worried? This certainly has been the case for me and I'm sure many others too.

With a few words what I mean:

"The Solution is always on the opposite side of the problem, if you keep looking at the problem side you will never find the solution because it will be found on the opposite side to where you are looking. Turn around and you will begin to solve your problem in a few days because your mind will magically be programmed to the solution.It's as if the problem was to the south and the solution in the north "

Which side do you want to look at?

Believe what I am saying, and you will start to change your life.

I say that very sure of my words!!

Chin up my friends, and keep on Steemin


Consciousness tends to be somewhat circular and self-reifying. So when one fixates on a "problem" it does not tend to lead to its solution, but rather further entrenches it. Of course, "problems" are inherently human. From the universe's perspective everything operates perfectly.

Therefore, in order to solve any so-called "problem" it is necessary to rise to a more expansive level of awareness in which it becomes somewhat effortlessly re-contextualized, and thus solved. While a bit counterintuitive at first, it is a liberating realization, though one that can be short-lived.

To make the "effortless mastery mindset" a habit usually takes a long time for most who have lots of energy invested into negative patterns of thought. Nevertheless, it is entirely possible and a quite worthy endeavor.

Well for a while I guess I had my head in the sand and though there is now way do this massive upvote purchasing could be profitable, boy was I wrong. Guess I’ll hop on the train as well.

@chbartist, Sometimes it happens that we are immersed in a problem and we do not have the courage to get out of it. Sometimes we are afraid to make decisions regarding the problem, whether due to lack of maturity or experience. But what we do not know is that sometimes just by making a decision, the situation changes completely. For example: couples who are in conflict because they no longer love each other, and because they insist on staying together, they live in continuous suffering, and perhaps if they maturely decide to separate and rebuild their lives, they would surely be happier .

I totally agree and I also think for a lot of people it has to do the fear of the unknown that holds them for longer

Yeah, I agree 100%.

Did you thank @blocktrades and @freedom/ @pumpkin? These kind people made you Steem famous.

kindly follow me @kumarvicky and support me friends...

Hola me parece que comprar votos no es algo descabellado, creo que para surgir en el mundo de los negocios progresa el que busca, busca, busca y busca la manera de obtener ganancias. comprar votos no solo gana el que compra, sino el que los vende... Tengo poco tiempo en la comunidad STEEMIT ya que trabajaba con otras paginas, pero esta en lo general me ha gustado ya que ganas por postear las cosas que haces o te gustan. Es una excelente pagina

excelente comentario

i think it's not good whatever you are about to get the same amount you already have spent for buying vote. This is only good till for making a circle of your own people who willing vote on post without any purchase after this stage buying vote is not good than it depends on your content. this is the way i think about bots

I don't mind resteem bots at all when it is something that actually has value, as opposed to a vapid platitudinous post that boils down to "try looking at your problems in a different way"...

@crypto2crypto Yeah dear thank you for understanding the post ... Was you buy the bots votes ?

kindly follow me @kumarvicky and support me friends...

So you are aspiring to be a scammer, good for you.

Buying votes is great for the buyers who have very little invested. Morons like @blocktrades and @freedom are digging their own graves by thinking they are actually making money by delegating to bots.

Hi. Are you saying buying votes and delegation of SPB to bots is not a smart move generally?

Posted using Partiko Android

Buying votes is great. It is minimal risk advertising. Delegating to bots is ok if you have a small stake. If you have a huge stake, delegating bots is fucking stupid. You are putting the front page of your million + dollar investment in the hands of any moron that has a few SBD. Take this guy for instance.

I get your point. It's a good option when you don't have anything to lose. High valued accounts like this one wouldn't be wise delegating to bots.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very well said. I feel like buying votes is a great way to convert my STEEM into SP now, because I always get a little bump for my reputation.

Posted using Partiko Android

You shouldn't use offensive language..

What part of that sentence did you find offensive?

someone form chat using offensive words for other user. I am not saying you.

kindly follow me @kumarvicky and support me friends...

Great minds think alike.

