The Day I Met The Hookah Smoking Caterpillar

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I have just finished reading Alice in the wonderland for the fifth times a couple of days back, and I've been meaning to write it down because the book correlates with my current reality. It is pitty I skipped my teenage to read so-called heavy and banned book only, later on, I missed this simple yet profound book by Lewis Carol. I don't like a simple story by nature that's why I never touched this book until a few months ago;someone told me it has a hidden political meaning, and I started diving into it. Well, I never found the hidden political meaning but I found myself being portrayed so vividly through the characterization of Alice. I think if you are rebellious, you will find yourself meeting with at least one of the characters in the story. Like myself, I met the hookah smoking caterpillar which is one of the most memorable meetings throghout my journey.

Down the rabbit hole.jpg

Down the rabbit hole

As you see, I am rebellious, curious, politically incorrect and naïve by nature. And so far, the journey down the rabbit hole was full of excitement. It was as if I found the world that I feel belonged.

I can't recall how it all started. The only thing I remembered was because I was lost in the middle of the jungle, looking for music to listen. I had a little to none knowledge of people around. I was only a tiny girl, and everything surrounds me was bigger than myself. I was too timid to ask and I stumble across a tall mushroom with a relaxed caterpillar that sits on it.

Out of nowhere, the caterpillar suggested me several songs that I happen to love even untill today. He sits by the mushroom and smokes his hookah. I did not know what he was waiting or what he was doing other than smoking the hookah. But as usual, I talked to myself, "why is he still a caterpillar, shouldn't he become a butterfly by now?".He's an old one and I presume, he should be a butterfly by now.

We exchanged conversation, he talks in short sentences and often asks me difficult questions. I love difficult questions, It challenges my mind to think and reevaluate my values in life. I reckoned, I irritated him with my endless question and curiosity. But, I still remember one of the statements from the caterpillar man;

' it's not like I am showing you an answer, I am just showing you how to ask the right question'

I implied to the caterpillar man, that I came down the rabbit hole because I craved freedom and I was bored with my current environment. He got it, I guess. I was also lost in the world full of wonders and with questions I had in mind that was never answered up to that point when I exchanged conversation with the caterpillar.

I always wonder how long will I be able to survive longer in the world full of mundane activities.But again, I know my place, I am just a tiny girl. I yelled at them once ' it's a boring life, where's the fun in that?'. The adults thought they knew everything and ignored me.

Even the caterpillar talks in short sentences, I fond of him because he can rhyme a story, an idea or almost anything. The caterpillar conveys the rhymes in the simplest and eloquent form. I strongly advise you, if you go down the rabbit hole and meet this caterpillar; try to talk to him.

I figure, one of the most intriguing things, was that the caterpillar was still trying to be a butterfly. I also think that there are still so many things he hasn't answer in his life. Even with all the wisdom he has.Long short story, I continued my journey but occasionally give a visit whenever I have a time.

To the caterpillar man, keep giving wisdom and help to the people that need it the most. Encourage them to always ask the right question. I recalled you were saying that you're not guru or anything sort of. But you have the ability to show them to the path they were meant to. I think that we can't really fix the system on ourselves but as you told me, we can start doing what we can.

Image source

Here's recollection of a story I wrote a couple of months ago, and I want to bring it up again to surface. I'll polish them into a better word, better flow. I would especially point out that the monetary system in my story is still confusing. I recalled just yesterday someone told me; " how many people will understand your sarcasm?" but well, I am still a chicken to write in the loud and obvious version.

La La Land | A story loosely adapted from 1984

It had been a few months since the world was shaken with a newly appointed leader who wished to build a wall in a country where people spend their summer getting wasted with happy pills and tacos.

La La Land | Part II A story from the Land of Coffee

Technology had taken 50% of beans field. Everyone purchased an affordable machine to generate half bean which then could grow into a full bean. So, they could earn decently and survive another day in la la land.

La La Land | Part III A story from the Land of Coffee

" It's all good folks"
A really powerful slogan to reassure everyone that there won't be any bean scarcity and that la la land won't be invaded by martians.
Lately, Minitrue had been playing a video about possible martian invading la la land within the next 30 years.They were pictured as odd creatures with big oval eyes and round head. Nobody was really sure, if any of la la land citizen, ever really saw a martian.

La La Land | Part IV A story from the Land of Coffee

A handsome tough 10 years old boy appeared and menacing him with a toy automatic pistol. Steve raised his hands above his head, but with an uneasy feeling, so vicious was the boy's demeanor that it wasn't an altogether game.
" you're a heathen !" yelled the boy " You're a troll, godless, a cancer of society. I'll shoot you and you be burned in hell"
Suddenly the girl came from another room and both of them leaping around him shouting " heathens, infidels" with the girl imitating every of her brother's movement.

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Congrats on being featured.

@coldsteem, thank you :) I've seen you there as well, so congrats!

Excellent post- I love your personal connection to the story of Alice in Wonderland!

@sunravelme, I always find myself in every story I read and Alice happen to vividly portray myself. Thank you for having a read!

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