“F” – Vocab-ability – A More Powerful Vocabulary (This post includes all entries beginning with the letter “F”) (Revised and Updated)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

This revised post comprises all the “F” entries of the Vocab-ability series. It includes many English words whose etymology can be traced to Greek and Latin roots.

If you learn these roots, you can learn, understand, and use each and every English word derived from them. Vocab-ability is an easy-to-use resource guide to help you understand those roots.

In total, this Vocab-ability post features 21 entries that begin with the letter “F."

(This is an Updated and Revised post, featuring coloured text boxes and additional features.)

Free Use:

Please feel free to download the following material, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If it helps you or your students increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose. And I will know that my efforts have proven beneficial. (Please see my additional comments and notes below the entries.)

Vocab-ability–71 (fac = face)

 Vocab-ability–72 (fac, fect, fic = make, shape, operate, act)

 Vocab-ability–73 (fall, fals = wrong, deceive)

 Vocab-ability–74 (fer = bring, carry)

 Vocab-ability–75 (ferv = boil, hot)

 Vocab-ability–76 (fid, fidel = trust, faith)

 Vocab-ability–77 (fin = end, limit)

 Vocab-ability–78 (firm = support, strong)

 Vocab-ability–79 (flam, flagr = burn, fire)

 Vocab-ability–80 (flect, flex = bend, turn)

 Vocab-ability–81 (flu, fluct, flux = flow)

 Vocab-ability–82 (foli = leaf)

 Vocab-ability–83 (form = shape, figure, model)

 Vocab-ability–84 (fort = strong)

 Vocab-ability–85 (fortun = chance, luck)

 Vocab-ability–86 (frag, fract = break)

 Vocab-ability–87 (fratri, frater = brother)

 Vocab-ability–88 (front = face, fore)

 Vocab-ability–89 (fug = escape, flee)

 Vocab-ability–90 (fund = bottom)

 Vocab-ability–91 (fus = melt, pour)

Note re Copyright / Free Use:

I hold the copyright to the original Vocab-ability guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use to all the material contained in this post and all other Vocab-ability posts on Steemit.

Note re Copying each Screenshot:

Each separate entry (including those in this and other Vocab-ability posts) consists of one screenshot (since making screenshots was the only way I could properly format the individual entries for uploading to Steemit). To use these entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download any or all screenshots by clicking and dragging the screenshots that you want to use, and then print them out.

Note re Passing on the Vocab-ability Links:

Alternatively, you can simply pass on one or more of the following links to the Vocab-ability posts:

Vocab-ability – Introduction to "Vocab-ability".

Vocab-ability – Guide to Entries.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “A”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “B”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “C”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “D”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “E”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “G”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “H”.

Vocab-ability – The Single VOCAB STEM beginning with “I”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “J”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “L”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “M”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “N”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “O”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “P”.

Vocab-ability – The Single VOCAB STEM beginning with “Q”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “R”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “S”.

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “T”.

Vocab-ability – The Single VOCAB STEM beginning with “U” .

Vocab-ability – All VOCAB STEMS beginning with “V”.


So many new words!
Now, regarding infer, how do you use it? It is a synonym of understanding.
"I infer you were angry because of that."

Good question, grasshopper! * And good example sentence, in which you use the word properly. Just think of "infer" as being the opposite of "imply." So, yes, we can often use it as a synonym of "understand."

By calling you "grasshopper," I imply that you are a student who still has many things to learn, but who is making continued progress.

And, you can infer the same implicit message.

A good initiative indeed..!🙌

i had few knowledge about root words but this Vocab-Ability thing is quite new to me and kinda feel interested in it...!
I bookmarked this post and will check later for all other Vocb-Ability posts for root words from other letters...

As i m not a native english speaker, I found this Vocab-Ability thing useful to gain more knowledge about english..!😇

keep it up, buddy..! great series..! 💪👌
Greetings from Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

I'm glad this helps you, and very pleased to hear that you bookmarked it.

And this series is intended to help primarily non-native English speakers. I compiled all the material in Vocab-ability when I was working as an ESL teacher, and many of my advanced-level students benefited from it. So now, I am updating it and uploading it onto Steemit for language learners like you.

Good luck in your studies, and FULL STEEM AHEAD!

thanks to u for sharing this with us here.
as i decided to post in english instead of italian here, so i need a good supply of words from my memory.. 😄
hope this will help me increse my vocabulary...!
keep this good work going..! 🤗

You'll notice that many of the words are derived from Latin, so they might be similar to Italian words.

So far, I've been quite impressed with your written English. I'm grateful that I can post in my native language, since you and so many people like you write in English, which is your second language.

I hope you find Vocab-ability to be useful. After I post the PREFIX series and the SUFFIX series, I'm going to post each Vocab-ability box in a separate, daily post. Hopefully, that will help you and others in your study / learning.

Best of luck!

yeah, thts why i m interested in root words, cz few of them r kinda similar with my language..!
thanks for reading my articles... i m constantly learning from experienced users like u and trying to improve the content and quality of my posts.. 😊

definitely i will read ur upcoming articles about Prefix and Suffix series..!

thanks for the support, buddy.. 😊

your post sir @majes.tyty is very useful especially to the students as well as the teachers. this really helps us a lot. thanks for posting this

Thank you. I used to be an English (ESL) teacher, and during that time I collected all these root words. Now, I'm able to post all this learning material on Steemit.

It's primarily intended for ESL students and teachers, but I also hope that many others also find it useful, educational, and interesting.


Oh, really sir! I used these as my tool in teaching my pupils in english. because nowadays pupils in public school wherein i am teaching have a very poor comprehension.

Good luck in all your teaching. All the best to you and your students!

Thank you sir

Thank you so much sir for your upvote. Youre such a very kind person

Excellent article. I was waiting for a new release. It is a pity that you do not greatly pamper us with your activity. I would like to read your articles much more often. Good luck to you....

Отличная статья. Я очень ждал нового выпуска. Жаль, что Вы не сильно балуете нас своей активностью. Хотелось бы читать намного чаще Ваши статьи. Удачи Вам.

This post marks the end of the series of Vocab STEMS. Next, I will do PREFIXES, and I intend to post 3 or more posts every week. So, yes, you will be pampered.

Keep studying, and keep learning!

many thanks! very interesting article! in Russian, too, there are such nuances.

You're welcome. I hope all these Vocab-ability posts help you learn more English.

Yes, thanks!
With my English is hard!)

thank you sir that great step and absoloutly amazing for those who have difficulty in english ! from the core of heart thump up for you! my voting power is too low but i will you 1000% if my power is high! because you are teaching us great teacher for whole community! keep up sir i am reallu inspire from you! love you and best wishes !

I feel your article is very useful!
but Why cant I share this post?

You CAN share these posts! With everybody. (I'm sorry if you misunderstood me.)

They are posted here for everybody. Please take full advantage of them.

the post is very useful, I am proud of you who always give knowledge to others.

a very useful post
very good

Thanks for this vocabulary sharing..... i appreciate this education post. resteemit

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