Hot Rod Nights - A Short Story (Part 6 of 9)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


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Joey drove Donna's car back to the A&W and found activities in full swing as they parked in the same spot. It seemed Cooley and the other rodders reserved it for Donna's car.

Donna surveyed the scene and came to a conclusion. "You really are popular around here," she said.

"Well, I've just been around for a while, that's all," he shrugs it off. Donna knows it is more than that.

As they parked Donna could not help but notice the stares from a few of the girl groups around the parking lot. It was obvious they were talking or possibly plotting against her. After all, she was not one of them. She was from the other side of the tracks they way they saw it.

They climbed from the Dodge and Joey led her to hot rod central. A place where all the rodders gathered with their rods. Donna had an acute awareness of eyes trained on her. Normally they would be on Joey but she was of more interest tonight. After all, Joey never showed up with a skirt much less show her off. They approached the group and though Donna had grown-up around rodders she could not help but be a little intimidated. There were so many of them. She had never seen so much leather and greased hair in one place! A couple bikers were with them resting on their Triumphs but they seemed to fit right in.

Joey proceeded with the introductions: "Donna this is the gang. Gang this is Donna. I'm gonna get us a couple dogs and drinks. Be right back," he said and walked away.

He left me! she thought as she stood there feeling somewhat naked to the world and all eyes on her. A couple of the rodder girls came over to ease the tension and welcome her. After all, when Joey said you were okay there was no more discussion.

"Hey honey, why don't you come sit here and rest your dogs a bit," said a girl with too much makeup and not enough clothing. Donna sat at a table with the other rodder girls. They were all different in attitude and manner but all looked the same. Donna was not sure she was ready for a life like this.

"So, you're goin' together with Joey huh?" said a girl who looked just like the other girl that led her over.

Donna collected herself and braced for an interesting night. "Yeah, I guess we are," she said.

"You guess? Huh, I got news for you girlie. If you're here with Joey you're goin' together. Joey don't never bring dames here. And I mean never," said another girl who looked like all the others.

Donna looked at the girl. "Never?" she asked a little intimidated.

She leaned-in. "Never," she said emphatic. "You look a little nervous doll. Don't you worry none. Ain't none of us gonna cause no trouble? We love our Joey. He's like a brother to everyone you see here. The ones you gotta worry about are those prissies over there. They'll eat you alive they will," she said as she shot them a look of disdain.

"We ain't ever seen you around here before. You just move here from somewhere else?" said yet another look-alike.

"I'm from Joshua county," said Donna.

The girl became curious. "Oh, how'd you meet our Joey," she asked.

Donna was not sure as to what or how much to tell these girls. She felt if they smelled she was holding out on them they might turn on her. "I went to few of his races," she replied.

At that moment all the girls in unison said, oooooohhhhhh as if there were inside knowledge of something. A something Donna knew nothing of. "You were chasin' our Joey weren't you?" All the girls nodding their heads in agreement. The moment Donna said it they all knew. "That's gusty, girl. Ain't nobody ever got Joey that way. You must be somethin' special. You rich or somethin?" she asked.

Donna started to become a little defensive. "No. I don't have any money," she replied.

Again, all in unison oooooohhhhhh they chanted in agreement of the next obvious question. "So's you a little loose, you know, you give 'em a little somethin' special to remember you by, right?" she said as she assumed.

It took Donna a few seconds to process what she was getting at. "No!, oh no, no, no I never, no I don't think so. No, no," she rambled.

The girl, getting the feeling Donna is holding out on her, presses. "So what's it? What's he see in ya? I mean you're pretty and all but there's gotta be more than that," she urged.

Donne strained to come up with a reason when Joey walked up. He laid the tray on the table.

The girl decided to go to the source. "Hey Joey, hows come you chose this girl over all da others? What's she got goin' all dem others don't? said the same girl who looked like the others.

"Because she's Donna, that's why," he said as he stuffed a hot dog in his mouth and offered Donna the other.

The girl looked deep in thought then apparently agreed with the answer given and dropped the subject.

Donna was impressed with the command Joey had with his extended family. She could tell they valued what he said.

There was a commotion over by the gang. Joey noticed and walked over. There was an excited rodder going on about something and everyone was listening. He was telling the story of these two rodders who were going to have it out on Old Mill road soon. "Yeah, we gotta another drag happenin'," he said.

"When are they racin'," asked Joey.

"Right now! They just headed for Old Mill," he said. Everyone ran to their vehicles to head over to the race. Joey motioned Donna over and she was happy and quick to comply. They climbed into The Deuce and they hurried to Old Mill road.

They all arrived to find the rods being lined-up for the run. Donna recognized one of the rods. "That's Billy!" she exclaimed.

Joey looked. "Yeah, that's Billy Watson. He's pretty fast in that '40 Chev. He's shaved 'er down a lot since I last saw 'er," he said.

"Yeah, well Billy works for my father," said Donna.

"Oh, does he now. Well he's got a whole shop behind him then. He should be pretty fast tonight," said Joey missing the point.

It was obvious to Donna Joey's train of thought was different than hers. It is all about the cars. It is always about the cars. "No, Joey, he works for my father," she emphasized.

Joey caught on. "Oh, right. This could be interesting," he said somewhat dismissive.

She could not believe his casual attitude. This guy had no fear or he had no clue. "Joey my father can't find out we're goin' together," she explained.

His attention was on the cars. "Why not?" he asked.

Incredulous, she said, "Why not? What do you mean why not? Joey you're The Jackson Eliminator. My father races professionally. You stand for everything he's against. Oh, and by the way, I'm his daughter," she emphasized.

"So you're ashamed to be with me?" he asked as he feigned stupidity.

Donna's face displayed confusion as she tried to process this whole conversation. Then she saw Joey smirk. "You're not taking this seriously. What if he finds out?" she asked emphatic.

Joey felt he pushed enough. He turned and stood directly in front of her and grabbed her hands and gave a gentle squeeze. He gave her all his attention. "I know you're worried. And yes, I know it is serious. I also know that it is inevitable your father will find out. However, it would be best if we controlled how and when he finds out. But am I worried about what happens when he finds out? No, I'm not." he paused then continued, "Would you like to leave? It doesn't matter where I am as long as you are there with me," he said and smiled.

Donna became lost in his eyes long before he had finished talking. It was funny, it was never what Joey said that got to her. It was his intention toward her, the way he looked at her, the way he treated her. As if she were the only one in his life—the only one that mattered. It was true what she told her mother. Now, more so. She had almost forgotten what they were talking about but then snapped-to and collected her thoughts. "I think we'll be okay for tonight. If he finds out, he finds out," she said. Somehow her father finding out didn't seem so important now.

He looked deep into her eyes. Neither heard the roar of the rods as they shot from the start line. Nor did they hear the crowd as they cheered the winner. Joey leaned-in and kissed her there in front of the whole crowd.

Two of the girls that looked like the others saw the whole thing between Donna and Joey. "Now I know what she's got that no others got—true love."

"Aw, ain't that a beautiful ting. Makes my heart just a flutter," she said.

"Yeah, mine too," said the other one.


(to be continued)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

art sources: 1 2

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