Chapter Closed - Time to Start a New One

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Take a Journey with me...

Good day my fellow Steemians and Friends. Some of you know my story and if you don't, in order for you to take this journey with me, you must start here. Now that we've gotten that out of the way. Yesterday, May 14, 2018, I faced the monster who I used to call Dad. I was dreading that day. For months. He's been locked away for 27 years, appealing the case every chance he got. I knew this day would come. I did not know that I could never be prepared for this. I did not know that it would have this effect on me.

A better understanding...

The past forty years have been difficult. Not all of the time. There have been amazing moments. I am so grateful for those. That's what has kept me going. Those brief moments in time that sweep you off your feet into the clouds and for a short time, you are happy. Truly happy. I cherish those moments and I've lived my life waiting for those moments. Outside of those moments...suffering. Silently. I've never been a person to seek help. I have always felt that my problem was my 'cross to bare'. I never wanted to involve the people close to me. I didn't want to burden them. So I dealt with my problems the only way I knew how...alone and in silence. Trapped in my own thoughts and memories and demons. A chaotic barrage of darkness. Outside, a smile as big as the sun...but inside, chaos. I learned to master putting on the mask that saved me from having to explain what I was really feeling. As time went on, I began to embrace the darkness while keeping the smile, so much so that it was comforting to me. It was and still is a part of me. There have been moments when I have been unable to hide. When I have had too much, and something else gets piled on, I have a physical reaction. I shake uncontrollably. My nerves take over and the mask goes in the trash. I don't like that my body takes control. I fight it. It just gets worse. After receiving the news, every single day I got up, put the mask on, and went about my day as usual. The closer the day got the harder it was to put the mask on.

May 14, 2018

After a very quiet ninety-one mile drive to Baton Rouge, my husband and I arrived at our destination. My nerves started getting really bad the night before. Sleep was broken. The fear of the unknown got the best of me. We were standing in front of the doors, my anxiety levels were scary. I was physically shaking. On the verge of tears. We walk through the doors, empty our pockets and get checked with a metal detector. We are then escorted to a room with a few other people and wait our turn. One of the women in the room with us was from Georgia, and she had an accent and a flow to her words that I could have listened to all day. She was a bit of a distraction from the reality of why I was there. One of the members of the Pardon Board came in and dismissed them. My husband and I and a representative of the Crime Victims Service Board were left. They called us in. I took a deep breath, and with my papers in hand, I walked into the conference room. To my left was the Pardon Board made up of four members, all male. Across the room was the Attorney that was there to represent me. To my right was a TV screen on the wall and a camera pointed at the Pardon Board. There were a few officers there, the bailiff, a couple of professional looking people, could have been lawyers. As I crossed the room, all eyes were on me, I felt it. I didn't look at anyone, just went to my seat. Sitting down, the Board was to my right and the TV screen to my left. I looked up at the TV and on the screen there sat my father next to his attorney. Behind him sat my Aunt and Uncle who I have not seen it 27 years. Aside from my father being white haired and a little heavier, he looked just like the monster I remembered. The emotion that came rushing in is indescribable.

I'm not going to go into every detail. I will tell you that I believe the Board had their minds made up before I stood to speak. My father, for the first time ever, confessed. The past 27 years have been a struggle. It's a strange thing, to have to come forward with a secret like this and then to find out how people judge, family abandons and as time goes on, memories fade. My father denied, shifted the blame to me and never showed remorse. The older I got, I started to doubt myself. I mean, I knew what had happened, but maybe I didn't remember things correctly or maybe something got mixed up in my head. I couldn't for the life of me understand why, if we are the only two people on this planet that knew the truth, why couldn't he admit that to me. It made me doubt myself. When I heard that monster confess to his crimes, when he said the words, "everything my daughter said was true" ... well, let's just say that after 27 years, it's... I don't know. Sitting here trying to explain, the word isn't coming to me. It was a weight lifted and that's putting it mildly. I am pretty sure that the only reason he confessed was to show the Board that he had accepted responsibility for what he had done. But it seemed as though dear old dad lost his edge. One of the Board members asked him that if he accepted responsibility for his crimes, then why are we sitting here? Which was actually a good point. Just in November, when he applied for clemency, his story on the application was the same as it was in court all those years ago. And in just a few short months, now you want to own up to it. They tore into him. Each one of the Board members looked me in the eye when I stood up to speak, I connected with each one of them. They saw the pain and the anguish and the uncontrollable shaking, they heard it in my voice. There I was standing in front of them, with my heart on my sleeve for all to see, it was scary for me, it was not easy. After speaking, I sat back down and waited for them vote. It was unanimous, he was denied. As each of the Board members denied his request, they all had a little piece of advice for me that my father could hear. They reminded me of the piece of shit he is and told me that it wasn't my fault and one even told me that I should hold my head up high. My job was done. I walked out of that conference room with my head held high, and then got back to the room we were in before and broke down. It's over. It's finally over.