Hello! Sorry for the inconvenience or inconvenience, I ask this publication a collaboration of a steem, to motivate new users and earn money and extra coins, I will share what I earn, as I said, motivation to new users and I would greatly appreciate your help with a steem, Thank you!

Hi friend its always good to see you coming up with new and encouraging posts. Your post gives us the sense of life and also gives us the solution to many of our problems.
I always learn through your posts.
Keep going and writing content to motivate people.

Posted using Partiko Android

So true. Countless time have tried solving problems and fail only to come back later and viola i solve it like it was not same me that has been stressing around the same issue. The brain function best when it is not under duress. Thanks for sharing @chbartist

What good advice you brought us today, @chbartist. I believe that many of us do not face the problems, firstly because we do not know how capable we are of solving them, and secondly because we bet that time will solve them. I feel that some problems work like humps that we carry up and down behind our backs without being able to solve them. Who said we couldn't put that sack down and put it away? There are problems that can be solved, so more than worrying, take care to solve them. Others have no way out. Don't worry about those. Turn the page and start another chapter. Beautiful night.

Hello! Your post is really interesting, i like it so much.
I just published something and I would like you to read it here

@onestring, ¿He leído su artículo si he entendido bien usted necesita 30 dólares en Venezuela para enseñar violín o viola?

Hey, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi artículo. Y sí, necesito 30 dólares para ver clases de viola con una de las mejores profesoras de mi país. En Venezuela (el país en donde vivo), 30 dólares es demasiado y casi imposible de conseguir. Pero vale la pena invertirlos porque se aprende muchísimo:(
¡También noté que eres músico! Qué lindo eso. Ya sabes que entre músicos nos apoyamos, así que si necesitas algo, un acompañamiento o cualquier cosa; puedes contar conmigo.<3

Hola, @onestring, voy a confiar en lo que me estás diciendo y voy a enviar a usted 31 steems, pero quiero ver su proyecto suceder y tener éxito. Lo que te pido es que hagas a todas las personas que tengas en tu red para verlas para que entiendan que hay personas con buenas actitudes y que no pierden la esperanza. Y para que yo pueda acompañar me gustaría que usted pidiera que todas ellas dieran un voto en esa respuesta que yo te estoy dando ahora. Puede mirar en su memoria que en unos minutos sus 30 dólares estarán allí. éxito. Memo: Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 03.19.31.png Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 03.21.07.png

Dios mío, no hallo las palabras para agradecerte. De verdad, muchas gracias por el apoyo y por hacer que mi sueño esté cada vez más cerca de cumplirse. Eres un sol, nunca dejes de brillar. Personas como tú son las que valen la pena en el mundo ¡gracias! De verdad muchas gracias, estoy muy contenta. Prometo que usaré esa inversión para mejorar cada día, me esforzaré al doble. En cuanto pueda grabar un video para que se vea el avance, te avisaré. MUCHAS GRACIASSSS!!!!!

De nada, @onestring quiero ver su proyecto suceder y tener éxito. para que yo pueda acompañar me gustaría que usted pidiera que todas ellas dieran un voto en esa respuesta que yo te estoy dando ahora. Saludos!

Este lunes haré una publicación para eso mismo, te etiquetaré así que seguro la verás! Gracias por apoyarme y creer en mí. <3

¡Hecho! Puedes ver mi publicación aquí. Nuevamente gracias por el apoyo.

soy nuevo en esta plataforma y quiero votar y no me sale la opcion, como se hace??

While nothing new here, its well articulated. It used to drive me nuts when I was younger (twenties and thirties) how some people that seemed to lack intelligence were so successful. In fact in one corporate job I had I started a saying that anyone I mentioned to a) completely understood and b) laughed and groaned at the same time - Here at Company XYZ the "Curd Rises to the Top"

As for the crux of your post, the sooner your realize little in life will go as you "plan" the sooner your learn to be adaptive and setbacks, then become challenges to overcome rather than obstacles impeding progress. Just my thoughts after reading this … enjoyed the read

Hi friend its always good to see you coming up with new and encouraging posts. Your post gives us the sense of life and also gives us the solution to many of our problems.
I always learn through your posts.
Keep going and writing content to motivate people.

Posted using Partiko Android

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