5 Ways Steemit Vastly Improved My Life

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Steemit launched around March 2016 but I didn't make an appearance on the network till some time in May. When I first came to the platform I was a simple internet troll with a slight following due in part to my ridiculous MS-Paint art and knack for crude yet catchy humour.

Truth be told it could not have been anticipated by myself that Steemit.com / STEEM would engulf my life as it has now. I honestly don't know where I'd be today had I not came here.

Steemit.com has completely changed my life, the way I treat people, the way I think and my overall outlook on life itself. Here are 5 ways Steemit vastly improved my life:

5. Motivated to Learn More in Faster Time Frames

While I've always been able to pick up and self educate in things I've been interested in, since the advent of my arrival on the STEEM network and subsequent initiation of development mode for the network the amount of raw, hands on learning I've done is phenominal. Not only have I had to learn completely new systemsa and software compared to what I was previously used to but I've actually grown not only as a coder / developer but also as a overall knowledge seeker.

There is SO MUCH information out there to learn and my only regret the past 2 years before was that I didn't have the same thirst to learn as I possess now.

4. Helped Regain Control of My Life

It may seem silly to read but before my migration to Steemit my life kind of felt like a pointless wander through a gloomy abyss. For lack of a better term I was nothing more than a miserable asshole stressed to the nines over his mediocrity and seemingly failed life. STEEM changed that all for me in the first months after launch. Going from a man with literally not a pot to piss in to not having to worry about next months rent was an amazing foothold which ultimately helped improve my mental health allowing me to recover from years of depression.

While the extravagant payouts fade in memory the effect they had on my psyche remains.. Steemit came along just at the right time in my life and saved me from myself.

3. Went From Zero to Hero

Bluntly put: I was a do nothing loser. Besides my MS-Paint art I literally had nothing going for before Steemit other than a few projects and hanging out online doing nothing all day. When I started on the platform very few people took notice.. It wasn't until I started drawing people in MS-Paint licking whale balls did people start to take notice of the KLYE brand degenerate humour those that knew me before STEEM had come to enjoy / hate.

In a sense my evolution from village idiot to somewhat respected and celebrated status did come as a shock to me. I honestly showed up to troll and draw dicks.. Now I'm a STEEM ambassador and look out for the network and it's users all while being supported by the community. It feels weird some times knowing that people actually look up to me as an official or respected word now, especially considering before Steemit I was very much just an asshat troll.

2. Honestly Haven't Been "Bored" in MONTHS!

Bored? What's that? Days were wasted in chat rooms or hanging around gambling sites hoping for tips to rain from the sky in a pre-Steemit era in a younger KLYE's life. Literally countless hours I vegged not doing much of anything, bored out of my f**king mind, amounting to nothing with dreams and aspirations to match. As of going full time on Steemit I don't even remember what boredom feels like. My mind is constantly thinking about the STEEM projects I'm coding, what my next post should be, what current topics are being discussed on the network and in chat, etc etc etc.

The best cure for boredom I ever found is Steemit.com.. coming from a converted redditor.

1. I'm Now Part of a Worldwide Community

When the smoke cleared, the payouts dwindled and the "get rich fast" crew left what remained were some of the most friendly, down to earth and accepting folks I've ever met. From hobo types to millionaires I've rubbed shoulders with all sorts of amazing people on this platform and made some amazing friends and allies along the way. While I certainly don't go out of my way to try and appeal to everyone the feeling I get when the STEEM community shows me signs of support are unrivaled by nearly all. I can't express my gratitude enough in words properly to portray how deeply moved by the communities acceptance and support of myself.

I'm not a perfect person, can't even pretend to be.. But you folks here on Steemit accept me as I am, that's something I'll probably never be able to show enough appreciation for with words.

Looking for another @klye post to read through? Click image below:

Vote @klye for Witness!


A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!


I'm going to have to find those posts of whale ball licking! ROFLMAO. You've come a long way from crude dick pics, @klye! I usually try to out-troll the troll with hearts, hugs and sparkly things. Passive-aggressive behavior at its finest, I think. LOL

EDIT: I've started a barn raising for you too.

"I usually try to out-troll the troll with hearts, hugs and sparkly things."

I read sparkly things as spanking things at first and nearly died.

The post I'll link below:

Ways to Acquire STEEM WITHOUT Writing

Huzzah! It's the post with whale ball licking! ROFL
You very well might appreciate this one then, freudian slip with the spankings thing and all. hahahaaaa

I grew up on this stuff...

Explains a lot actually. 0_0

For lack of a better term I was nothing more than a miserable asshole stressed to the nines over his mediocrity and seemingly failed life.

And now youre a miserable asshole who has come to terms with his mediocrity and failuire?

lol jk. tbh when i first saw you on chat i thought you were kind of a shithead. BUt you really seem to have grown into steem. youre definitely an asset.

Bahahaha. Well, I'm ever so slighly less miserable.. Perhaps still an asshole at times.. :P

I've learned to push past my failures and mediocrity, given access to the resources I have anything is possible in the future. My first impression on people is generally one akin to disgust.. But once you get past the unruly exterior I'm not actually that bad of people I think..? :)

Thanks sir.

I still prefer Micheal when he was black(er)... Thriller is still epic to this day for me!

Man that whale let his balls drop! LOL

rofl. I was thinking I'd snuck them in their small enough people just thought it was some poorly drawn fins..

You got me.. Those whales balls should be at least double if not triple the size they are drawn. :D

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I think it's pretty amazing to share your journey so openly. The Steemit community is definitely one of the most amazing online communities I've been a part of. :)

No point in pussyfootin' about. Tell it how it is and people tend to appreciate it. :)

The giddy rush I feel when I see my SP climb, is so much better than seeing a rise in my shares portfolio or bank balance.
My crypto is real money; unlike the gaudy toilet paper I was raised to chase.
I'm glad we found this place, and I'm not going anywhere.

Glad to hear Matt.

it is true.. SP, SBD and STEEM have certainly become a valuable item in my eyes.

The future potential of this technology simply put is staggering.

Amen. Well said.

The post is a beaut, and some of the comments are also.

For me, Steemit reopened something I'd closed up long ago. Sometimes it's hard to get creative me going, but until Steemit shocked him awake, I was doing nothing much of substance.

I know that feeling very well.. While I've always drawn stuff I never had much of a place to share it sept the odd chat I hung about in here or there.

I'm trying to place what your avatar reminds me of. Far Side is what I keep coming up with :)

Hi @klye, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads today/yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

UV and RS.

This was one of the funniest, and yet brutally honest truthful posts, that really, you cannot help but like. I cannot even like this post twice, or I would

Steem On man, honestly this post transcends a simple upvote. Great work. I wish I knew more - about some online things like you do.

#Canadastan brothers on the @Steemit. (:

Appreciate the feedback on the post.

Anyone can learn the online stuff as I have. I'm not much more intelligent than a slime mold to be fair. :)

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