It's My Mistake - Chapter 2 - UPDATED

in #fiction7 years ago

Warning! There is strong language, scenes of sex, drugs and alcohol issues in this story!

Please read Chapter 1 here:

Chapter 2

“Alice!” my startlingly beautiful long blonde haired friend gasped in shock. Her gorgeous blue eyes twinkled at me, her mouth slightly ajar in surprise after I told her the train wreck of an interview I had yesterday. “You did what?”

“I know! After all that, I told the woman outside to fuck off too,” I said, burring my face in my hands and groaning.

I had told my friend Olivia what had happened with the interview from start to end in surprising vivid detail. Well, leaving out a few details; like the handsome man that was behind the table. This was something Olivia would have wanted to know more about rather than the interview itself. She had a bit of an obsession with men. We were sat in a café round the corner to where she works before she started her afternoon shift.

I liked Olivia, she was the closest thing I had to a best friend. She was originally my roommate for a few months after I moved to the city. She had a small spare room for rent, and to my luck she had it up for quite cheap too. We hit it off quite quickly, which I was extremely surprised about. She was a beautiful blonde girl, only a year younger than I was, and was extremely outgoing. I was the complete opposite. But she was surprisingly easy to get along with. Our little arrangement only lasted a few months though, I had found out she was actually renting the apartment herself and wasn’t really allowed to rent out the other bedroom. The landlord had kicked us both out and we had to go our separate ways. But our strange friendship seemed to have last quite well.

“That’s amazing! At least you fucked it up in style!” she giggled hysterically.

“It’s useless, I’m never going to get a job in hotel! Maybe I am better off going back to care?”

“Don’t be silly, there are still loads of hotels out there, or maybe you’re better off starting somewhere smaller? Like a hostel or something?” she said, touching my hand in sympathy. “Just don’t yell at the interview panel and tell people to fuck off!” she suddenly smiled.

I groaned again. I realised after having a good, long think about what I had done, the whole ‘Miss/Mrs’ mistake, there was still chance to salvage the interview; just laugh it off as an administration error. But no, instead I decided to yell at people and storm out like a spoilt brat.

Plus, to make matters worse; I really wanted that particular job. Yeah, the role was just an entry level administrator role or something, probably only be filing and other equally boring things like that. But the company was supposed to be a really good company to work for. I heard rumours that people that started at the company would be well looked after and they really helped you progress. I had dreams of going far in the company. It was also a social enterprise, so it helps the community, something that had caught my attention. Global Elite the company was called. That hotel was just one of two in London, and one of-, I don’t know, probably lots around the world. I had done a bit of research, hoping my knowledge of the company and its history might have won me some brownie points.

Olivia opened her mouth – probably about to comfort me in her usual sarcastic and jokey way one last time – but closed it when my mobile phone rang loudly next to me. I stared at the caller ID but I didn’t recognise the number. It wasn’t a saved contact, so I didn’t rush to answer it. I had a feeling I knew who it was.

“Aren’t you going to answer it?” Olivia asked, her well-manicured eyebrow rose at me curiously.

“No, it’s probably Simon,” I replied, still staring at the mobile as it danced and sang at me.

“I thought you liked Simon?”

Simon was my ex. Well, he was and he wasn’t. We didn’t officially break up. I just walked out on him a while back and stopped talking to him altogether. I guess that constitutes as an ex. We weren’t together for long anyway. Either way I didn’t tell Olivia the whole story. In fact, I didn’t really tell her anything. She didn’t even know I had stopped seeing him. She didn’t exactly ask.

“I did.”

She watched me silently for a few seconds as if trying to digest a hidden meaning in those two words. “Then what’s the problem?”

I sighed. “I’ve stopped seeing him,” I explained and Olivia’s eyebrows rose together this time. “He came across- desperate,” I continued, when Olivia didn’t say anything. I looked up at my friend and frowned at her as I remembered the last time I saw Simon.

Olivia laughed. “Maybe he was just horny and wanted to get in your knickers?”

I gave her a look, which was supposed to be a ‘don’t be so gross’ look, but she clearly read it wrong. I actually hated that word ‘horny’, and Olivia knew it.

“Wait,” she gasped, “did you two-?”

“No!” I snapped, “I didn’t sleep with him!”

