I Don't Want Sympathy, I Want To Inspire...Here's My Story

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemians,
In light of some information I've received recently, I've decided to share my story, which is something I haven't done with anyone, besides to those who are closest to me. Now, before I start, I'm not telling you these things because I'm looking for sympathy. I'm hoping to inspire, and maybe...just maybe I can help someone who may be struggling with their own personal hell. I've been through a lot, but I have done well for myself with the help of the people who love me. It's a bit long, but please stick with me, maybe some of my Steemian friends will have some words of wisdom at the end of this. Let's get started. I'm so nervous
I was 11 years old when my mother was diagnosed with terminal brain and lung cancer. The doctor's told us that she only had about 6 months to live. She surpassed that, she lived for about 2 years. About 2 months before my mother passed, her health deteriorated rather quickly, I was 13. I remember having to suction her mouth because she was having trouble swallowing and she would cough up pieces of her lung. She was 33 years old.
I had a decision to make. You see, my father had been molesting and raping me for as long as I can remember. It was expressed to me that if I ever told, it would tear my family apart, and I wouldn't have a home. I have an older brother (only by 11 months), who wasn't like me. He endured abuse from my father, but of a different sort. His was more mental, and every now and then it got physical. I remember my father holding him up against the wall by his throat. He was my mother's favorite though, or at least that's how I felt back then. But I love my brother dearly, and only wanted what was best for him. I knew what would happen as soon as I told. I knew I could survive whatever may come, but I wasn't so sure about him. It led me to thinking of how bad things would get when my mother was no longer here. I begged my father to stop, time after time, and it would, at least for a little while, and then something in his head would snap, and he was back to doing what he did.
I told my mother once. One night, my father was in my room, and my mother got up. The way the street light shined through my window, there was one dark corner in my room where he stood when she glanced in. When my mother went into the kitchen, he slipped out of my room. They got in a fight, I heard a glass break, and then my mother walks in my room. She asked me what had happened, I told her, she said that we would talk more about it tomorrow...tomorrow never came. I was 10 at this time.
I decided to tell, I told the mother of the guy I was dating at the time. She made an anonymous call to Child Protection Sevices. They came and got me the next day.
My father was incarcerated the same night.
My mother, my brother, and I moved into my mother's parent's house, and I slept on the floor with my mother in the hospital bed in the same room. One night, the alarms on the machines started beeping. I got up and grabbed her hand, she took her last breath. My grandmother told me, "that's your mom's way of saying she forgives you." I never really understood what she meant by that.
About a year and a half later, we went to trial. He was found guilty. He was sentenced to life without the possibility of pardon, parole, or shortened sentence.
My father and I have corresponded a few times, the last time was in 1997, when my son was born. I was 20 years old. In his letters, he seemed to blame me for losing the last 44 days of his wife's life, that's how I know it was 44 days. He hasn't shown any type of remorse, he's played the victim saying things like "Haven't I suffered enough". Um, no, you haven't.
I had a rough go of things in the beginning, I realized quickly that I didn't have friends. I went off to college, started going down a bad road. Started drinking, and was in New Orleans drinking and partying more than I was in school. I did manage to go to class, and aced them, I was always a good student no matter what was going on, I don't know how I did it honestly. My boyfriend at the time, now husband @firecajun9262, came as my knight in shining armor. I quit college, came home. We got married, had our son, and have had a great life. Don't get me wrong, we have struggled, and we fight, just like everyone else, and we have the worst luck, nothing EVER goes as planned. However, we have gotten through it all, and we've done it together. We have had these awesome moments that I will get to here on Steemit. Life is good, and I wouldn't change a thing. Every struggle I've had has led me to where I am today, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
I'm 40 years old now, and I received a phone call the day before Thanksgiving. My father has applied for clemency and I received the letter today that his hearing is set for May 14th. I can speak at this hearing. I sat down to try to write down what I want to say, because I can't go in there unprepared with this scattered brain of mine. But I could not find the words. I'm struggling with this, and I have so much to say.
Now that I'm older and have the chance to tell my father exactly what I've wanted to say all of these years.... now I'm drawing a blank. It makes me ask myself WTF?!?!?

There's much more to my story, a lot I left out for the sake of time. And be lucky steemians, you now know a part of me that very few know about. I consider myself a rough around the edges, Southern Bee, with a foul mouth (I'll try to be a lady on Steemit) lol
Don't feel bad for me, I'm fine. I will accept any words of wisdom, any advice on writing down what I want to say without dropping the F-bomb too much, because that's really what I want to do.

Thanks for stopping by y'all!!

Oh one more thing, @dreemsteem, I apologize for not making it to your contest today. That huge slap of reality left me dumbfounded, but I am really looking forward to the next one!!



