Facing My Writer's Block on Steemit - Having Ideas & Not Executing Them

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I have a confession to make.

I have OCD. I just realized this within the last few days. Though my OCD can apply to a number of things in my personal life, the one that is most applicable now is my OCD over information. [For anyone not knowing, OCD means Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]

I also have writer's block (hence the title). I've never been a long-term consistent writer but I have wanted to be at certain instances.

I have a folder in my computer with 50 writing ideas for stories to write for STEEMIT that I have just saved since I began using steemit in April. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have other article, story, video and website ideas I've saved over the years with numbers totaling in the hundreds.

Some say it's signs of a good entrepreneur to start many projects and see many failures because you have to DO to get anything done and having a few successes along with many failures will still put you ahead, for if you didn't try at all you'd accomplish nothing. My conundrum is if I just write down an idea, does that even count as trying?

What's holding me back

Addressing writing for steemit specifically, a few things feel like they're holding me back consciously or subconsciously.

  • 1: The Fear of wasted effort

I haven't written anything (that wasn't promoted) that got any significant amount of rewards so far. Probably my best original post was The Problem with Bitcoin ATMs - Use Case: Trying to Get Dash Locally because it made a few bucks and it was my original writing and opinion, not a response to anything or trying to emulate something else I'd seen. Actually I lied. I did throw $1 behind this so out of the couple of dollars I made now only 1 was profit.

I see people write medium length articles (let's say 500 words) and get some okay returns. I see many of the highly rewarded posts having quite a lot of writing and images interspersed. There seems to be something holding me back from going all in and maybe that is...

  • 2: Do I have enough followers to make me popular?

I see the big money going to big names, as I mentioned in one of my early articles, often big name celebrities who started off-steemit are making the most on here. - I only made 14 cents on that post it says. It's kind of a double sided sword though. If I'm not making much rewards, I won't be putting as much effort which doesn't get me as much notoriety or exemplify the skills I could display. So I end up writing articles such as this very spontaneously and full of personal anecdotes and angst.

  • 3: Is Steemit worth my time?

I feel bad to be asking this one. Steemit is a revolutionary platform and I love it to death. It is the start of something simply amazing just as bitcoin was in 2009/2010. But if I spend just 30 minutes writing an article, and (this would be a good case) make $5 that's still hardly making $10 an hour! I would definitely have to justify that kind of workload with including the price appreciation of the steem currency that I would need to save.

  • 4: What's my best way to get big?

Maybe this requires more research on my part. Perhaps getting more involved in the commenting system on here. But should I be throwing money at my posts to promote them? Currently I haven't seen a rate of return even 40% of the money I put in coming back, but that wouldn't matter if it was also helping me grow my name brand profile. I should probably find a specialty or select set of topics that I have expertise in, but the thing is I'm so diverse and spread out. I know some programming, some economics, some (though significant) about cryptocurrency, video production, websites, philosophy, even photography...but I'm not heavily invested in any one thing very much. I'm not sure a scattered base of subjects is very appealing to maintaining loyal followers on here. I do know that posting more and just sticking with it obviously builds the follower base though :)

Back to the topic at hand

My OCD on information. I see articles online that interest me. There's way too many to have time to read, so I store them categorized and fairly organized in my PC folders. I'm still trying to figure out what value these will give me in the future. Am I just wasting my time and dealing with OCD of "I must save this link!" or will there be some grand purpose in the future like building one of my many information oriented websites (databases?) or at least learning something about myself or the world from the experience.

I shall end before I get into too much rambling. How to end my over-thinking...that is the question that could bring the solution to where I'm going with life and with my career.


Am I already failing my goal of 100 posts on here a month? Which I posted 11 days ago and since had not written anything until this very article! Certainly my negativity will not get me attention. Personal boo-hoo's don't attract people as they don't affect them like news report disasters. Otherwise positivity and happiness is the way to sell something...


Thank you for bringing up the important question, "Is Steemit worth my time?" To answer for most people, no, it is not. The "revolutionary" component of Steemit, as I have come to find out, is merely the blockchain derivative. But in this case, bitcoin and ethereum have better protocol and public cache.

The social media component is a front to support the self-cycling and insular STEEM cryptocurrency. With the hardfork, it is almost exponentially more difficult to gain rewards through blogging.

Steemit is now only financially lucrative for the whales (and that will collapse sooner than most people think right now), or only beneficial to minnows for brand-building and marketing.

It's a poor man's poor-man's Twitter.

Thanks for the comment; Have you heard of EOS yet? Another creation by Steemit founder Daniel Larimer, this is a more grand encompassing blockchain derivative that could be an [ethereum killer[(https://steemit.com/crypto/@dollarvigilante/could-ethereum-be-made-obsolete-by-the-new-decentralized-smart-contract-platform-eos) becuase it has the potential to be an umbrella for platforms like steemit and future ideas to interact with each other!

Recent interview on Jeff Berwick's Anarchast:

Video with Jeff Berwick intro:

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