RedHens Writing Advice: Are you a "plotter" or a "pantser"?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #writing7 years ago

This video explores two of the groups authors fall into in terms of their writing process. Plotters outline their stories before they begin, while Pantsers discover their story as they go, writing "by the seat of their pants."

If you're a plotter, here are some resources to help you outline your next piece:

What is your writing process? Are you a "plotter" for some things and a "pantser" for others? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts.

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I'm a pantser and this vid really knocked the pants off me! A quality vid @redhens A wee tip: try to keep looking at the camera - it's the hardest thing to do!! Don't worry, I'm terrible at it too! Resteemed :)

It's too hard to look at the camera and think at the same time. Lol!

Trains of thought @redhens, trains of thought. Now you know why news readers will read any crap on an auto-cue put in forward to them! I look forward to more of your vids. The secret is just to take your time ... let your video be 5-10 minutes long if need be. No rushing ... that is your day job! Small things my friend. Small things :)

I'm such a pantser all the way, @redhens

I think I am both. I have been writing for over ten years. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Confirmed, dedicated pantser. But we prefer the term "discovery writers", because it makes us feel better about ourselves.

Seriously, ten novels (nine completed) and I don't have a single outline for any of them. Is there something wrong with me?

Not at all! In fact, I am super jealous! I feel like a discovery writer - which, you're right, is much better -- when I'm creating a story in my head or writing a shorter piece. But when it comes to longer stuff, I just have to plan it out. I wish I could do it well your way. 😀

I wish I could do it well, too. I can do it, but until someone pays me a bunch of money for one of my novels, I won't believe I've done it well. I know it leads to problems to just write to find out what the book is about, but I swear that's what I do. That means I have to throw out a good deal of it, because until I know what is actually happening, I get a lot of stuff written that doesn't belong.

I'm going to try a couple things with this next one, and see how it goes.

I guess writing is never "easy". As the saying goes, "The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence." Keep us posted on your next one. I'm curious to hear if you find some new methods that work.

It is incredibly motivating to hear, see or read about someone’s creative process in any art. You do the most important thing in teaching @redhens – you sow love for the writing process in every individual who visits your blog. Bravo!

Thanks for the kind words!

Thanks @redhens for the video. If I think about it, i feel similar to you in that I think I'm a pantser but in reality I am probably a plotter. I have the ability to write on the spur of the moment, but I really find myself going back and reading what I've wrote many many times. I probably read and iterate over my writing at least 20 times before publishing .. so in that sense I would be a plotter.

You made a comment about wishing that you didn't have to do so much upfront preparation and you could write by the seat of your pants because it's fun. There are many professions out there that require a lot of upfront preparation before everything comes together pretty quickly. Maybe you can find a way to bring the more fun parts of the process into the preparation aspect so that you enjoy it more along the way?

Anyways, I appreciate the list of resources, I'll take a few to review them and strengthen my own personal plotting skills. Since joining steemit, I've started thinking about writing some short fun stories so this is timely. Thanks!

Thanks for the suggestion! It might make an interesting topic for a future video -- how to mix some fun into your work! I'll have to see what I can find. 😀

You're most welcome! If it can help you and then you share it to others, it's a win-win, right? :D If you don't mind me asking, do you use any particular software for writing?

I use OneNote to draft my Steemit pieces because I like how it allows me to organize my posts and write via my laptop or phone. I started using Scrivener for my novel. Still learning the ropes, but it looks pretty cool.

I'm a wanabee plotter but a pantser to the core of my little ol' spontaneous heart. Great post!

Hi, Thanks for your advice, I have started a book called Karma's a Bitch! It's about a trip to India, which was in tribute to a friend. Should have been a magical experience, that soon turned very ugly. It had detremental, traumatic, long lasting effects for the sake of this persons greed, lust and having involved others with bets.
How people in power dealt with the situation and pay offs.🕉

Bounce from both types. Depends what I'm writing.

Nice post.

I've really loved your content on here. Such great advice for people to not just be better writers, but also reflect on how they individually work.

I wanted to see if you'd be interested in being a guest sometime on @steemittalk podcast. I've already got the next month booked with other guests, but I'd love to be able to get you on the show.

Feel free to ask any questions about it...I don't want you to feel pressured or anything. And definitely no rush. DM me anytime on or discord (I'm the same name on those).

Keep Smilin' and Steem On! :D

This sounds like a lot of fun! I'm definitely interested. I'll DM you for details. 🙂

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