This was much more important than the treasure hunt! And I'm honored that I was even a thought in your mind after the rough day you've had.

My heart is aching. This is the worst form of evil, in my opinion. I think your poem (and the picture you chose) from yesterday's post expressed exactly what he is. A demon.

I'm seething with anger for you. They have the audacity to think that his time has been served?

I almost wish I could be there with you to hold your hand as you speak.

Sometimes when I have so much to say... I record my voice (instead of writing) on my phone. I just let it all pour out of me as if I'm speaking to that person.
It's so important to get that raw emotion out... And then come back to it. Listen to it. Cry. And then take a deep breath and do it again. Record a new one and save that too. Do it as many times as you need.
Say whatever you need to say to him on your recordings ... no one will ever hear those unless you show them, so they are as private as can be.

This is such a huge burden to be placed on you all at once... Let your mind slowly adapt to it and don't expect any clarity right away. Just be gentle with yourself.
I'm so sad for you right now. But, you will conquer this. He can't hurt you anymore, Bee. 🐝

Thank you @dreemsteem, please don't be sad for me, I feel like I have found a family here in Steemit, you have been so supportive, and so accepting, and the only time I've had that is with the small circle of people I've chosen to surround myself with. You guys have given me a newfound strength, and to finally be able to tell my story, and not be ashamed or embarrassed about it, it's... well, a powerful thing. I can't express the amount of gratitide I feel, to have met you and other Steemians I've met, and to have y'all accept me for who I am. It's a freaking awesome thing for a girl like me, and it couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you for all the support and encouragrment, and advice, I will certainly do what you suggested. I will conquer this, and that's thanks to my circle, and now you, and the other wonderful people I've met. ❤

I'm happy that you found a home :)
But mourning what you're going through.

It takes a great deal of time to heal from that kind of abuse, but it does come.

Praying for you!(really)

I appreciate that so much more than I'll ever be able to express.

From one survivor to another ♥️

I can't imagine what you've been through, my sister was also taped when she was ten by our mothers boyfriend, my mother knew and didn't tell the police, my sister ended up telling them and my mother and the rapist were locked up, and we headed through the foster care system, until eventually coming to live with my aunt and uncle. My sister, now 39, had a mental breakdown in the fall and reached out to my birth mother for some answers she was missing in the whole thing. One thing she found out was that her rapist had been murdered by other inmates in the prison yard. That's the best news I think I ever heard. Double fuck that asshole for being your father and abusing you like that. Cases such as these I wish they just took them out back and put an unceremonious bullet in them.

Wow, thank you so much for sharing that part of yourself with me, and I'm so sorry about what happened to your sister and you as well. I'm sure the amount of relief you felt after that news was immeasurable, and I hope it saved your sister from a meltdown. I'm scared shitless to have to see him. It's been 25 years, and it makes me shiver at the thought of it. That's why I put this out there, to find people like you, and to hear your story. We are survivors, and some of us have a hard time coping, and I hate the thought of putting that burden on people who, care deeply, but really don't understand the thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis because of this. Sometimes they are very dark, the best news I could receive right now, would be that someone killed him, slowly. I would get satisfaction and I want to be at the funeral to make sure. But that's not the case and here we are. Thank you @bleedpoet. Keep 'em laughin'.... it's the best medicine!!

There are some things in life that I can't even begin to imagine how they feel. Sympathy is weak and I know from briefly talking to you that you are sure of yourself and you come across as a very strong individual, so I'll not bother going down that road.

What I will say though, is that you are in the right place. Expressing like this takes a lot of courage and it just goes to show how sure you are of yourself. Some people are twisted and they will blame and pretend to be the victim because they have no clue who they are.
You can hold your head up high and say with certainty that you own your reality and you are striving forward to claim your life. When May comes around and you have the chance to say all that you've had on your mind, you just have to remember that no matter what has happened, he's missed a lifetime with his own daughter and her family. That's a very hard pill to swallow, especially when I see how great of a human being you are.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your life with this. You are a superstar :)

Thanks for this @calumam, I have to be honest with you, I'm so nervous to have to see him, it's been 25 years, I was 15 the last time I saw him. I don't remember this...but my brother told me that the last time we saw him, he said that he could have us killed for a carton of cigarettes, I don't know how true that is. So many thoughts cloud my head on a daily basis, and they're bad thoughts, things I want to happen to him, things I want to tell him to hurt him....but I can't go in there in May and be that way... I've never played the victim...I always thought that if I did, that meant he won. In May, I plan on going in there and totally playing the victim card, and play it good. It won't be difficult, but I have to do what I have to do to keep him in there. I don't think for one second he's rehabilitated.

I'm sure on May 14th, I will write a post and fill you in!

If I may.... Hug

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