On Forbidden Knowledge, 9-11, and the 'Law of Attraction'steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing8 years ago

Focused-- with all of my might-- on something that I didn't want. And I knew better!

Metaphysics, magic, astral projection and ESP-- all traditionally forbidden topics-- and there was a time when literature on those subjects was hard to find anywhere. While the whispers of those obscure topics in the subculture was hardly a way to learn much about them, the occulted ancient mysteries of the human mind remained out of reach for many. 

In my own personal quest for knowledge, there was a series of individual books which sent me on a journey of amazement; amazed that I had gotten my hands on the information, and amazed at what I was coming to understand about the mind and it's many secrets, it's hidden powers, and the powers that are plain to see, right in the open.

Here's a photographic depiction of my progression into the world of forbidden knowledge-- the knowledge of the human mind.

Journeys Out of the Body

This book by Robert Monroe started it all for me, as the author described an astral world-- the same world that we visit when dreaming-- and how that dream world could be explored consciously.

I loaned out my original copy, and bought this years later to read again

After Monroe's book, I was hopelessly hooked on the idea of alternate worlds like an astral plane of existence. I knew I'd uncovered something important. There was more than just our physical world-- there were other layers and levels-- planes where thoughts were things, and I had to learn more about it.

Next, I found this treasure at a yard sale, 'The Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge'. Now we were getting somewhere! 

Forbidden knowledge; mind power 

I read that chapter 8 a number of times, while the rest of the book was too much for me to take in at the time-- (I still haven't read the whole book) 

Law of Attraction

When I tried to explain some of the metaphysical concepts that I'd been learning about during that time, somebody gave me this little book called 'AS A MAN THINKETH'.

looks like the dog liked the book too-- 'as a dog cheweth'

"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he"

In the opening pages of this James Allen book is a little paragraph:

"Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,

And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes

the tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills,

brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills:--

He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:

Environment is but his looking-glass."

The book is based on the aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," and James Allen rephrases that thought enough times to make it stick.

Search for 'Occulted' (hidden from sight) Knowledge

I kept looking and kept finding, from little paperbacks like Richard Bach's 'Illusions' (same author who wrote 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull') to the Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield) it was a fascinating study of the human mind, and the present experience.

As I kept searching further for more forbidden knowledge, I kept coming across references to this next little book:

The 'New Testament'. I was looking for occulted knowledge, and at first, the references to the scriptures of the New Testament and the numerous Jesus quotes I was running into in my studies was causing some worry-- I was concerned that they were about to start trying to 'save' me, but I read on. 

It turns out that Jesus was often talking about this same concept of the Law of Attraction. Once the parables are read as what they are, then there are references in the pages to thoughts being described as "seeds" which are thrown on the wayside, and some will grow while some will not receive any nourishment or the right conditions, and will not flourish. The Law of Attraction, basically.

Thought are Things? 

It was a recurring theme; the idea that our thoughts are what make our world around us, for good and bad, and that if we tend to our thoughts, we can better live within our environment-- more in harmony with our own true purposes. I found a Paul Davies book which showed how quantum physics corresponded with the ancient mystery teachings in a lot of ways.

'God and the New Physics'

David Icke

A few years passed and I eventually forgot that me and my Earthling population were precipitating our physical world from within ourselves with our collective thoughts, and we were all too busy with other things for a while to be bothered with our mind's creation of it's numerous products. I'd always been interested in UFO's, and by this time Barnes and Noble had an entire section in their bookstores titled 'New Age", and in that den of obfuscation I soon found my way to David Icke.

It was around 2001 when I was happily filling my head with inter-dimensional reptilian beings from David Icke's books, and the exo-politics of the planet were beginning to interest me. Icke always ends his books on a positive note, but the immense amount of research that goes into one of his large books makes it difficult to reach the positive parts at the end, so a fearful reptilian presence is suggested and, like a seed by the wayside, that thought may find a way to land in fertile ground before the book is finished. I wasn't particularly afraid of inter-dimensional reptilians, but I hardly dared recommend the books to any of my friends back then. 

David Icke also talks about a lot of other things that I'm interested in, so these days I'd gladly recommend his work. I like Icke.

Meanwhile, it was 2001, and soon we were all jolted awake when Sept 11th happened.

Post 9-11 Atmosphere of Fear

Following 9-11, lots of people like me became aware of the apparent worldwide shadow government and some of the secret societies which apparently manage our planet. 

We didn't realize at the time that we were supposed to notice the inconsistencies in the official stories of the 9-11 event, we thought the short-wave radio and the various conspiracy broadcasts that we were able to tune in to were things that we weren't supposed to know-- more forbidden knowledge.

