Why does Post-Modernism Hate Western Values.

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

The overall hatred and unfavorable ideas of western cultures is on the grow these days. Why are liberal westerners infected with self hate and shame.


The elitist and occultist's know who the enemy are: The people who has spread the gospel and the idea of western values. That all men are created equally and that God is not a respecter of persons.

But this is not a popular thought within secret societies and the mystery religions. They want to divide and rule, the hegelian dialectic. They want to be the elites. They need us to be slaves to their systems.

Karl Max's religion of leftism has killed 200 million in the last 100 years. But the end goal is a new world order with ultimate control by the state. The people of the west was mostly spared from eastern communism. But will ultimately not be spared from post modern thought. Europe will be destroyed via Invasion by barbarians, like many times before, history tends to repeat itself and as current trends go. I don't see a bright future there either.

The break down of Christian values and removal of God from the young peoples MINDS. To be filled with decadence, drug abuse and alcoholism. So narcissistic they can't imagine the idea of charity. My generation has become a bunch of flexing, purple haired nihilist's with no purpose.

If you don't want to be part of the most disappointing group of people ever. Reject the culture of consumerism. Let's learn to read and write and talk with great composure save money and spread the gospel. Education we where kept from. Christians where fundamentally apposed to mass state and control. Until something changed.

Even if you are not a believer you can not deny our culture is fundamentally based on the Bible, even the language we speak and the idea that truth and justice reigns.

Let respect and be grateful for those people before us who brought these values to the darkest places of the earth.


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