If you can dream it, you can Steemit: Stop the excuses and own life like a boss.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This is me a few months ago in China, traveling with twins like a boss! Babe in one arm, bouncing the pram with my knee and sipping a cocktail in downtown Guangzhou.   


When I quit my soul sucking dull office job, and sold everything I owned to travel around Australia in a camper van people said to me:   

“If only I was younger”
“I would love to do something like that”  
"Oh to not have kids"
"One day"

When I started my design business and later opened a shop, selling handcrafted wares using recycled materials, I heard the same story. A wishful desire to escape the grind and do something adventurous, but a whole raft of excuses would always follow; mortgage, family, I am not creative enough, maybe when the kids leave home or I pay off my debt.   

There is nothing special about me and my circumstances. I do not have substantial savings, I had no prior experience to running my own business and certainly in my wildest dreams never thought I would have twins. Life can throw you surprises. What I have learnt is that it is not always the big decisions and life changes that determine if you reach your dreams or not. It is simply the power of daily small action. The accumulative power of all the little things in life. 

Driven by the power of daily action

My life wasn't always so full of life.  I used to be one of those people full of excuses, wistfully looking at others traveling the world and working for themselves. I spent years at university working towards a career I ultimately ended up leaving.

One day I simply woke up and realised that my current circumstances were a consequence of a lifetime of tiny thoughts, actions and attitudes. If you change those thoughts, actions and attitudes you can powerfully alter the direction of your life. We all have so much to be grateful for already.   

I used to think that in order for me to be able to quit my job and do something I loved, I just needed a really good idea. A brilliant idea is about 1% of it. Taking action on your idea is what sets you on the path to achieving your goal. Set your vision and align even the smallest of steps with this vision and you will drive your life boldly forward.  Control your self doubt, that negative inner voice is a real dream killer.   

Next time you find yourself enviously looking at someones life wishing you could do that – stop the excuses and instead find one thing you can do right now that puts you one step closer. Then when you wake up tomorrow - do one more thing and so on.  You are the captain of your soul.   

Own your dreams like the boss that you are. 

Traveling with Twins

I always wanted kids, but from the moment I found out I was pregnant with twins, I was determined not to use my children as an excuse for my own life choices. In fact, I want to instil in my daughters a sense of ownership over their lives, not to just accept the status quo. Earlier in the year, my husband and I took the girls to China, Macau and Hong Kong for a family holiday. Travel with babies is not easy. There is sacrifices and adjustments to make but you can do it and have a blast. They might not remember the trip as they grow up but we sure as heck will. It was hard, very hard at times but totally worth it. 

There is no perfect time

When I embarked on camper van living – I could easily have used lack of funds as an excuse. I had enough money to last the first seven weeks. I managed to travel around for 10 months, sewing in a tent and selling at markets. 

When I opened my shop, I was six months pregnant with twins. I had to close my shop a week after the grand opening and spend the next two months living in a hospital with no income, coping with premature babies.  Life is not always roses with the golden sun of opportunity shining down on me. 

In my journey to pursue a more creatively fulfilling life, there have been the most wonderful of times and the loneliest, broke times. I would not change any of it. Every little step shapes my future.  Do not wait for all the stars to align. There has never been a more perfect time than now to start living the life you want. 

I have lots of dreams and goals still to reach. I have been inspired by some of the posts here on Steemit. I am a huge advocate for being courageous and ambitious. Ordinary people can live extraordinary lives. Reading about other peoples journeys, the struggles and triumphs keeps my passion ignited. It gives hope, inspiration and reminds me in darker times, how beautiful life really is.  If you can dream it, you really need to Steemit. 

Until  next time 

x Isabella


Thank you for sharing your story bridgetbunchy, I love your sewing! Do you think there is something about becoming a mum that is also a great motivator to start creating the life that you actually want to live? Some people think that having children creates a barrier to working for yourself but I think with creative women like us it can be opportunity to rethink, reorganise ourselves, and start to pursue what we really want out of life. P.S I love Hong Kong too!

