Krav Maga Girl | I Saved Someone's Life | True Story

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

 Krav Maga Girl, Lior Bitran, an experienced martial arts instructor is  presenting a true story sent to her by one of her subscribers who  managed to save her life after learning from Krav Maga Girl videos.
Plus Lior is explaining how to release yourself from a ponytail grab.

The full story is presented here:

I wanted to make this video to thank Lior.
Because one of her videos saved my life.
I want to apologize in advanced, my English is not good but I'm doing my best I can.
So I was walking back home at night.
Usually I am very paranoid when I'm walking in the street alone.
But  this time I was just thinking about something else, besides I was  already very close to my house so I was not being very aware of my  surroundings.
So this man showed up from behind and grabbed my arm  (wrist) . He was trying to pull me inside a parked car and I got just so  extremely scared, seriously I think I have never been so scared in my  life.
So he was trying to pull me in the car, and I just started  screaming like crazy, I was waving my arms and throwing punches  everywhere (Not very Krav Maga kind of punches).
Because I was being very loud he got angry and he put his hands around my neck and he was trying to choke me.
I was very scared, but then I don't know how I remembered this video I saw about Krav Maga Girl of how to get rid of a choke.
I  lifted my arm. His hands were here (in my neck)  And I lifted my arm  and I pulled my body to the side and put my arm down so I could free  myself from his arms.
I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, you should watch the video and you will understand.
So, It worked! I was so shocked! It really worked!
So  I tried to punch him in the face with my fist but he was not  impressed...I mean I punched him but it was like it didn't hurt at all  (I'm not very strong) so I just freaked out. All this time I never  stopped screaming and he was very angry, he was saying this awful things  which got me even more anxious but ....I don't know how I didn't  panicked in that moment.
So..I freed my neck from his hands, I  punched him in the face but It didn't hurt, so he just went to put his  hand again on my neck so I lifted my elbow and punched him in the nose, I  think it was the nose because it cracked, and he just started screaming  like he was in pain so I just turned around and ran like crazy.
When  I was running of, he grabbed me by my hair, but he wasn't able to grab  my whole ponytail just a little bit so I think he just ripped a few  hairs but I was running like mad. And I never stopped screaming, i was  screaming all the time but it really didn't worked because there weren't  anybody there.
But I think it made him a bit aware that maybe he  should stop and not chase me because I was being extremely loud the  whole time and.....somebody had to see...maybe from behind a window or  something, so he just gave up, he didn't ran after me.
So I ran and  ran, not straight to my house because I was afraid he was following me  so I just ran without direction. I just ran. Not sure if that's what you  are supposed to do but I When I realized he wasn't following  me I went back home.
And ..the thing I wanted to say is that when I saw the video I showed it to a few friends and we practiced the moves.
At  first we did it like joking, but then we really got into it and started  to practice it for real. I even practiced it with my brothers and  I  think that is why I was able to do it.
Because in that moment my mind was a bit frozen but is like my body remembered how to move (if that makes sense).
So   I'm very thankful to Lior for doing this videos and show that is never  okay to let strangers or non strangers just people..not necessarily men  but anyone to hurt you and do things you don't want to
So not going to cry. But it really changed my life.
I might not be here anymore...I mean I would not be here anymore if it wasn't for that so I'm very thankful.
And  I hope this story can help other girls to realize that you don't need  to be very very strong to be able to defend yourself, I am not strong,  but you can be fast and agile and if you practice anything is possible  so don't be scared...well you can be scared but don't let the fear take  over you.
I was just thinking that my story could help you to be brave.
Yes. So goodbye!

If  you have your own story or for any question feel free to leave a  comment or contact Lior directly by mail: [email protected]


Instagram: liorbitran_krav_maga_girl/
And of course, don't forget to subscribe!


Good :D

my friend is in to krav maga too. it gives her a lot of confidence... makes her firm

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