Finally having the courage and the will to want to close this chapter is an amazing feeling. This is a life changing victory for me because I have lived with this black cloud hovering over for so long. It has hovered over my family and has driven me to insanity from time to time. I will always love the darkness, it's what I've known, it's has been the one constant thing all of my life and maybe you understand that, it's difficult to explain the demons that reside within, and how I think I would feel lost without them. I will learn though. The sun is shining now, and have put them to sleep. From this day forward, my father is dead to me. He's has taken the last thing that he will ever take from me. May you rot in the prison cell that you find yourself in, DAD. Even though that is too good for you, I know that you will think about me for the rest of your life, but I will not waste another thought or tear or word on you. The End

Leaving it all behind...


My husband @firecajun9262 captured this picture when we got in the car and made the trip back home. He sent it to me and captioned it
"Leaving it all behind..." I cried... you can't see a whole lot but my, it speaks volumes.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

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I sort of know what I want to say, but I'm not certain I'll find the right way to lay it out.

I was touched and empathised with all you spoke of. I can see that the woman you are now is forged and strong enough to survive. But you speak of demons and the dark. You have made them yours, you have adopted them, but they do not belong to you.

They belong to the little girl, from the first to the last time, who suffered and could not understand why her life was being turned into such a hell.

Have you seen how a granny comes to visit and she plays with the dolls of her granddaughter? I believe that within each of us is the child of every age, though only those times of crisis, of great pain or joy or love are real to us.

Talk to your younger self, tell her, look honey, we survived and WE punished him. Feel my love and how I wish I could come back in time to be with you, but at least we can now be together.

Why am I saying the above? Have you not found that you try to avoid thinking of those days, that when you do, it is the memories of 'her' pain, fear and crying that torment you? You have tried to suppress her. She now needs to be unconditionally accepted and loved at last, so that you can truly grow to love yourself.

Do it and you will find that by turning the spotlight of love on that little girl, the demons will be illuminated and you'll recognise what they are: the tears, the fears, the loss of believing you are loved. It is her cries that trouble you. You cannot banish them, Listen and be gentle and loving and she will finally merge within you, I know not how happy you and she will be, but at least, neither need be fearful and hurting any longer.

You have people who love you and it makes you happy - but the one, the most important is you. You must accept yourself and love who you are and all you have achieved (everyone has some failures, but not everyone has achievements).

My love to the precious little girl and my best wishes to you.

Wow @arthur.grafo I really can't thank you enough for such a beautiful response to my story. No one has ever put things to me that way but it makes so much sense. I've never thought of that little girl as a seperate entity but she really is. It's like two different lives. It's been a chore silencing her demons and then just dealing with them when that would no longer work. You've made me realize some things and you've given me a lot to think about. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond.. you have gained a new follower and I look forward to our paths crossing again.

I look forward to learning that you have grown to love all of you.

My best wishes for a happy life.

Oh Mon, you got me crying almost, first because I was so sad to read this and then when it was all over. Thanks for sharing this with us, I know it's hard but I'm sure it's helping you. At least, you got good people here always ready to listen and help.

As one of them said Keep your head up! Exactly... It's over now, it's time to free your mind, step by step... I also got some demons in my head, it's hard to get rid of them, and as you said, you kinda don't want to because they are part of you. But, in time they will go, I'm sure...

Have a great day, Mon. I'm so happy for you that it's over ;))

Thank you so much I really didn't realize that my story would bring out so much emotion to be honest whackie... and yes, the best people here to listen and help... I've found the best family in the world, the most loving and caring, and I'm so glad that you are a part of that. Writing this has helped me deal with it and start to heal. It's going to be fun figuring out who i am without this hovering over me.
Thanks again Whackie!! I'll talk to you soon!!

My girl.

I'm sitting here crying. It's over.
I told you honey! You're free

I know that feeling. That "am I crazy? Am I wrong? Did I remember differently?"

