The Community also Needs Innovation

in #zzan4 years ago

As a product, the community also needs innovation or renewal to be more and not boring. A boring community will kill the passion of its members. The community loses its beats, then the members leave, either secretly or openly.

Why do you need innovation?

The first is clear. The community consists of every individual who has a sense of boredom. Although in a community that is very promising in any field, especially the financial aspects (this is generally desired) and comfort (this also can not be ignored), in the end members need something new, more challenging, not mediocre .

Therefore, managing a community is not an easy matter. People who manage the community must have a strategy in designing program after program to make members feel at home. Guaranteed growth does not necessarily make them comfortable, enlightening vision is also considered to be in the clouds. They need something dressy, need surprises, and other fun effects.

Routine is the enemy of the comfort of a community. in addition to programs that have been included in a community blueprint, whether written or not, members need variations for variation to make dreams come true. That's why earlier, the administrators in a community must understand the program well, visionary, flexible, and quickly adapt to changes, both internal and external changes.

Programs in a community should be designed from the beginning and then adjusted to various changes. Then, the managers are required to have creativity to throw new and innovative ideas, and have broad insights.

Resources in a community are very limited, it happens everywhere, including in an established community. For this reason, high creativity is needed to overcome limited resources. As we often hear, resources are limited, but creativity is unlimited.

Creativity is the key to innovation. Innovation is the life to make a community survive amid the onslaught of changing times. One variable that changes can affect other aspects and disrupt the acceleration of the organization's course. One variable changes, can affect orientation, interfere with strategies to achieve goals, and disrupt the harmony of an organization.

When technology enters, the need for human labor decreases. This is a challenge for an organization. This is where innovation and creativity are needed to sustain the community to continue to grow.

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