Ender's Love - Chapter 5

in #writing6 years ago

NB: Read the previous chapters here:
Chapter 1: https://steemit.com/writing/@penny-rose/ender-s-love-chapter-1-warning-strong-language
Chapter 2: https://steemit.com/fiction/@penny-rose/ender-s-love-chapter-2
Chapter 3: https://steemit.com/writing/@penny-rose/ender-s-love-chapter-3
Chapter 4: https://steemit.com/writing/@penny-rose/ender-s-love-chapter-4

Warning: Contains strong language!
This is a first draft copy.

Chapter 5

"I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of girl. I, err-, I'm flattered, very flattered. You're a-, but I'm not-, I don't-, you know!"

He suddenly started laughing at me and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks even more. Although I was shocked that he didn't just brush me off like most of the men I had let down over the years with a similar proposition.

"I meant to a different bar, so we can continue chatting. I can't stand this place, it's too loud and I don't like shouting to be heard."

"Oh!" I said, feeling stupidly embarrassed suddenly. I had just told Stella off for assuming he was just a typical guy who just wanted to find someone to take home that night but I had clearly just done the same thing to him.

"I feel I owe you drink, that's all." He shrugged.

I nodded. "Sure, but just the one drink, then I'd better go home."

He nodded, drained the liquor in his glass and stood up, waiting for me to get off my own chair, grab my bag and put my coat on. Well, it was my blazer from work, not my leather jacket this time. I had worn a green dress to work and a leather jacket didn't quite go with it. Which I was glad about, I was worried it would look too silly walking next to him as he wore his own leather jacket.

I followed him out of the pub and out onto the fresh air, realising how nice it was to be outside and in the peace and quiet. No loud guys. No loud music.

"God, that's so much better," he said.

I laughed.

"What?" he asked, when he heard me laughing.

I looked over to him and just smiled. "I was just thinking the exact same thing," I said. He just smiled back at me and we started to walk down the street, although I had no idea where we were going. "So many times I was looking at that front door and waiting for a moment when Stella wasn't looking that I could just make a beeline for it and escape."

"I take it you're not too keen on her either?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Oh God no. Can't stand her." I snorted.

"Why did you go out with her then?" he quizzed.

"It was supposed to be a few work colleagues, but it ended up just being me and her, it was so awkward, but I felt like I should at least stay for one drink with her before I go home."

"Ah, everyone else was probably trying to avoid her!"

I laughed. "And I was too stupid to notice!"

"Or too kind?"

I snorted. "You did hear me back there, right?"

"Yeah, that was pretty impressive!"

"That wasn't kind, I felt awful!"

"Don't be, you were right."

I looked up at him properly for the first time since getting outside. He was at least a foot taller than me, even though I was wearing my heels. He was watching me curiously with an eyebrow up. I felt my face flush. Why did he have to be so damn good looking? "I was?"

He stopped suddenly. Which made me stop too. "Of course! She just insulted my ex and then assumed I would go fuck her in the toilets, it was extremely rude."

I felt my face flush even more. I don't think I was ever going to be my natural colour around him. "Yeah, that was a little rude. Although she didn't need me shouting at her."

He shrugged. "I don't think she could hear properly in there, you needed to shout to hear anyone."

"Yeah, I guess."

He studied me for a few seconds in silence before answering, "I'm Scott by the way. I forgot to tell you the other night."

"I'm Alex." I smiled nervously.

"So, Alex, are you hungry?"

"Err-" I stuttered, I felt so nervous around the guy it was unreal. I still couldn't believe this guy, the most handsome guy in the pub, of any pub I've been into recently, was talking to me! Second time running too! And now he was thinking about food?

"Difficult question?" he asked when I didn't reply.

"No, I just-, I thought-" I sighed. "I shouldn't really be staying out that long, I have university work to do. I didn't manage to get any done the other night, I need to catch up."

He nodded. "I understand. I was just going to offer to buy you something. There's a really nice Mediterranean place round the corner I like, I was going to get something to eat as I've not eaten yet. I wasn't sure if you had and you wanted to get something to eat instead? But if you'd prefer to just get a drink?"

"Oh! Sorry! No, it's okay, I'll let you get something to eat. I'll leave you to it."

"Alex," he said, and I felt my whole spine shiver. My name sounded so good coming out of his mouth. "I feel I owe you something at least, to say thanks for the other night, a drink at least or if you prefer something to eat? Have you even eaten yet?"

"No, but it's okay, I was just going to order in tonight-"

"Then let me get you something, at least let me-" he cut me off.

"No, honestly, it's fine!" I said, accidentally cut him off myself. "Its extremely nice of you to offer, and normally I wouldn't say no, I love Mediterranean food. But I made a promise to myself to put my studies first."

Back in the pub, I had convinced myself to get back home and do some university work. I knew I should take time off to relax, but since Stella wasn't good company, I couldn't justify spending time with her instead of working on my dissertation.

He smiled at me. "At least let me give you some money to pay you back for that heat patch?"

"No, I said not to worry about it, and I meant it," I said.

"Alex," his face fell a little. "I asked my secretary this morning to check out the heat patches, when she came back and told me how much they were I was shocked and felt bad that I had taken your last one."

I laughed lightly. "They're not that expensive." My mind was going ten to the dozen; he had a secretary? Who was this guy?

"They were nearly ten pound."

"Where did you send your secretary? Sounds like you got ripped off there," I replied, but grinned.

He frowned at me and then shook his head. "You are an interesting woman!" He sighed. "Tell you what, let me at least buy you a drink, glass of wine or a Dalwhinnie and then I'll let you go."

I raised my eyebrow at him. I found it curious that he had remembered I was drinking Dalwhinnie, and equally impressed that he knew I was drinking wine earlier in the pub too.

"Okay," I replied and smiled. "But make it something non-alcoholic and make sure you get something to eat!"

He nodded and smiled happily at me, not even bothered that I wasn't interested in drinking anything alcoholic as I followed this strangely curious yet annoyingly handsome man down the road.


Book cover designed by myself

Feel free to check out my other work here:

Rose Garden Sanatorium
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:

I fell in Love with a Psychopath
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:

It's My Mistake
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:

Feel free to follow me (@penny-rose) for updates on my written work, and other 'confessions' about being an author.
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