Steemit Takes Penny for Thoughts Literally

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

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Similarly like WordPress,Tumblr, and another microblogging platform, steemit has given us space to speak out our voices. But, the exciting aspect is that money is at play. This fact alone takes blogging into a different new level.As some of us know, long before steemit exists, our 100 words about a flower, in our garden will not worth a dollar. Steemit makes it possible, that even ants in our room can worth 100$ as long as we know how to craft a story creatively. The positive aspect is that it makes little things becoming so precious.

Now, correct me if I am wrong.But these weeks, I am unable to find content that makes me think twice, or eye-opening. I have been thinking to myself for a couple of days and continuously asking myself, have people given up on delivering top-notch content? Is it because they feel less rewarded than some ants or flower in the garden?.

There are people I know that are always putting a lot of efforts into their writing.Sometimes, they barely reach fifty dollars, well let alone fifty, it’s not even a dollar. Even with a lot of curations guild going on, they sometimes can’t make in into the net. If you ever find this kind of underrated content and truly valuable, upvote and show appreciation even if it worth 0.01 cents.

On the contrary, there are people who writes plain simple and earn more. Oh well, let’s face it, we don’t really have a lot of time to really sit still, and think. Sometimes, our brain needs refreshment. This can be done by seeing funny memes, sexy woman or flower in the garden. And with our exhausted brain, all we can say are“nice post” and “ great information”. I am not against people who writes about mundane things. In fact, to me mundane itself ,is very subjective. And,I try to look at the positive way by thinking, a flower blossoming in their garden,is a big accomplishment.They want the world to know it and share the happiness.

Now, When your content gets 0.5$ for the very first few post, and you put efforts into it, and find yourself complaining. I have one tips, go outside, talk to random people for about 5 minutes and will they give you five cents for your words? Or let’s say you’re complaining about something to your friends, will they give you 5 cents? Maybe they even tell you to fuck off.

But again, money comes at play. Evidently, some famous artists make it to the crowd, because they invest on marketing and self-branding (be it controversial or not). They wouldn't give a shit if people were giving them a negative label because it only attracts curiosity which means more exposure. Someone once told me “ there is no such thing as bad publicity”. Look at Kim K, famous for sex tape now she’s a business mogul. So, this another slight extreme tips - be as controversial as possible.

Finally, since Halloween is approaching, you can write about your confusion in picking a halloween costume and ask people “ a penny for thoughts?” but try to wrap it beautifully like “ hey, I need your help and feedback”.

Bonne journée tout le monde 💓

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It is hard to make it here, but it is hard to make it in every other place as well. I love the platform here because it gives me at least some reward for my work, I know that there are people who think that my stories are worth something. In the beginning it was 2 cents and less text, now I write more and have built my profile to earn a little out of what I am doing. I doubt that if I stood on the street and cited my stories, somebody would pay me anything. The people are amazing, at least the ones I am interacting with!

@lindahas. I know it's hard to make it here but if you love what you do, you'll think less about the reward and more to contribute towards any great projects. You're very passionate in your writing and I hope to see you publish your own book within a year or two. I agree with you that the people and crowd here are amazing. There is always something new to discover each day. A lot of people with great ideas and project in mind. However, I find it difficult to keep up with everything here because the information moves swiftly. Steemit never sleeps. I barely sleep too,but I can't handle too many information all at once. Thank you for having a read.

I do not about publishing it in the next year or two, I still have so much to learn about writing and expressing, all of it! But I can not put the book back too much, I know that I just need to do it!
Yeah, there are a lot of posts, sometimes I go into ''new'' and it is hard to find good posts in all of that sea, the struggle is real :D Plus I already have problems voting on all that I want, because there is so much!

totally agree with you... it seems to be for some the more frequent the posts the more steady some income but I can appreciate really goor writing aswel, especially since I lack a skill like that. But that does not mean to be a frequent poster which I consider the source of all bs. I wish my feed could be edited more easily. I also had a discussion on the radio recently about this small posts under say the amount of wordt on twitter and some people are working on a instagram-like alternative for this which I consider a good thing... a long post to hook on a great story or content that goes deeper than a short post like dsound posts or a quote f.e. or even worse (youtube videos specifically from other people-posts) may need an other platform on the blockchain. it now comes together with all the really valuable posts and this has got some really good writers like @arnoldus-k to leave steemit and keep blogging on their own website which got no views at all.

@seveaux. I think your place in this platform is to grow as a musician even though you are lack of in creative writing skill. Everyone has their place here. I looked up to @arnoldus-k profile; it's a pity that steemit lose a great writer like him. He seems to have an excellent writing style, and on one of this article, he mentioned that it was too difficult to convince him in joining steemit. But again, It takes time to build something in here. Appreciate the time you put into this. Thank you for having a read.

Amazing post!
The idea of paying for the "brain process" of people is super interesting for me. I hope that over time we will also find ways to make quality content (like this post) to rise above the other. :)

@paps I think it's a means of valuing intellectual property. It's a learning curve here that we learn how to provide informative quality content. I am still learning myself and is learning how to leverage my non-technical skills. You are doing great so far and the information that you provide is precisely something I love to read in daily basis. Keep the consistency and good luck.

Thank you!
We both are still learning, but it seems like we are doing a great job for beginners :)
All we need to do is keep posting and polish our work to sound better, to look better and to feel better 😁

You're right, and I recommend you to install Grammarly, so your writing looks more beautiful and neat.

getting a following everywhere takes work. And some people have the gift of creating a lot of glitz around them or on this platform, have funds to buy themselves more power which makes them attractive to some. But in the end, I believe, the ones who are building relationships and support each other are successful in the long run.

@mariannewest It takes time but getting famous has its disadvantages too. I've seen that an instant famous sometimes a sign that they can disappear at any moment. In this platform, money takes part in determining your popularity. I wonder if people check each other wallet and decide whether to be a friend or not. I don't see it as a good idea. likewise, I believe just like you. It's important in building a relationship and support each other for a good cause :). Thank you for having time to read.

of course!!! You are part of my relationship team :)

@mariannewest thank you for the honor. I might also look at your freeprompt writing. It looks interesting ^^ as soon as I get more time.

I would love that! You need 6 minutes :) 5 to write and maybe one to post. Maybe 30 seconds .....

Keep it up brilliant!

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