Dimension II, magical scholar with the wrong blood, a short story of fiction

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Nobody had ever told me who my parents were. I don't think they even knew themselves. As far as I could remember, I was always the adopted child, the outsider. But life wasn't that bad if you looked over the fact that I knew I would never be truly accepted in their circles.


My life was otherwise what a lot of magicians would dream of, lavish soirées, a great mage education, freedom. I was always lonely, but I learned to deal with it on my own terms. Over time my powers developed, they got stronger than others, but nobody cared of that, so I was allowed to express. Nobody cared about blood that came of nobody, nobody cared, because even though I was raised by a wealthy family, I was't going to take over the title, I wasn't their blood, as far as they knew, I had more mud than real mage blood.

So I grew magic trees and I made gardens flourish, I created life while they were in their mansions holding their soirées. Day after day it went like that, with me choosing my own company in the dark. I guess it happened because I was always mistaken for a server, or just plain overlooked, those mages inside had no care for me, so I disappeared from their sight completely. I had my love-seat out in the garden, I had my garden growing with me.

That is how I met him, I guess he was lonely, too. His situation was a little different, as he was a dashing young mage from one of the high families. Still, he was lonely in his soul. It was like a spell, we fell in love. Every night we sneaked away. I was swept off my feet, so I ignored that nagging thought, that we could never be trully together, me the nobody and he a noble mage. It wouldn't matter that I was adopted by a powerful family, their kind didn't mix their blood with the unknown.

I had always known I was different, I had powers I didn't show to others, they carried much more weight than anyone else's. But I had a weird lust for blood and that made me scared as storied of vampire mages were more than just negative, they were supposed to be the lowest of lowlifes, so it made me think that my blood was cheap.

But I didn't really worry too much, as I knew love conquered all, my mage prince charming even promised to tell his parents one day. Contrary to what you may think that day came, I was waiting in the gardens I had spelled to meet him, in our usual spot. As most of the days, there was another soirée going on in my parents mansion, so I didn't feel like being inside.

I sat on a bench waiting for him, it wasn't unusual for my mage to be late. Today was the day and I knew, little waiting was worth it. I sat there for a while before noticing the other source of music, it took a while to figure where it was coming from, as the tune from our mansion was hushing the other. A good while had passed, before I got up, I thought the strange music provided a wonderful escape, so I got up to investigate.

After a while of wondering, I realized that the sound came from the abandoned mansion behind the big wall, so I went to it and used my powers. The ground lifted and carried me up to be on the high wall and so I got over without a problem. I had seen the abandoned mansion, that looked more like a castle, before, but just over the high stone wall.


It was abandoned, but still taken care of, the windows and building itself was spotless. The night here seemed darker, though, I don't know if it was the trees or some kind of a spell, but it was full and heavy like air before a thunderstorm. It seemed to be a different world here than back on my side of the wall. I wasn't afraid though, I had never had to defend myself, but I knew my powers were stronger than others, I felt them pulsing through my veins.

The music got louder as I moved closer to the front of the mansion. I wanted to convince myself that I didn't know what to expect, but deep down I knew exactly what was waiting for me there. My intuition was more than just hunches, when I saw them I immediately knew. There was no doubt in my body or mind.

-- Of, finally! We have been waiting for you, you took so long.

The first thing I noticed was the bodies drained of blood, laying lifeless on the ground. The man talking to me seemed ignorant of the fact, his voice cheerful and full of joy. He reached his arms out for a hug and smiled, I saw his fangs for a moment. A second passed and he frowned, I wasn't moving out of my place. He spoke again, this time seeming to be deep in thought.

-- No? Not going to hug your father? All right then, I guess I deserve that. I must feel like a stranger.

Truth to be told, he didn't, I felt like I knew him exactly, I felt like I had known him for all of my life. I looked him over and he reminded me of human during their midlife crisis. He was wearing leather pants and there was a key-chain dangling on his hip. I dragged my eyes away from my father, and looked at the younger looking woman behind him, rocking in a rocking chair, leaning over a dead body, looking at me. She was smiling and I didn't understand why.

-- You left me!

She frowned now, and let out a sigh that sounded like a tiny scram. Then looking at my father first, but turning later to me she spoke:

-- I told you she wouldn't understand! Look at us, what kind of parents would we have been? For the next grand mage to be as wild as us wouldn't be any use. You needed protection, not only from us, but yourself, from that lust inside of you, so we left you in good hands.

I still wasn't happy with the answer. They were my parents, they were supposed to protect me.

-- But you left me, I had not my parents!

This time her voice turned a little rougher, my mother repeated her words.

-- Look at us, really and truly. We have killed at leas a dozen of people here tonight, it doesn't get any less on other days, but you, you were tough how to act in society, you were taught how to control your urges. My mother Marie made the mistake of not considering her people, and she paid with her head for it. We were blessed by magic after that, but it still left scars, I was young back then, and believe me when I tell you, loosing your mother to the guillotine is not fun. You are better off as you are now.


The air was heavy, everything was wrapped in darkness, their closes, their eyes and their consciences, I saw it. But I still had questions and I would ask them.

This is a Part I of two, part 2 is here!

The world we are in is dominated by the style of 1900s and the population is mostly mages, with some humans and some mages going into blood consuming. It is considered low to do so so the highest society members are not doing it. They have soirées every night, and in the functions are mostly to arrange connections between families. There is very strict hierarchy where those from a specific bloodline are considered to have more saying than others. They are more powerful as mages, too.

Bastards and orphans are considered mud blooded as they don't have a proof of purity. Our heroine has always had more power, but she also has urges for things that are considered dark and unethical, so she is confused, we meet her in time when her life is unraveling.

Hope you enjoyed!


Have the best day, a wonderful month and amazing life,


This post was Resteemed to the @msp-creativebot feed by juliakponsford and has been been given a 10% vote and curated free of charge and obligation by the creativebot team!

Please enjoy your day and stay creative. <3

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Losing your head to a guillotine always scared me cause of the thought you would be alive long enough to hit the bottom of the basket. D:

Thanks to julia I found your blog! this is amazing, I am following for sure.

Flowers and gothic in the final image, really enjoying the morticia feel!

Life and Death, a fine line and you pulled it off amazingly.

Super enjoyed the story, thanks for sharing. Much love. <3

Auch, yeah, I guess that would not be a nice ending to life. I am making a story with a historical figure from our world in it, just because I had the name in my dream. I am playing with the parallel dimensions idea, so there might be some familiar characters that loose their heads to guillotine :D

Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! :)

I hope we find out tomorrow what happened to her lover!! Or better said -love interest. And love those black lips:) Great pic to go with your story!! Welche Burg is das? In welcher Stadt?

You sure will, this is one of my many dreams, I dreamed it yesterday so I already have it all written down.
It is in Wurzburg, I love the city, as it is so, so beautiful.

Wuerzburg is very beautiful!! Can't wait for tomorrow :)

Haha, yeah, it totally is! :)

This post received a 10% vote by @minnowsupport courtesy of @juliakponsford from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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This is great linda, i feel it has a nice overlap with the story we are working on, parallel worlds perhaps?

I am doing several parallel dimensions right now, I am thinking of seven in total, plus my dreams have been quite wild lately, I have a lot to work on :D

Thats good lots of inspiration, maybe hard to keep track though! I just composed a little ambient track to go with next weeks story, ill wait to read and maybe add more sound effects :D

Sure, I will work on our story tomorrow!
And thanks for all the votes :)

This story turned out in an unexpected way, nice and a bit scaring. I wonder where this will go... Great written!

Thank you so much :)

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