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RE: Legalese - The Language Of Deception

in #writing7 years ago

Excellent post.

My "favorite" legalese word is 'person' here in Canada. If you look up the definition in the Interpretation Act (yes that's a thing) all it says is, "person - includes a corporation"

You would think that would mean to be the regular definition of being human (natural person) and 'also' include corporations in the definition, but that's not what 'include' means. From what I've found out, to include one thing is to exclude everything else. Basically, it comes down to only corporations have to follow these made up rules (laws), which is how it should be. We natural people have all been tricked into accepting that we are corporations. If that little bit of knowledge could just reach the masses and get past the cognitive dissonance so we can all break free.


It's true mate. Words have cast a spell over humanity which is a hard one to break. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch! Everything is based on old Roman maxims such as the one you point out where to include one is to exclude all else. Nothing has really changed over the years too much except the language of the common folk which has been deliberately massaged and shaped to suit the purposes of the elite.

There are so many of these words which we take for granted, some I've included myself and others that have been added in the comments as well hundreds more which, as you say, if we all had knowledge of would surely make a difference in our daily lives but a big part of the problem os not only the cognitive dissonance but the fact that at the moment, the majority of us are perfectly happy to hand over responsibility for our many aspects of our own and our families lives to others that I dont think many of us would want the change if we were offered it, with full understanding of how things actually work now. Ithink most would choose to carry on living in the matrix and choose to forget they ever woke up atall, so Ithink there's a lot of work to be done and it will be a gradual thing but who knows. Maybe tomorrow will be the start of a journey on a new path and with that comes the possibility for change. :)

Thanks a lot for the great comment mate. I really appreciate you taking the time. Hope your day is going well. :)

Great stuff, “person” is also a favourite of mine, a person is defined in law as “a man according to the rank he holds in society” Now rank is defined as “The order or place in which certain officers are placed in the Army and Navy, In relation to others”. Now i don’t know about you, but to the best of my knowledge, i,m not in the Army or Navy so have no Rank and in so doing cannot be a Person. And what is the name of this society? I do not recall joining! i was in the carp society and i didn't see mention of this in their rules. LOL So, unless i accept a military or admiralty title such as “MR” which is an abbreviation for “Master of The Rolls”, it would be required of me to accept this as a title for myself for them to assume that i'm government property. Without the title of MR, i do not fall under the jurisdiction of Government or an admiralty court.

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