Choices, or how my road to Steem Fest looks like

in #busy6 years ago (edited)
It´s been a while since I write. It´s funny, everytime I meet someone I tell them I´m a writer. I´m not sure why though, because I haven´t written in months. Maybe it is because i believe it gives me certain appeal towards the ladies - yeah, I said "the ladies", deal with it - or perhaps it is because I´ve always thought of myself as that: A writer.

But the truth is, between full time Steeming, Steem Projects, real life problems back home and my usual procrastination I haven´t had time to sit down and work on my novel or finish some of the short stories I have half written. Hell, I haven´t even had time in the past month to properly write a Steemit post that is actually about me and that follows my normal posting behaviour.

I haven´t even had the time nor the inspiration to write something about my road to Steem Fest and we´re already in week 4. How terrible of a person I am if I can´t even join my own idea?

Well you see, it´s all about the choices I´ve made.

Would I prefer to forget about all the community initiatives I´m involved in, drop all the projects, stop replying in discord and and just post crap and boost it with my own delegation, get into vote collusion with other whales, use my votes only in my friends and family´s posts and just try to stack as much steem as I can? Probably, you´ll never know.

Some people say that everyone is a revolutionary until he gets to be on the other side of the coin. Everyone is an idealist until he´s part of the Plutarchy. Everyone is in favour of the minnows and the vote spreading until they are a whale.

I like to see myself as someone who still has his feet on the ground and stays true to the moral values, ideas and convictions he had when he was a minnow.

So that is my first choice. I´ve decided to focus in the community instead of making my own posts - around 80% of my rewards of the past 14 days are going to be used for giveaways -, I decided to not boost myself today in order to add my grain of salt to the plaform´s healthy growth in the future.

Am I making less Steem per week than before? Yes. Do I mind? No. Why? Because I was already a top 200 rewarded author before this dry streak and I don´t see why I shouldn´t step down for a while. Will I go back to posting more frequently? Bet your ass I will, hopefully sooner rather than later, but I´m not going to push myself, nothing good comes from pushing myself. I mean, if I wanted to be pushed around I would get a girlfriend and get a 9 to 5 and voilá, I´d be pushed around 25/7.

Don´t get me wrong. I´m not writing this for the sake of virtue signaling or because I want to be portrayed as a saint. I´m just opening myself and explaining what´s going on in my mind towards the platform and my choice of working towards the community instead of being selfish - which experience has taught me is way more profitable and better in the long run, but it´s only better for the person being selfish; we are striving to have a better future as a whole, not as a single.

You know. Looking back in retrospective, attending Steem Fest this year isn´t my decision it is one year ago Eric´s decision. This year I´m not making any choice, I just am. I´m going. After last year´s experience and all the positive outcomes that resulted from attending SF2 in Lisbon my brain didn´t even consider not attending this year.

I met so many amazing people, learned so much about myself, understood the value of the blockchain technology and the importance of making connections but most importantly, I learned that I can still relate to other people and actually have fun around them. Something I found very difficult to do if the other person wasn´t a nomad or long term traveler like myself.

Choices. I´m not really sure I´m deliberately making more choices than those two. I try to just flow and go along with whatever happens. I don´t have money problems but I definitely live on a tight budget 24/7. It´s been almost two years since I started living with only what I need and not what I want and it´s the most liberating sensation I´ve had. Getting rid of the attachment to the material was one of the best choices I´ve made. Today, my whole life fits in a backpack and, if I have to be honest, my whole life fits in a fanny pack - IF I had one, don´t you dare believing for a second I wear a freaking fanny pack.

What I´m trying to get to is, I´m not making deliberate choices, I just follow what I feel in the very moment and trust it will take me a step closer to Steem Fest. After that, I know I have some ideas and some goals but I won´t make any decisions right now, in the end they always change in the last minute.

I think this was one of my most out of touch freewrites, I felt it like I was lost between ideas and I didn´t really deliver a post like those I used to, I guess you can lose practice even for freewrites. But rules are rules and I ain´t going back to rewrite some paragraphs or add any ideas.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you got to know me a bit better and perhaps when we meet in Poland, you´ll feel like I´m not a stranger, but a weird acquaintance you usually avoid in the Christmas dinners but you are stuck with him for 4 days.


Hello Eric?

This is amazing I mean you're a whale? Yes everybody knows this? Yes but the truth is there's this thing about whales that definitely makes them whale-esque but that definitely doesn't come with you.
I've seen too many post that describes what you stood for some of them detailed your early days on steemit living in Mexico and how you upheld moral standard.
I mean what the? You can live the whale life, live ostentatiously and extravagantly and it won't even be a crime but you've definitely entailed yourself to selflessness and things that are right and wrong and important in life. You're no saint definitely, who is?