Olivia knew I hadn’t slept with him. I had told her that I wanted to wait, at least until I knew that he and I would go far in a relationship. Plus, I was a little-, shy, in that department. Unlike Olivia, I wasn’t so confident. But I guess it was a while since I last spoke to Olivia about Simon. Knowing Olivia, she probably thought I did sleep with him and that was why I dumped him.

Olivia just held her hands up in defence, “Can’t blame me for asking, he is pretty hot. I would. Even if it was just for a quick shag.”

“Olivia!” I said, looking shocked at my friend, although I wasn’t sure why I was still so shocked, she was always like this. But she was a young, beautiful blonde woman, she always had men after her. I was just lucky that I met Simon alone, and not with Olivia. I had visions of her going off with him instead. Although it wouldn’t have made much of a difference know. “You know I’m not like that!”

She shrugged. “Nothing wrong with it.”

“The guy wanted a serious relationship, not just a quick- shag,” I said, lowering my voice slightly so the couple on the table next to us wouldn’t hear me. Although it was pointless, they had clearly overheard Olivia. She was so embarrassing sometimes.

“I know, I know,” she shrugged, “But you should at least consider it; you never know, you might enjoy it!” she winked.

But I ignored her. Just as my mobile rang again.

“Hey, if it is Simon, wouldn’t it come up on your phone as Simon’s number?” she asked, pointing to the phone.

“No, I deleted it,” I said.

“You deleted his number from your phone?” she asked, her eyebrows raised again.

“I know, it was a mistake, I forgot I did it and he tried ringing me. I accidentally answered it, not realising it was him, until I heard his voice wheezing down the earpiece-”

“Wheezing?” Olivia asked, looking confused.

I shrugged, “Sounded like he was wheezing, maybe he’s asthmatic?”

“Or he was-”

“Don’t!” I said, stopping her saying something crude that I really didn’t want to hear. I knew she was about to say something crude, it was the look on her face that gave it away. She just laughed. “The point is, I ended up having to block his number in the end because he kept ringing and I kept for-”

I stopped. I had Simon’s number blocked. He couldn’t ring me! I looked at the mobile still ringing.

“What?” Olivia asked, clearly not getting why I stopped.

“I have Simon’s number blocked!” I said, “He can’t ring me!”

“Then answer it!” she said quickly, “It might be another hunky desperate man wanting a shag!”

I ignored her and picked my phone up from the table, but just before I was about to answer it, it stopped ringing. I groaned.

“Well, I guess he’s got fed up and found someone else!” Olivia chimed and took a sip of her coffee.

I ignored Olivia and continued to look at my phone. I was quietly trying to decide what to do. Maybe if I sat and waited for a bit, the caller would ring me back. Or maybe leave a voicemail. I liked the idea of someone leaving me a voicemail, if they gave me a hint to who they were, I could decide whether I wanted to ring back.

But after a few minutes ticked by on my phone, no one rang back and no voicemail was left. So instead I decided to ring the number back. Olivia’s attention was on something else, or shall I say, someone else.

“Hello, this is Daniel’s phone. Jason speaking,” someone with a rather lovely deep voice said on the other end of the phone. I didn’t recognise any of the names; I didn’t know a Daniel or a Jason, nor did I recognise the voice.

“Err, hi, I just got a miss call on this number?”

“Ah yes, Dan did look a little flustered trying to ring you, let me find him,” the deep male voice said on the other end of the phone. I said a quick thank you but I got interrupted when I heard the same deep male voice yell in the background; “Oi, you cunt, you have one of your bimbos on the phone asking for you!”

My face dropped and I hung up the phone quickly. Clearly not someone I wanted to know anyway. I silently hoped neither of them rang me again. Annoyingly, Olivia hadn’t even noticed what had happened.


Feel free to check out my other work here:

Rose Garden Sanatorium
Read my Prologue here:
And Chapter one here:

I fell in Love with a Psychopath
Read Chapter 1 here:
Read Chapter 2 here:

Ender's Love
Read Chapter 1 here:
Read Chapter 2 here:

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great post like it and keep it up dear !

Thank you :)

I am so excited for this second chapter :) I bet its better than the first one. keep up the good work.

you always post something interesting. blessings to you lady.

Thank you. :)
I try! I love writing, and I love sharing it with the world.

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