The funny thing is that i know many people who have quit their job because of steemit.
They were good publishers before it, and now steemit is their first source of income, that is incredible! :D

I would have to agree with you about motherhood @opheliafu. Watching your children grow is a great motivator for sure. I also think that working for yourself is ideal for being a mum. I have far more time to spend with my daughters each day. Hong Kong is great. Most of our time was spent in China so I would love to go back to Hong Kong to have a real good poke around. I heard there is actually some op-shops there too (which I love) and I was curious to see what sort of things it would have but lacked the time and it rained so much too which made street walking with a pram tricky. I like to think of my sewing style as a bit of a modern take on patchwork. I am a textile hoarder. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

I do a bit of sewing (not very good at it) but I have an electric brother machine and 2 old singer machines (more for show than to use). I'm really a painter and digital artist, but occasionally I like to have a go at making fabric flowers or bunting, maybe the odd cushion or curtain.
I don't know about your experiences but a lot of part time work available to mums is either low paid or unsociable hours, so you do start to look for alternatives and that's when you become an entrepreneur.
I have never heard of op-shops, just had to do a google ;)!

I mostly get vintage fabric from op-shops. That is what we call them in Australia. I think Americans call them thrift shops. It is usually a volunteer run store that sells secondhand items, mainly clothes to raise money for charity. They are a wealth of cool finds.

We call them charity shops in the UK, but I recognise thrift store.

👍amazing post, enjoy ur travelling Mrs...., also very cute kids

aaaa GREAT MOM XD ...and cute twin XD

upvote done @bridgetbunchy

let's dance

Welcome to the steem family isabella , nice blog and nice pictures :)

Everyone should read this one!!!

We should be friends. I'm the woman from the other trending travel post '. You're like a living inspiration for me. Where are you now?

Oh my gosh! Hello. I read your blog the other day and LOVED it. My husband was right when he told me I would love it, after he saw one of your posts trending. You are definitely one of the Steemers I was referring to when I said there is so many inspiring people here. I live in Australia and thousands of kilometres of camper van travel here I ended up moving to a small village called The Summit in Queensland, only 200 kilometres from where I originally left. Haha. I feel like I have found 'home' in a place so I opened a shop, then fell pregnant with the twins. I am not sure what my next adventure will be, but you can be sure there will be plenty more. No excuses hey! China was just my tester regarding travel with two babies. I was a bit nervous about it but stoked with the outcome. I just LOVE your frugality to travel and your little write up about your approach to travel is so spot on. Well done. I met someone similar to you while living on the road. He was travelling the world living off generosity and couches. Totally agree with the vegetarian part - SO much cheaper. I have started my own vegetable patch now too (one of the simple perks to pulling up stumps for a while). Good luck with your adventures I will be following. If you are ever back in Australia, let me know, unless we happen to cross paths elsewhere in this big wide beautiful world.

@budgetbucketlist - Others love your posts as well! I just did this 20 questions interview with @manthostsakirid and, out of all the Steemit blogs, he enjoys yours the most!


Self determination FTW

I love your courage to quit your job and do what makes you happy! A true #girlboss

really inspiring @bridgetbunchy
read you on the next post 8]

Amazing story @bridgetbunchy! All this SO resonates with me and I am making similar choices in my own life to make the most out of the precious time I have been given here on this beautiful earth. So many people around me have those same excuses you are mentioning for not living their dream, and they always assume that I have a lot of money or that I have been extraordinarily lucky. But the reality is that the only difference between me and them is I made different choices and worked hard.. Thanks so much for putting this out there as a proof that anything is possible! <3

You are most welcome @lykkeliten. The fire went out over night and my place so I have woken up to a freezing house and beautiful frost outside but seeing all new upvotes and love for my post here is warming me up inside :)

Great Post!
Up Vote!

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I hope to use steem to let me travel the world one day.

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