Truth is you are inspiration to me, even if sentences can't even express enough. You're road to steemfest is coming nicely no pressure you're doing just amazing.

@Josediccus here

Hahaha I think I could never live the "life of a whale" cause I´m a virtual whale but I totally get what you mean! I´m glad to see you commenting again, I´m happy you are out of the hospital my friend :)

Hahahaha yeah I'm glad you totally get what I mean, and thank you for taking time to reply, cheers my friend! 😁😁

I like to see myself as someone who still has his feet on the ground and stays true to the moral values, ideas and convictions he had when he was a minnow.

This is the only thing that can be asked of any user, remember what it was like even if you got in early on the gravy train. Everyone starts off at the bottom or buys their way to the top.

I think this was one of my most out of touch freewrites, I felt it like I was lost between ideas and I didn´t really deliver a post like those I used to, I guess you can lose practice even for freewrites.

This was one of your better freewrites my friend and shows who the Nomad is we all love and respect. To be honest, if I was able to attend Steemfest you are my number one "wish to meet" Steemian. You choose the life of a Nomad I took the path of Clan father, our hearts are the same. I think anyone attending Steemfest who doesn't go out of their way to meet you has wasted their Steemfest trip.

We will meet soon enough even if that means getting you into the US for a week or two.

Man this comment hits hard at home, thanks for this. Definitely I have to get my Visa soon and visit all these amazing people I wouldn´t meet otherwise.

"The path of the clan father". I really hope to get there eventually man, I know youll have a lot of advices when I arrive to the clan :D

you´ll feel like I´m not a stranger, but a weird acquaintance you usually avoid in the Christmas dinners but you are stuck with him for 4 days.

Well, since we do very small Christmas dinner in my family (ignoring most relatives due to various reasons), this will be a welcome change :P
As for writing, I will have you know writing on Steemit (about anything) is very much writing:P Do not contradict me, it is as writerly as any other writerly activity a writer might partake in :P So there.

Seriously though, what you're doing for this community is really great. You have a big heart <3

I guess we´ll find out, I promise it will feel like a big family dinner :D

Ok ok, experience has taught me to never contradict a woman so confident about what she is saying :) Thanks for this comment fellow writer :)

Congratulations for the person you are and for what you have in mind I love your values ​​and performance in your life and in this network, blessings for you I am a little new and I have noticed that you are one of the best friends, since already following you and supporting you .

Estimado amigo, Eric @anomadsoul mientras tú escribías esto, también yo hacía mi freewrite por eso tardé en comentar.
Puedo decir que me encantó esta frase:
"Me gusta verme como alguien que todavía tiene los pies en la tierra y se mantiene fiel a los valores morales, ideas y convicciones que tenía cuando era pequeño."

Me encanta leer tus escritos, son inspiradores.
Es genial poder imaginar un mundo donde vivas el día a día, sin demasiadas decisiones, pero involucrado en proyectos sociales como los que eres colaborador.
Sinceramente te digo que eres un ejemplo a seguir como un usuario que aporta contenido de calidad a nuestra blockchain.
Saludos desde Venezuela, compa.

I loved reading to you, I think your point of view and your determination to do things is great, in life many times we think so much to make a decision, we hesitate in what is or is not right ending up many times to deviate from our mission. your freedom to see the world is enviable, and your impetus to help others coupled with your humility is unique, thank you for that. Keep going, we who follow you are on your trail, so you better give us a good example, hahahahaha thank you for sharing this publication and get to know you a little better

Thank you for sticking around with community and this was a very smooth read so don't worry. :) Actually letting us know your current plans are great, as I and I'm sure many others don't go through your comments/upvotes history to see what you're up to xD
Also if Steemit is your main income, please don't starve yourself no matter what anyone says :P
Also treating yourself once in a while can be quite motivating ^^

All I learned is you don't have a fannie pack. Then I realized I didn't know what is a fannie pack. Then I googled fannie pack. Now I know what is a fannie pack and I'm glad you don't have them. (Because, no, wearing them cross-body doesn't make it look cool! My father wore them on our summer holiday with his shorts and sock in sandals! They are NOT cool!)


Gotta get my writers fingers on for another post as well!

You should see some pics of me when I was younger, I was a boy scout and I used to have one... Not my best days If I have to be honest :P

I 100% agree with you, I should see those pics :P

Hey! What happened with the chill mexicano?!
Don't lose yourself, I know that your life isn't the easiest one but always search for that good part of the day.
You said you are doing what you feel, and for God sake that's what everyone should! In my opinion the brain is so stupid sometimes that it really makes you take some decisions that you are going to regret later.
You are a funny person which is going to entertain everyone on steem fest! Not a creep.
So keep you head up and don't lose yourself!

Hello friend, your work is admirable. We must all think as you might in the world have more noble and good people, greetings for you, a hug.

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