7 Day Positivity Challenge | Day 1 | My Parents Started It All

in #7daypositivitychallenge6 years ago (edited)

Goooood day readers! How are you? Let's be grateful for all the small things we have in life!

Heyho dear readers, this time I've been tagged by my friend @riverflows for this challenge where we need to talk about 7 things that we are grateful for, one per day of the week - I don't know if my timezone is on par with the challenge, but for me it's still monday, ok? haha

At first I thought this would be kinda boring for those who will read it; I don't think I'm good on expressing my emotions to those whom I love, be it family or the awesome friends/supporters I have on Steemit/real life. I feel like I have my own quiet way of showing gratefulness and any big manifestation makes me shy - I tend to stick to a thank you and a hug. This is me, I can't help.

However, I do think this post is a great way to spread examples of gratitude and positivism. Once you start being positive on every small things in your life, you'll see that getting better, you'll see your motivation increasing. That's my tiny little secret for happiness which I've been cultivating for some years now, both while traveling and while at home.

So for what am I grateful today?

Pics of me and my parents

I can't start my first day without being grateful for my parents - The biggest supporters I'll ever have.

Basically, if it wasn't by them I would not be here today, sitting on my bed just before going to sleep, writing this text. Gosh, I wouldn't even be on Steemit, nor reading all the incredible articles you guys write.

When 20 years ago they forced me to study English, I could barely know that one day it would open so many doors and possibilities, it would shape who I am now - thanks to my parents.

I first went to an English school when I was 12 or so, but being an imature young boy I was more busy annoying in class than studying. However, they insisted and with a lot of hard work they paid my first English school for one year. Soon after that, we moved to a new city, that meant a new english school, 2 more years of penitence for me. I didn't want to go there, I'd rather play video games or play outside.

My parents lived a tough and simple life and their education was mainly possible because my grandparents worked really hard for that. Both my parents graduated on their respective areas without knowing other languages, thus their biggest desire was to have their kids speaking at least English.

Seeing that the efforts weren't being paid off they decided to make a deal.

     - You'll stay off the English school for one year to cool down. You have one year to decide your future. - They said.

One year after, I entered my third and last school, where I studied for 6 years and where my brother and I teach our own classes now.

This was the start of a gigantic list of things they provided, I won't go through all my history here as it would be boring and particularly long.

Thank you mom and dad for everything!

If I'm getting closer to my objective, of travelling and exploring the world, it's all thanks to them. If I'm here on Steemit, it's my parents fault, as they made me learn a new language.

They gave me education, they gave me this computer I'm using to write, they gave me a roof to live below. I wouldn't be able to save money for adventures, if it weren't by them helping me on the bills. Not to mention their support when I decided to leave engineering life to pursue my own goals in life.

I have a lot of really incredible friends, but...

My parents are always the ones who call desperately every single day to ask if I'm ok when I'm out on adventure. And they are always the ones we call when something goes wrong.

I'll keep it short because, as I said, I'm not good on expressing emotions - I have my quiet way to do that. Moreover, I'd enter too deep into really particular subjects that I don't think fit with the objective of my blogs. You get the idea.

All I wanted was to inspire you into re-evaluating the importance of your family - doesn't matter who they are. Have you called them today?

I was tagged by @riverflows to:

Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.

I would like to tag my friends @guchtere @fjorenca @macchiata whom I believe would write some beautiful texts - please don't feel obligated, but you've been tagged!

And you, what are you grateful for? Don't be sad if I haven't tagged you, we still have 6 more days to go.

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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I love love this post ... I love your happy smiley face and your family seems the best. Thanks to your parents, I have a really cool Brazilian friend that always makes me laugh!!! Thanks for taking on this challenge and you still made it travel related!!! Xxx

And I waited a week before starting mine Lol!!!

Oyyyyyy, what a lovely comment! You see, If it wasn't by them I wouldn't be able do comunicate, nor even tease Jamie. It's incredible how we can feel connected to people, even when they are on the other side of the world.

There's a phrase by Amyr Klink (of course... hahaha) and he says more or less like this.

"Whoever has a friend, even though one, no matter where he is, will never suffer from solitude; You may die of longing, but you will not be alone."


Ten people you'd invite to your dinner party, if you could?

Amyr Klink and 9 Amyr Klink clones...

:) he he he xxx

AHAHAHAHA ahhhhh that's a good question - if it means a sailor's dinner I'd include Mr. Shackleton, Amundsen, Slocum and the Kon-Tiki guys.

My 7 days will start tomorrow, although I was tagged for it nearly a week ago.

You are so blessed to have come from such generous, living, amazing parents! ☺

Heey @powellx5 thanks for passing by.

Indeed! I just can't understand some of my teenager students, how they mistreat their parents sometimes. That's one of the lessons outside of English learning that I try to pass out to them, to respect their parents. I know teenagers can be kinda, complicated.. but a little effort does not hurt.

Lemme check your day 1 now.

I know that sometimes disrespect and misbehavior seem to just come from nowhere for no reason. But I believe that some of it comes from the child having never learned respect. Sometimes the disrespect is learned from the parents.

But how excellent of you to talk to them and try to teach them about respect. 👍👍

Could be! I know my parents never needed to raise a hand for my brother and I, but they knew how to say NO.

What I see today with the kids at school, is that the parents are so stressed from work that they give up on any request, just to be free from the kids annoying them. That leads the kids to think they have control over the parents, leading them to disrespect.

I had one of the teenager students one day complain that his mom was dumb from forgeting to send him an Uber! Then later that day he was telling his friends that she was buying him the new Playstation. Dude!

I had to tell him "how can you mistreat you mom like that when she does everything for you?". He then stood there in silence.
I like how they listen to me, maybe because I'm only 30 years old and I act like I'm one of them.

So "every successful man has left his engineering career behind to pursue his own lifestyle"...

Let's just hope that we get successful because the engineering life is already behind hahahahahaha

Thanks for passing by my friend.

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