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RE: On Forbidden Knowledge, 9-11, and the 'Law of Attraction'

in #writing8 years ago

Great post. As usual ;) I've also been compiling a list of the books that were influential on my journey. Even humorous ones like A Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, or Tom Robbin's Jitterbug perfume. My love of books is largely responsible for the breaking of the tremendous amount of indoctrination and extreme level of hypnosis in my early life.


I'd like to see other lists of books like this too-- some of the ones above, I wanted to do full book reports and essays on, but I had to fly thru them all here, and had to skip a bunch too. I was pretty well indoctrinated too, but wasn't afraid to be interested in UFO's, which led me into the world of propaganda and cultural conditioning, and away!

I suspect all people have been conditioned in one form or another. I often wonder if there's an even higher design for that, such as giving us something to break free from. I've noticed that every time I do free myself from a form of indoctrination, I am far stronger after, my mind expanding to new levels. For me that was especially true with Christianity. Once upon a time stretching myself was not only difficult, but dangerous. I could almost hear the individual fibers of the rubber band snapping. I learned how to do it little by little, finding more and more elasticity until one day it became gumby and I was free :) (And on that day I was finally born-again, haha!)

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