The doubt and the fear and the shame.. and you have been VINDICATED!!!!!

you should hold your head high! You conquered!!! And now the past is in the past. And you can step into the sun and rejoice!!!!

I am so proud of you. I will keep being so proud of you 🐝

He didn't know who he was dealing with.

He knows now.

You have been by my side through this Dreem. You and Andy have been sooo supportive and you have given me strength beyond words. And I know you don't think this but I owe you a bit of gratitude. How is it that meeting two lovely ladies on steemit grew to what it is today. It blows my mind that I have two of the best friends I've ever had and we have only known each other a few months?? Its crazy to me. But I am so grateful that its happened!! I love you dreemie!!

I love you back B ♥️
Not sure why it happened...just thankful it did! Hehhehee

Holy sh-t. I read this & then went back and read your other post that you linked to....

No words... well, a few words.

You are amazing and strong even if you don’t feel it. What you did on the 14th (be it out of bravery or just self preservation) took strength not everyone would have.


Thank you @dfinney. I found it more difficult this time than it was when I was younger. I'm not really sure why that is. I think self preservation was probably the biggest thing. We survive... no matter what that means. Thanks babe... I appreciate you!!

Maybe harder because as an adult you see even more clearly how truly terrible it was? As a kid in it your are living your normal. Just trying to get through. I am so sorry that people who should have been your rocks & the people to protect you were not. Hugs to you and I am so glad you put and kept that man behind bars.

You are a survivor and I hope you can truly put this behind you and move forward.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you @notconvinced... I really believe I am ready to move forward. I feel like I've never felt before and it's an awesome thing. I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to read my story!

Sometimes sharing an awful experience is a way if letting it go completely, I was afraid initially that the story will not end well, but I'm happy, everything is over, at least you'll start up a new chapter....

Thanks for sharing your story with us

Thank you @sammynathaniels I appreciate the warm comment. I have found that sharing my story has helped me to heal, and has given me a sort of power over it. And maybe someone will read it and also find strength. One can only hope. Thank you so much!!

So glad it's all over for you at last, and you got through the dreaded day. (Andy will be here soon and we're off to Brisbane, but happy that I got to see this before I went, as I know how much it was weighing on your mind)

we miss her already @kiwideb - please hug her and give her lots of love from us :)

Having a great time. Can you tell coachjj that she is away, but walking every day. She's thinking of you both and sends her love.

Thank you @kiwideb it been a long and difficult journey but the relief is immense. And it seems that I have the best support system in the world. I hope you guys have fun in your trip!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!! We miss Andy ... bring her back!!!! Lol

I read both of your posts and all I wanted to do was to give you a huge hug and tell you that I am glad your nightmare ended. I am glad you have found the right person to help you go over this painful story. I can't even imagine how it must have felt living all those years, doubting yourself. You definitely need to hold your head high because you are an incredibly strong and loving woman who has been through hell and made her way up to tell the story.

Thank you so much @lymepoet. I feel your hug. I appreciate your kind words. I'm glad I've had the opportunity to get to know you a little better and looking forward to learning more. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story and your warm comment! See you around babe, I'm sure we'll talk soon!!

OH, dear.
This was so heartfelt.

Rereading now, to give it more attention, and yes, it breaks my heart again!

Awww @bluefinstudios I know how difficult it is to read.. but I am truly grateful that you are taking the time to do it. I will tell you, everything I've gone through has made me the person I am today, I'm not 'normal' by any means, my brain is a little messed up, and I probably view the world a little differently than most... but I am proud of who I am despite everything. I have not let this define me and I just hope that my story can help someone out there that has suffered like I have. Always look for the silver lining ... I promise there is one. I'm proof.

You are not normal honey, in a great way. You are so much more. Hope you can accept and acknowledge your potential. It sounds personal...our potential. But it's not. Who we are, our potential our true worth, will not be understood in our singular aspect of self....but in that universal battery we are connected to. That spark in you that is so pure and powerful. The love in you that are simply it...acknowledge that...connect to that. You are perfect. Just the way you are.

Wow thank you so much @kchitrah Your words are so very beautiful and so very kind. I read them and knowing they're are about me I just really don't know what to say but from the depths of my soul the biggest thank you I can muster. ❤❤❤

smiles shares a nice warm hug smiles again xx

Must have been a horrible crime. Im glad you found love and support through your husband!

It really was horrible @dynamicgreentk... thank you for the comment, my husband has been my hero through all of this.

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