We thought we weren't supposed to know about the internment centers, or 'FEMA Camps'-- we thought we weren't supposed to learn about 'thermite' or explosive charges inside of buildings-- we just KNEW that the secretive cabal who had run the planet for centuries-- they wouldn't want us to figure out that our own government and our trusted news agencies were involved in a vast deception of the population. 

We were certain, beyond a doubt, that this monstrous  entity wouldn't want us to listen to "conspiracy theorists" and people like 'Alex Jones' in the days following 9-11. 

There was no way that they would want us to know about the 'leaked' documents showing an agenda of utter genocide, and that the plan was to ultimately kill us down to a manageable handful of slaves through the poisoning of the water, spraying chemicals into the atmosphere and 'disappearing' any dissenters or potential threats to their secret eugenics programs. 

No way they would want too many people thinking about that kind of thing, we thought for sure. How would that benefit their agenda? An entire population, focused on fear every day, our thoughts drifting away to internment camps and famine, civil chaos and blue-gray dystopian futures for ourselves and our families as the backdrop for our imaginations...

A formula  

It actually took me a while to see that there was a formula at work in the population's mind. We were being taught by the imagineers of society what to imagine, and fear and scarcity was what we were being programmed to envision. I had forgotten the Law of Attraction, and that we had never stopped precipitating our thoughts into reality, and that we were creating things we didn't really want. We were creating a world suited for someone else, and we were doing it ourselves.

These days, "that's just what they want you to think" is a useful way to reverse-engineer a lot of the propaganda and deception which  is pouring from the TVs and internet, but the best way to create a world that suits us is to imagine it first.

It all starts with a thought.


thanks for reading

all above images by me, from my library

any comments, questions or concerns, press 'reply' below and let me have it




any idea what that chapter "The Dark Satellite" in the forbidden knowledge encyclopedia is about?

I missed this earlier-- I'm going to read that chapter tonight and I'll give you a review if it makes any sense to me at all-- not sure how I overlooked that chapter for so long.

I just finished looking over the chapter. It starts by talking about good vs evil, then goes on to describe (barely) the Dark Satellite, and the way it's written makes it sound like an actual orb which was closest to the Earth in 1881, and has been moving away since, or at least when this book was published. (1970, Nash Publishing) The orb is described as being filled with spiritual beings of high intelligence, who are responsible for influencing humanity in the direction of depravity, but that since the influence is waning as the orb moves away from us, now true spiritual knowledge would become more available to humanity. Some had suggested that the dark orb was our moon, but according to the author this is not our moon, but was a sort of "dustbin of the universe." It's orbit was mentioned, whether it orbits Earth, the sun, or something else was not specified in this chapter.

After that it goes into some dialogue about mortality and immortality, I flipped through the chapter and the orb wasn't brought up again. The implication was that a lot of suffering on Earth is caused by this Dark Satellite, but is blamed on human nature.

thanks for letting me know.
That's interesting. I read about that and saw an illustration somewhere on the net. Hopefully I can find it again

Hi @therealpaul, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Wow, thank you! I'm happy to have made the list-- the Ramble is a great idea, I appreciate it.

you're very welcome :)

Great post. As usual ;) I've also been compiling a list of the books that were influential on my journey. Even humorous ones like A Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, or Tom Robbin's Jitterbug perfume. My love of books is largely responsible for the breaking of the tremendous amount of indoctrination and extreme level of hypnosis in my early life.

I'd like to see other lists of books like this too-- some of the ones above, I wanted to do full book reports and essays on, but I had to fly thru them all here, and had to skip a bunch too. I was pretty well indoctrinated too, but wasn't afraid to be interested in UFO's, which led me into the world of propaganda and cultural conditioning, and away!

I suspect all people have been conditioned in one form or another. I often wonder if there's an even higher design for that, such as giving us something to break free from. I've noticed that every time I do free myself from a form of indoctrination, I am far stronger after, my mind expanding to new levels. For me that was especially true with Christianity. Once upon a time stretching myself was not only difficult, but dangerous. I could almost hear the individual fibers of the rubber band snapping. I learned how to do it little by little, finding more and more elasticity until one day it became gumby and I was free :) (And on that day I was finally born-again, haha!)

Nice collection you describe here. My WiR series i am working on will be getting into this sort of information as it progresses too.

Thinking and Destiny was a book that really turned on my own exploration of my own Mind and initiated an awareness of the mental universe. Learning to understand the allegory in the norse myths and other religious texts of the world then helped me start putting that mental universe into better context.

Looking forward to more posts on this topic!

'Thinking and Destiny'-- yep that title says a lot, I'll be on the lookout for it. Thanks

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